which contains non canon info that you stated wasn't in the article.Rhadamantus wrote: This is when Wong refrences the SWVD.
as for my issues with wongs site as a whole: the point I was making, as I said before, is that wong likes to go by visuals except for the ICS, which he goes to great lengths to quote extensively throughout his website. since the ICS is not canon, for sure since mid 2014, most of the info in his site is no longer applicable, including weapon ranges. (that was the topic in the first place, just saying) plus some, shall we say, deliberately misconstrued pages that were definitely deliberate. that's my nice way of saying that he flat out lied on at least one page for sure.
as for that specific article, i used his own words to support my position. and since i didn't agree with wong, of course I'm "willfully and selectively ignorant". heaven forbid i disagree with wong. as it stands, like i said in my last post, plasma fits better than laser or particle weapon. his only objection against plasma in that article was
considering that the number of times we see the damage effects precede the visible portion is few and far between, it sounds like the magnetic bottle failed. he also mentions the shot that landed a direct hit to the falcons starboard aft shield in ESB. we see green Globish like sparks fly off from the impact point. obviously a laser isn't going to have that kind of effect, nor would a true particle beam. but plasma when the bottle hits shields........that just might since the only shape it has is defined by the magnetic bottle.And finally, they can't be plasmoids trapped in self-generated "moving magnetic containment bottles" as some have suggested, because not only is there no known mechanism to create such a phenomenon, but damage effects can sometimes precede the visible portion of the bolt by a dozen metres or more, while a containment bottle would prevent interaction until the moment the visible bolt impacts on the target.
plus its not like plasma isn't used in weaponry. we know it was used by clone troopers during the clone wars, by the umbarans, lightsabers use plasma, gungans, the naboo, its everywhere. blasters must use it since a magnetic seal isn't going to affect lasers or particle beams like that, but would affect plasma. magnets are used to guide particle beams, but wouldn't cause a ricochet effect. however, a magnetic seal vs a magnetic jacketed plasma bolt, that makes sense.
now, having said all that, back to the original point of turbolaser range. you said
we know from the SWTCW episode "rising malevolence" that they couldn't fire because the malevolence was out of range. this can be for one of two reasons. they cant fire at all if not in range due to some technical issue or firing at something out of range will do no damage due to distance. I'm leaning toward the latter since most of their weapons were manually aimed and can certainly be fired manually AND since the malevolence was in visual range and stationary I'm sure they could have hit it. that being the case, the only reason not to fire would be the weapons having no effect. another example would be the TIE sentry that catches the falcon in the alderaan asteroid field. it was a few dozen meters in front of the falcon, and yet still out of range. the quad guns are manually aimed from the controls, or the cockpit. if it would have done any good, han would have been firing till he was blue in the face.Rhadamantus wrote: A. The range at which you can fire and the range at which you can hit something can be different.
*edit* even wong calls the superlaser a beam weapon. so at least he and i agree on that point.