If you say so. I will admit there are arguments that I'm not interested in, but that doesn't make it invalid.
She really doesn't have one which is why they side lined her. It's a cop out while still having an OT cast in to draw fans. If they were honest and didn't want her in, all they had to do is have General Organa take a time out due to grief. Grief over Han and her son is more than fair enough to sideline her character.What is Leia's purpose as a character in the movie? So much of her plot is more or less being tired and looking to just retire to someone else. That may or may not be a good thematic
But they didn't, they tried to both distance us from her and connect with her at the same time, let alone the mind numbingly dumb floating princess scene which pretty much ruined her character. To boot, the character is still alive even though now the actress is dead, so now they have to ad hoc something in Ep IX.
Rose's move was so hamfisted, added on top of Finn's out of character move in the first place. It was horrible set up to deliver her one good line. That said, Admiral Dern (I'm assuming this is Admiral Wholefoods) sacrificed only herself and needlessly for a dumb plan, but it was her dumb plan. Her final move was just as reckless as she accused Poe of being.Or: "Does the fact that Rose knocks Finn's sled away to stop a sacrifice underscore the fact that Admiral Wholefoods saved everyone with a sacrifice?"
Yes.Or: "Was Canto Bight a waste of time?"
I actually think those are valid problems considering what we've seen in this galaxy. If this was the first movie ever in SW, then fine. But we've seen way better,logical, and consistent weapons delivery in SW before. This is a major step backwards, both in scope and in theme.Those are entirely valid discussions that I think add to a community.
Asking 'Why do bombs fall out of the ship' is stupid and inane in a setting where interstellar starfighters pull immelmans to laser machine gun space BF-109s, particularly when so much of what disbelief needs to be suspended has been long established.
It was placed in there so unnamed character can have a tense moment and kick the ladder to push the button to launch the bombs to destroy the ship to prove Poe was... wrong I guess.
Yes, because for some reason a 'standard' Star Wars wouldn't make good money, they had to make one where lots of people thought was really bad. LOL.I find it so fascinating that this movie is divisive: I think it had to be, because TFA took so few risks. Without TLJ basically doing something very different, the franchise is doomed to repeat mistakes of that marvel movies era from a few years ago, where each successive superhero sequel was indistinguishable and formulaic.