I hardly see it in this thread. Is accusing Rey of being a Mary-Sue an alt-right argument? Where do you draw the line between the "alt-right" and non-"alt-right" arguments? It has become just as problematic of a term as "SJW".The Romulan Republic wrote: ↑2018-02-13 08:07pm I'll try not to bring it up when its not relevant, but I can see at least a couple scenarios I've run into where it would be, even if no one posting here is a member of that particular ideology.
1. If people are unwittingly repeating Alt. Reich-ist rhetoric (As I've said before, they're good at dominating the discourse, and co-opting other peoples' ideas/sub-cultures). For example, you'll see lots of people who don't carry Tiki torches and Swastikas, and probably don't even like Donald Trump, casually repeating stuff about "SJWs" (a slur with connotations of a Left-wing campaign to oppress and persecute whites/men/conservatives). Or suggesting that (insert character here) was just cast for political reasons, without really presenting any evidence for why they believe that to be the case (though we don't get that one much on this board).
How big of a role do you want to give to the "alt-right" in shaping criticism towards the new SW movies? Because as much as the "alt-right" types were against TFA, they failed to make any significant impact in regards to overall audience reception online back in 2015. Why are people more against TLJ than TFA, despite the "alt-right" arguments being effectively the same for both movies?2. When discussing weather the level of criticism directed towards TLJ is indicative of the film's quality, or of an overall negative audience response. In that case, the presence of ulterior motives behind some of that criticism is relevant, especially since the most obnoxious voices tend to dominate the debate, even if they're not the majority.
I promise you, if I think that a specific person is motivated by Alt. Reich sympathies, I shan't hesitate to state so very directly. If I am not stating so directly, then I am not accusing anyone here.
It's comforting to blame the criticism and the negative response on the "alt-right", but doing so will be to grant such groups far more influence than what they really have. The "alt-right" issue is being overblown by defenders of TLJ in my opinion. Their opinions should have no relevance in any discussion on TLJ. Don't make them more influential than what they really are.