I thought the Principality was orbiting Earth. Apologies for the confusion.Zor wrote:ICBMs can't reach SIde 3.U.P. Cinnabar wrote: Keep the Zeon military close to home, and pray that Donald Trump Zabi doesn't get it in his head to launch ICBMs at us.
Not that it will stop Trump Zabi from trying to kill us, and highly-placed hawks in the American political structure from egging him on. After all, the US can claim the Moon belongs to them.
Darth Lucifer, I don't know about leather and PVC, but the space brothel idea isn't completely without merit. Marketing vice in the void is a good way to make a bit of coin(if your conscience doesn't bother you), especially with both being de facto legal in space. No need for a spaceship, though. Just set up a couple of spin habitats on Eros(and some rocket engines, ala Axis), and off you go.