The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

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The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Zor »

Lets say that after First Contact the dudes and dudettes a Paramount decide to go for a different route with new Star Trek movies. Instead of sending Picard to fight to save a village full of elves who are hogging all the magic medical space radiation they send lawyer guys to Avery Brooks, Armin Shimmerman, René Auberjonois, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan and their associated cast members with some contracts and decide that the next two Star Trek films will be film versions of Deep Space Nine and Voyager in that order. When Voyager is done they also plan on doing the same thing with Enterprise.

What would be good stories that you could make with the basic set ups of Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise?

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Gandalf »

What would happen with Voyager? Would they all get lost... again? The only decent story I could think of would be some sort of story of reintegration, where some stand trial for their crimes, find out families have moved on, make book deals, etc. But that's not a fun story.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Burak Gazan »

Ha Ha and HA
Not a chance
The bastard child, they would knaw off their own legs , before being forced to take that walk to the DS9 people. They JUST can't get over that the stepchild that had the audacity to challenge widdle Gino's vision of the almighty, shiny-white, PURE Federation. Never happen
And Voyager? What the hell can they talk about? Someone regaining control of their senses and having Janeway court-martialed and executed for her crimes scattered across a Quadrant?? They're home. The End
"Of course, what would really happen is that in Game 7, with the Red Sox winning 20-0 in the 9th inning, with two outs and two strikes on the last Cubs batter, a previously unseen meteor would strike the earth, instantly and forever wiping out all life on the planet, and forever denying the Red Sox a World Series victory..."
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Voyager: They get sent back to the Delta Quadrant after the Federation discovers working Transwarp (maybe based on the Borg tech. and knowledge they brought back with them), this time as official Federation ambassadors/explorers. Then after to deal with the long-term consequences of some of their more problematic missions, and in particular the giant power-vacume caused by the fall of the Borg.

Granted, this probably isn't an original idea (for one, Star Trek Online did something vaguely similar I believe).

First act of the film could be them dealing with sorting out things after returning to Earth.

DS9 could be about scuttling a plot by rogue changelings/Jem Hadar to continue the war post-series. With Sisko appearing as an ascended prophet in a few scenes, but Major Kira as the main lead.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Burak Gazan »

Your Voyager idea is a good one, but would make a better series than a movie, Un-fucking all of Janeway's fuckups would be a multi-year mission needing a long-range starship. That, too , would be a nice bit. Voyager was never intended to be a long-range explorer

DS9, again a good idea, but they would recoil like vampires from sunlight at the name being mentioned. They really just can't get over the dislike of it. Which never made sense, it was he best written of them all
"Of course, what would really happen is that in Game 7, with the Red Sox winning 20-0 in the 9th inning, with two outs and two strikes on the last Cubs batter, a previously unseen meteor would strike the earth, instantly and forever wiping out all life on the planet, and forever denying the Red Sox a World Series victory..."
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Solauren »

DS9 1: There is another Pah-Wraith on the lose. This one possesed a changeling in the Gamma Quadrent, and they fuse nicely. The resulting 'Pah-Founder' starts building up to cause a Dominion Civil War. The Founders can't deal with this due to the disease still, so Odo recruits Federation help.
The Pah-Founder is hoping to use the war to build up an army, and create a weapon to kill the Prophets AND the other Pah-Wraiths.

When he's defeated, he warns that the beings that created him are now free, and are coming.

Voyager 1: The results of the return of Voyager are shown to a degree. It's decided that there is no way they can hold Janeway for anything, so they giver her a harmless desk job, until a group of ships that look like Kazon start attacking Federation outposts and escaping at Slipstream speeds. Janeway is given command against and sent after them. It turns out this was a trap by remains of the Borg to draw Voyager in. The Borg need some of Janeways uninfected DNA to make a cure for the pathogen, which only destroyed 1 Unimatrix, but it's spreading. Voyager pulls off a rescue with the help of the Defiant (arriving from the DQ). However, turns out Janeway infected herself with a different pathogen this time, and the Borg assimilating as a 'cure' finished them off.

As she lay dying, the Borg Queen curses Janeway, as she's actually doomed their galaxy to something worse then the Borg. "They're coming."

Next Generation - Still do the whole 'space hippys with miracle radiation', but turns out the Sona set things up to keep knowledge of the particles hidden, and only wanted them harvested for their purpose: A weapon.
The movie end with an injuried Q, his wife, and son arriving on Enteprise-E and Voyager and going 'they're here'.

Joint Movies: It turns out, the Pah-Wraiths were created as agents (from Prophets) by a other dimensional race. The Borg were originally soliders created 'Thousands of Centuries' ago to fight their first invasion attempt (and they managed to defeat them), but the invaders have become far more powerful. The Borg found this out several hundred years ago, and started assimilating looking for new biology and tech to improve themselves to resume the fight.

The invaders are actually an evolutionary 'offbranch' of the Q. Q admits that alot of events of three series were via his manipulations to prepare the galaxy to fight the invaders. Unfortunately, now with the Borg mostly cripple (which he chews out Janeway for) he's not sure how they can defeat the Invaders.

The three crews, Q, and various races have to work together, pulling things together from their adventures, including stuff from TOS to fight the invaders. In the end, they manage to defeat the invaders, destroying their Mcguffin invasion route with the help of Species 8472.

Ultimately, the command crew of the Enterprise sacrifice themselves to stop the invaders.
And then, they find themselves in the court-room from 'Encounter at Farpoint', with a more civilized jury. Tasha Yar is there as their defense attorney. Ardra is the prosecutor.

Q: Has the jury reached a verdict?
Jury: We have.
Q: Please hand me the verdict to read.
Q reads it: "The defendents are found... Guilty. And the universe thanks you for it."
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Honestly, that most just reads as Janeway and general Trek bashing.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by bilateralrope »

NuTrek had Romulus destroyed in the Prime timeline. Lets go with that leading to the Romulan Empire collapsing, causing a power vacuum.

DS9 movie: The remaining powers are making a grab for ex-Romulan territory, tech and resources. The Federation is trying to convince ex-Romulan settlements to join it willingly, Klingons are simply conquering them. Other factions trying to grab them in their own ways. Even the Dominion has shown up, led by a changeling who might be Odo. The plot of the movie revolves around trying to stop various factions who are agitating for an all out war in the alpha quadrant.

Voyager movie: When Voyager returned to Federation space, the crew retired and/or were transferred away from each other. Voyager itself was mothballed while Federation scientists looked over what had been done to it and reverse-engineered what they could. When Romulus was destroyed, the Federation pulled out every ship and crew that it could. The Voyager crew were placed back together because the Federation knows that they are a crew that can work together.

Voyager is sent out on its own deep into former Romulan territory on a peacekeeping mission. They find that someone has taken a Romulan super-weapon that uses borg technology. They have to find and stop whoever took it.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Both of those are workable, and allow the two films to tie into each other if you want to go for a big shared universe, Marvel or DC-style.

But I still like the whole "Voyager returns to the Delta Quadrant", both because of the chance to tie into past events and explore their consequences, and because the setting was such a big part of the show's premise and without that its basically TNG with a different coat of paint.

And while it might not have occurred back when they were making TNG films, now, in light of Star Trek Online, I'd maybe bring in the Iconians to tie the events in Romulan space to the Delta Quadrant. Basically a condensed Star Trek Online plot, except with Voyager's crew rather than the player character and their crew as the protagonists.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by bilateralrope »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2017-08-19 02:28amBut I still like the whole "Voyager returns to the Delta Quadrant", both because of the chance to tie into past events and explore their consequences, and because the setting was such a big part of the show's premise and without that its basically TNG with a different coat of paint.
You could have Voyager chasing whoever stole the superweapon through Borg transwarp conduits back into the Delta Quadrant. Which would allow Nelix to be included if you really want to: He aided the people Voyager is chasing because they replicated some Fed uniforms and pretended to be a Fed ship.

Maybe have the enemy having acquired a ship using the same gel packs as Voyager. More advanced than Voyager, so they have to pull out the cheese to disable it :mrgreen:
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

No love for my idea of adapting Star Trek Online's Iconian plot? :(

Ah well, your's still works.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by bilateralrope »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2017-08-19 02:52am No love for my idea of adapting Star Trek Online's Iconian plot? :(

Ah well, your's still works.
A single movie does not have enough running time to properly introduce a new faction, and the movie needs to be understandable to people who have never played STO.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Eh, I don't know. Series that started out as films had to introduce their main villains in just one film, and some did so admirably (Star Wars, X-Men, Batman Begins, etc.).

It can be done, with good writing and editing which uses screen-time economically.

Edit: Perhaps especially if you tie it into past events, so that they retroactively come off as foreshadowing/set-up.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Okay, so a possible plot-outline, combining my idea, elements of Star Trek Online, as well as elements of bilateraltrope's, and maybe a bit of SFDebris' take on Voyager and Janeway, at least the less obviously parody parts (mostly the idea of a guilt-ridden Janeway who snapped under her struggles in the Delta Quadrant).

Star Trek: Voyager: The Movie.

Scene One: Big action opening as Starfleet Command awaits a Borg attack. Transwarp conduit opens, Borg Cube comes flying out... and then Voyager emerges from its debris. The end of the show, but with a bigger effects budget and from a different point of view.

Scene Two: Everyone is discussing Voyager's return. We cut to a courtroom, where Janeway is being debriefed over various incidents during her ship's journey. The judges agree that she acted questionably at times, but that her heroic acts in bringing her crew home and crippling or destroying the Borg are enough to absolve her, especially since the public views her and her crew as heroes. Janeway is pardoned, along with the Marquis crew members.

Scene Three: Janeway says goodbye to Chakotay and the other crew. She's getting a promotion to Admiral and an office at Starfleet Command, Voyager is being picked apart for useful information, then possibly turned into a museum piece. Chakotay is pardoned and will be made First Officer on another ship. Most of the Marquis are going with him. Tom Paris is pardoned, and is getting a promotion. Harry Kim is finally getting promoted too. Seven is being fast-tracked to join Starfleet if she wishes. Promotions all around. A bit of sadness over the people who moved on while they were away. Bittersweet ending.

Scene Four: The destruction of Romulus, some years later. We watch as Sela and the other Romulan leaders evacuate. Sela makes sure the other leaders don't make it out, and assumes command of the survivors.

Scene Five: A Voyager reunion party, catching up on the various crew a few years later. Party is interrupted when Janeway gets a call about the destruction of Romulus and Sela's taking power. We can namedrop the Iconians here as foreshadowing- say Chakotay (who has an interest in archaeology canonically as I recall) has been studying their artifacts. Maybe rumours about a hidden Iconian remnant, which is believed to be a myth a la Atlantis.

Scene Six: Briefing with various Starfleet bigwigs. They report some highly-classified information: that the supernova which destroyed Romulus appeared to be triggered artificially, before it naturally would have happened, maximizing the destruction. Starfleet covert operatives believe the weapon matches a technology that Janeway encountered in the Delta Quadrant. Starfleet questions her, and decides to send a covert team into Romulan space to investigate what happened, and see if Sela is working with someone in the Delta Quadrant.

Janeway recommends Chakotay (now a Captain, with Tom Paris as his XO), to command the team. Most of the old Voyager crew will be coming along: Be'lanna as Chief Engineer, the Doctor as... the Doctor, Harry Kim (now a Lt. Commander) as Science Officer, Icheb as Ops officer or something, Tuvok commanding a squad of Starfleet commandoes, and a new Helmsman character. Voyager, which is no longer official on active duty but remains space-worthy and is outfitted with various rare technologies that Janeway acquired in the Delta Quadrant, will be brought out of retirement for the mission.

Scene Seven: Voyager is being prepared for launch. Chakotay is on the bridge. Janeway calls in to wish them good luck- she'll be running things from Starfleet command. The fleet is making a show of force along the old Neutral Zone to deter vengeful Romulans who blame the Federation, while also extended the olive branch of humanitarian aid. Under cover of this operation, Chakotay's crew will slip in undetected (their ship has been equipped with an experimental cloak, since with the collapse of the Romulans as a power, no one gives a damn about the anti-cloaking treaty any more). Seven of Nine arrives at the last moment as a civilian consultant. Since Chakotay and her broke up a while ago (first relationships, particularly developed on the spur of the moment, tend not to last), this is awkward for both of them, though both try to focus on doing their duty.

Scene Eight: Voyager en route to the Neutral Zone. Chakotay has an awkward conversation with Seven in the mess hall. They agree that its best they not try to start things over, and just focus on getting the job done.

Scene Nine: They arrive at the Neutral Zone, and are greeted by the fleet. Beaming down, they find themselves in a colony that's been turned into a forward base for shipping aid to the Romulans, and processing Romulan refugees. They cross paths with some of the DS9 crew here (inter-film crossover), who give them useful intelligence on how to break into Sela's HQ and locate the data on the weapon that destroyed Romulus, and shield frequencies to penetrate the defences. They also hear reports of Spock's disappearance (a nod to the '09 film), and rumours of a new Romulan splinter group calling themselves the Romulan Republic.

Scene Ten: The meeting is interrupted by an attack by a fleet of Romulan radicals. During the battle, Voyager slips into Romulan space undetected.

Scene Eleven: Final briefing before the operation, everyone is given their assignments. Tom, Harry, and Tuvok will beam down, along with some commandoes.

Scene Twelve: Voyager slips past some Romulan patrols, and the strike team beams down.

Scene Thirteen: Inside the base, they encounter prisoners- Romulan dissidents and Reman slaves, being held in inhumane conditions. Harry and Tom want to try to break them out, but Tuvok reminds them that this is not their mission. They break into the data storage facility as planned.

Scene Fourteen: They manage to access data proving that Sela is in contact with a Delta Quadrant power. However, they trip an alarm and guards begin to arrive. They fight their way to the extraction point and... can't beam out. The shield frequency has been changed. They surrender.

Scene Fifteen: Sela meets with her advisors, who warn her about the growing threat from Remin and Romulan rebels- colonies that have broken off from the failed Romulan government and are appealing to the Federation for help. Sela, believing Tom is working with them, decides to interrogate him.

Scene Sixteen: Sela interrogates Tom, who refuses to break. She tells him that she will begin executing one of his team every hour until he reveals everything to her.

Scene Seventeen: In their prisoner barracks, the other members of the team begin to talk to the Romulan and Reman captives. They promise to give them asylum in the Federation if they cooperate to help overpower the guards and escape. The other captives are initially reluctant to trust Starfleet, and the first of the team is taken to be executed.

Scene Eighteen: Cut back to Starfleet Command. Janeway has gotten a report from Chakotay that Tom's team is overdue, and the shield frequencies have been changed. Chakotay requests permission to attempt a rescue. Janeway denies him permission, though she is clearly guilt-ridden about abandoning members of her crew. Chakotay is angry over abandoning the crew, but most of all over abandoning Seven. Janeway accuses him of being blinded by his feelings. He reminds Janeway of how she risked a raid into Borg space to save Seven before. She counters that she is an admiral now, back in Federation space, no longer on her own but accountable to Starfleet oversight. It clearly brings back a lot of bad memories, however, of all the people Janeway lost in the Delta Quadrant. She decides to talk to the other Admirals to see if anything can be done.

Scene Nineteen: The guards come to execute another prisoner. Nearly half the team is gone. Tuvok mind-melds with one of the Romulans to convince them of the Voyager team's trustworthiness. When the next guard comes, Seven uses her Borg nano-probes to overcome the security systems, and the rebels swarm and overpower the guards, though many are killed.

Scene Twenty: Sela is busy gloating to Tom. We get some insight into her character and motivations here- her career has stalled due to repeated failures, and she sees this coup as the only way to advance herself, and to expunge the shame of her part-human heritage by defeating the Federation. Tom, as both a Federation officer and a father and husband of part-humans, naturally argues this point. Sela is close to losing it completely, but is interrupted by a red alert, followed by one of her guards rushing in to warn her that the base is being overrun. Sela draws a disruptor to shoot Tom, but is interrupted by the guard being shot in the back as Tuvok and the others arrive. They free Tom, but Sela beams out, escaping aboard her command ship.

Scene Twenty One: Sela orders her ship to fire on the base, killing everyone inside and destroying the evidence of her crimes. However, she is interrupted by Voyager- Chakotay could not disobey orders directly, but stalled, hoping for a chance to intervene. Once the battle broke out below, that gave him the excuse to act. Its still a lop-sided fight, especially once another squad of Romulan ships decloaks- until they open fire on Sela. The ships hail Voyager, identifying themselves as vessels of the Romulan Republic, which Starfleet has now recognized as a legitimate government of the Romulans. Janeway is onboard as well, having contacted the Federation's new allies for assistance in rescuing her crew. The survivors from the base are beamed up, and Chakotay's relief at Seven's safety is obvious, much to her discomfort.

Sela escapes via transwarp.

Scene Twenty Two: Meeting between the Republic and Starfleet on the new Republic flagship. They have examined the data from Sela's HQ, and have concluded that she collaborated with a power in the Delta Quadrant which destroyed Romulus, though it is unclear if Sela knew that that was the plan or was simply an unwitting pawn. It is decided to use an experimental new transwarp drive, based on Borg tech. Voyager captured in the Delta Quadrant, so that Voyager can return there, and establish a permanent Starfleet presence. The Romulan Republic requests to send a detachment with Voyager, since capturing Sela is an internal Romulan matter.

Scene Twenty Three: Voyager activates the transwarp drive.

Scene Twenty Four: Janeway and Chakotay make up, acknowledging that both had a point in their prior argument. They also discuss their misgivings over returning to the Delta Quadrant, reflecting on the painful (and positive) memories the prospect brings, and wondering what long-term effects their presence had. They are interrupted by Seven, and Janeway politely excuses herself.

Chakotay and Seven talk, and admit that they still have feelings for one another. However, they are reluctant to try again- Seven in particular is still hurt by the failure of her first real romance, and Chakotay does not wish to hurt her again.

Scene Twenty Five: The crew arrives over the Talaxian colony where they left Neelix, which was selected as a good place to figure out what's gone on in the Delta Quadrant since they were last there, to find it under attack by aliens (maybe the Hirogen?). Voyager chases them off, then hail the colony and are greeted by a disheveled, and very surprised, Neelix.

Scene Twenty Six: The crew beams down to the colony to offer aid. We see here our first glimpse of a more mature and authoritative Neelix, shaped by having to spend years defending and his colony.

Scene Twenty Seven: A conference occurs with Neelix and other leaders of the colony. He relates that, following the destruction of the Borg, a chaotic series of conflicts occurred as various powers attempted to fill the power vacuum, though some force seems to be playing the factions off each other, ensuring none becomes all-powerful. Neelix did what he could to help the refugees, but his small colony was overwhelmed, and could usually only survive by paying off the invader of the week. Janeway is disturbed by the consequences of her actions, though Neelix tries to assure her that he doesn't blame her.

Scene Twenty Eight: Long-range sensors have traced Sela's transwarp signature to a seemingly-uninhabited system. The pursuit is on. They arrive to find Sela's warbird in orbit, damaged. Chakotay notes that the ruins on the surface match the Iconians. Janeway wants to hail it and offer it a chance to surrender, in accordance with Federation regs. Chakotay and the Romulans note that Sela has already proven hostile and still outguns them. The Romulans point out that capturing Sela is a Romulan matter where the Federation is assisting them, and that Romulan regs. call for dropping cloak and opening fire at once. Janeway reluctantly complies. Sela's ship is crippled.

Scene Twenty Nine: The crew board, to find the vessel mostly deserted. Their are indications, however, that Sela has beamed down to the surface. They pursue.

Scene Thirty: Cut to Sela on the planets' surface. It is covered in strange, unfamiliar ruins. Sela is following a signal from her unknown ally, to a temple/control room at the centre of the planet. Upon reaching it, they activate a holoprojector, with a message: this planet was the last stronghold of the Iconians, now overseen by an AI, with instructions to find a worthy ally among the lesser races of the galaxy who could reactivate the Iconian gates, bringing the ancient Iconians back. Sela, warned by her subordinates that the pursuit is just behind them, decides that it is her only chance. She activates the gate, and goes through.

Scene Thirty One: The Voyager team enters the facility. Seven and Harry between them are able to access the Iconian database, and open the gate as well. They also activate a holorecording, which reveals the true plan of the Iconians- we do not see the plan, just the crew's horrified reaction.

Scene Thirty Two: Cut briefly back to Voyager, as a Hirogen fleet arrives, seeking vengeance. Voyager fights back, but is overwhelmed.

Scene Thirty Three: Sela stands in the place between worlds, an extra-dimensional nexus linking all of the Iconian gates. She is about to activate the gates when the Voyager team arrives. They try to talk her down, but Sela begins ranting about how this will make up for all of her past failures. Janeway tries to reach her, telling her that the important thing is to learn from your mistakes, to try to fix them, not to let them define you. Sela isn't listening, though. So they play their trump card: the recording of the Iconian plan they uncovered. To divide the galaxy though endless warfare among the "inferior races", then open the gateways so that the Iconians could return from their hibernation. We see glimpses of various events that the Iconians were tied to- the Dominion War, Species 8472, the destruction of Romulus...

Sela is horrified, realizing she has been played. She decides to surrender. But then, suddenly, one of the Voyager team runs forward and activates the gates. The Iconians have been playing a long game, and have agents in more than one power.

Scene Thirty Three: The Iconians' automated defences begin to activate. The Voyager and Romulan forces attempt to fleet, planning to beam up and order a quantum torpedo strike on the Iconian base, only to find that Voyager is not responding to hails. Cut back to Voyager, where Chakotay's command is burning around him. He gives the order to beam down to the surface, then sets Voyager to ram the lead Hirogen ship.

Scene Thirty Four: On the ground, the crews realize that they are stranded. Seven, though broken-hearted over Chakotay's death, believes that she can activate one of the Iconian gates, allowing them to return to the Alpha Quadrant. The others will attempt to hold off the Iconian defences until she can. But someone will have to stay behind to operate the gate, and detonate explosives to ensure that it is destroyed. Sela, in an effort to redeem herself (or escape custody) volunteers. The survivors make it through, and Sela detonates the explosives, though it is left ambiguous weather she died.

Scene Thirty Five: Memorial for Chakotay at Starfleet HQ. Janeway speaks. After the memorial, she informs her senior officers that now that the Iconian gateways have opened, the galaxy will become more united. It will have to, because their are still Iconian forces out their, seeking to divide them. To that end, she is being made Federation Commander in the Delta Quadrant, and requests that they rejoin her. They accept, Seven expressing hope that Chakotay somehow escaped Voyager's destruction.

End Credits.

There's a lot I'm not sure about due to fear of cliche, especially the Seven/Chakotay romance stuff, Chakotay's death, and Sela's death, but presuming each scene averages five minutes of screen-time, we're talking a three-hour film (could probably be tweaked to be significantly shorter) that should be reasonably coherent.

DS9 Outline to come! :D
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Ralin »

I'm not that up on Voyager except broad strokes and some episode reviews, but it seems like the simplest thing would be to retcon the ending of the series and either retell it in movie form or come up with some new dramatic version of how they got back to the Alpha Quadrant. Or if they don't want to mess with the continuity set it within the run of the series. Show a technologically superior but vastly out-gunned Voyager drawn into a war against a budding local empire. Focus on tensions between the Maquis and Federation crews that apparently were never really explored in the show. Yeah it might seem like a big budget extended episode of the show, but given how fans talk about the series it seems like plenty of people would be happy to see Voyager: Good Version on the big screen.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by bilateralrope »

The Romulan Republic wrote: 2017-08-19 06:01am We see glimpses of various events that the Iconians were tied to- the Dominion War, Species 8472, the destruction of Romulus...
I don't like the idea that the Iconians were behind everything. That they are somehow so powerful that they can infiltrate everyone and get them doing their bidding, yet the galaxy is somehow not in the shape they want.

I don't like the idea of tying separate major events together by retconning independent factions into all being under the control of some new, more powerful, big bad.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Not sure whether it would fit best with TNG, DS9 or (urgh) Voyager, but how about involving whoever built the Doomsday Machine from TOS? Perhaps instead of being the ultimate deterrent (that failed) like Kirk thought, it was a prototype weapon designed to fight the Borg or the Dominion, and now it's builders are gearing up for an all-out offensive against their enemy, only to find (if it's the Borg) that Voyager already dealt with them, and now the weapon builders are pissed as their whole society was geared around launching this, erm, "Great Crusade" against a deadly foe.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by PREDATOR490 »

Since it is two movies: DS9 and Voyager.

Instead of standalone it would be interesting to have a DS9 movie that follows on into the Voyager movie.

Biggest thread I see coming out of that: Sisko suffered tragedy at the hands of the Borg and is a space God that can ignore time. We have Voyager that just got home after Janeway specifically fucked with time.

Voyager would be the cause of the threat - Does not even have to be "Voyager bashing". Simple fact is that Voyager's actions could easily have galactic fallout. The ending alone: Single handily re-writing time to get one ship back with future tech while kicking the Borg in the Balls should have catastrophic consequences. The least of all would be the potential for the Borg to have a gigantic attitude change.

Sisko vs. The Borg would have a more interesting personal dynamic and with his potential God powers the moral question of how he would or should use that power.
Voyager - Getting a movie which focuses on the consequences of the choices they made and having to deal with them would be the best grounds to getting a Voyager movie. Voyager already got lost so the only avenue is the potential for the Federation to send Voyager back to lead the excursion back.

Enterprise - A sufficiently good story COULD theoretically allow this to be tied into DS9 and Voyager. This is where all that Time War stuff came out and DS9 has a Timeless Prophet Sisko and Voyager specifically screwing with Time Travel to get them home.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by FedRebel »

Zor wrote: 2017-08-18 12:04am
What would be good stories that you could make with the basic set ups of Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise?
DS9: The Dominion War, as a trilogy. The series still plays out concurrently, but Call to Arms is the first film installment, Sacrifice of Angels is the second, and What You Leave Behind is the final installment.

Voyager: Dark Frontier and Endgame, Endgame would have marginal resemble to what we saw TNG and DS9 cast would cameo for the final showdown against the Borg, Voyager's homecoming, and the grand finale of the 24th Century saga
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

bilateralrope wrote: 2017-08-19 07:41am
The Romulan Republic wrote: 2017-08-19 06:01am We see glimpses of various events that the Iconians were tied to- the Dominion War, Species 8472, the destruction of Romulus...
I don't like the idea that the Iconians were behind everything. That they are somehow so powerful that they can infiltrate everyone and get them doing their bidding, yet the galaxy is somehow not in the shape they want.

I don't like the idea of tying separate major events together by retconning independent factions into all being under the control of some new, more powerful, big bad.
I have some misgivings about it myself. Though I was more doing that outline just to demonstrate that you could fit that plot into a single coherent film if you wanted to. Plus, I like Star Trek Online's story. Sue me. :)

Though really, you could do it without tying the Iconians to earlier events, just making them the villains of that story, while changing very little of my outline. I mostly threw in the reference to them being behind 8472, for example, as a nod to STO.

Edit: The only prior event they'd have to be tied to for the plot to work would be the destruction of Romulus, of course.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by NecronLord »

For a Voyager story if it was set after Endgame, I think the only thing that would make sense as a self contained adventure is if they brought something unpleasant back from the Delta Quadrant. Movies generally work best as self-contained adventures, with a strong action element. Perhaps something Borg related? It might be a little too similar to First Contact though.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Prometheus Unbound »

NecronLord wrote: 2017-08-24 07:37am For a Voyager story if it was set after Endgame, I think the only thing that would make sense as a self contained adventure is if they brought something unpleasant back from the Delta Quadrant. Movies generally work best as self-contained adventures, with a strong action element. Perhaps something Borg related? It might be a little too similar to First Contact though.
Maybe Seven malfunctions and we get a new hive starting on Earth. And this time it's a bit more difficult because Seven doesn't need to "adapt" to starfleet tech. She already knows it inside out. Janeway and crew are brought in a Experts to assist in shutting down the collective. Seven knows them so well she can anticipate their every move. Can Janeway get the New Collective stopped without killing Seven?

Cameo from Picard (assimilated in TBOBW) or Data (partially assimilated in STFC) or Crusher (Fixed Picard in TBOBW) where in the end they can solve it together.
NecronLord wrote:
Also, shorten your signature a couple of lines please.
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by SolarpunkFan »

Gandalf wrote: 2017-08-18 12:15am What would happen with Voyager? Would they all get lost... again? The only decent story I could think of would be some sort of story of reintegration, where some stand trial for their crimes, find out families have moved on, make book deals, etc. But that's not a fun story.
Movie-length Threshold.

Hear me out. Have a disclaimer that you should be drunk or high as a kite before going into the theater. If anything people would laugh their asses off under those circumstances. :wink:
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by bilateralrope »

SolarpunkFan wrote: 2017-08-25 01:42pm
Gandalf wrote: 2017-08-18 12:15am What would happen with Voyager? Would they all get lost... again? The only decent story I could think of would be some sort of story of reintegration, where some stand trial for their crimes, find out families have moved on, make book deals, etc. But that's not a fun story.
Movie-length Threshold.

Hear me out. Have a disclaimer that you should be drunk or high as a kite before going into the theater. If anything people would laugh their asses off under those circumstances. :wink:
I can see the Federation wanting to repeat Voyager's Warp 10 experiments to try and get a better result.

I can see it going badly.

I can see one of the survivors pointing at Admiral Janeway and screaming she turned me into a NEWT!
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Re: The other trek series get movies (RAR!)

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Thing is, you probably could do a movie-length Threshold and have it actually be a compelling tale of a daredevil test pilot, his prototype craft, and the craziness that ensues during and after his test flight. Just remove the bullshit "evolution" plot and you actually could make it ST's version of Apollo 13.

It's not like there isn't the germ of a good story in there, it's just so terribly executed.

Alternately, do a movie-length, higher-budget version of Year of Hell. Or even a couple of films. Really do the story justice.
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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