The MCU visits Westeros

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The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

Brief post as I don't have a whole lot of time.

Along the lines of the Justice League in Westeros, the cast of primary characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe visit Westeros, roughly a year or two before the end of Robert Baratheon's reign (so roughly before whatshisface, Ned Stark's predecessor, dies).

For convenience, all the heroes are given membership in *mumblemumble* minor Houses. They have all their powers and most of their gadgets, with a few caveats; Tony Stark does not have his armours, Doctor Strange cannot portal them into dimensions other than the Mirror Dimension, which will only be a mirror version of Westeros. Otherwise he has all his magical abilities... not including the Eye of Agametto because that's too much of a game-breaker. Ant-Man does have his suit as it's an integral part of his abilities, while Tony only needs his intellect. No shrinking grenades or whatever though, he can only shrink himself or anybody he puts the suit on. The Wasp isn't in this. Bruce Banner can and does transform into the Hulk, though, and Thor is pre-Ragnarok (as I haven't watched that yet), bearing Mjolnir. Captain America has his shield. Falcon doesn't have his flight-suit, though. No Bucky. Black Panther doesn't have a high-tech suit, only a basic vibranium suit, and is by himself; no Shuri, Dora Milaje, etc. Nick Fury isn't in this, as he's (IIRC) currently supposed to be dead? (it's been awhile)

They are not all together in Westeros, they're scattered more or less up and down the continent. They do know each other is in Westeros and can meet up if they manage to find each other. The war of Kings is going to start in a few years, but they don't know that. The Tarygaryen heirs are over in Essos trying to set up Danyaerys with Khal Drogo. Jon Snow is about to take the black. Basically Westeros is as at the start of Game of Thrones.

Bonus: Loki is hiding somewhere in King's Landing and is probably up to no good. Thanos is going to arrive in a few years and royally screw things up across the entire planet; Strange is the only one who knows this, though.

Have fun!
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Majin Gojira »

Fury is just retired. He's still kicking about. If you don't mind, I'm going to expand the roster a bit and tweak things because I find that more interesting. Add more characters from the tie-in stuff and the films yet unseen. And hell, with Captain Marvel set in the past, with the option of also introducing Monica Rambeau, the upcoming ant-man film introducing Hope Pym finally as the Wasp as well as Goliath/Bill Foster . . . we got a lot coming down the pipeline.

Also, it seems odd to lock Strange to one dimension when Westeros isn't so much an alternate dimension, but an alternate reality and we've not seen him cross other realities. Especially because the former idea depowers him, robbing him of Astral Travel.

And since a lot of the MCU heroes are tech-based, robbing only a scant few of that tech really does make this challenge . . . rather dull. Because it basically means "Skilled modern fighter with no special gear, nor the skills to make any."

And as near as I can tell, there's basically no way for Tony to make anything like his Iron Man suit. He simply doesn't have the tools, or even the tools to make the tools he needs.

Which is why isn't as interesting, for me at least. Maintaining their gear will be hard as hell, but let's give them that challenge! Besides, the way modern technology generally works, it may hamper more than help. It'd be easier to canabalize cell phones and other small gadgets to make the tools they need to maintain their main devices than to try and recreate them whole cloth.


Upon arrival, the keys are blending in and contacting others. How becomes a problem. A lot of it will rely on their abilities to find others nearby, and the ability to blend in with the world fo Westeros.

Mystical contacts from Strange might be the best way for heroes to 'link up' as it were, and if Stark can get an old-fashioned radio signal out to devices used to having a satellite network out there to support it. Without that, Strange might be able to contact most of the others if he's aware of them.

Of the heroes, it's up in the air if some of the purely human ones could make it. I mean, I'm sure Black Widow could survive anywhere, but what about Fitz and Simmons? Less positive about them even as they've grown and changed. And Drax? Groot? Gamora? Things might be rough for them, but they can handle it, I think.

Even with them staring in minor "Noble Houses" the ability to know who is there and where is not assured, it's even suspect. And there are characters like the Runaways who, well, not being part of a house is kind of a thing.

But let's assume some strong survival rates here. About 90 people with powers ranging from "Basically Nothing special" to "Literally a God" are now in Westeros just as things are starting to turn up.

(And that's not including Framework Duplicates, LMDs, and limiting myself to only those who are basically alive currently, and not from a future or past event.)

There's one question I find myself asking: Is Game of Thrones and/or "A Song of Fire and Ice" a thing in the MCU? It probably is, and several of the characters (Alex Wilder, Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, Eric Koenig, possibly even Steven Strange and Lance Hunter) may have read the books or seen the show, so they might just have awareness of things yet to come.

If they do not, they probably won't know about the Walkers until Heimdall spots them by accident. But either way, they run into the Prime Directive dilema.

I can see themselves trying to decide things from Dragonstone as a place of operations that's away from things and decently defensible for a group like theirs.

But that might also kick things off, especially if they were dispersed before. By the time they gather, tales of these strange people with strange devices would easily hit Varys' ears.

I mean, sure, the Hellcharger might be able to create a "New Ride" as it were for Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider to better blend in, but that's just going to be a burning skeleton man on a burning skeleton horse! Not exactly subtle. That and it's urging to punish the wicked (of which Westeros has plenty) is going to leave a mark.

And I'm sure Steve Rogers, Thor, and others will find themselves in situations that require a lot of punching and tales of the exploits of the man with the star-shield, the Thunderer, and who knows what else would filter down to him.

Even getting to the island via Sling Ring word may still filter out of "Ghosts" and "Monsters" now on Dragonstone.

Their decisions after that depend on what they know. If they do have GoT/AsoFaI fans in their group, then they might just try and end the White Walker situation before it starts. If they do not know, and it takes a while for Heimdall to see the monsters (if Heimdall is included, which wouldn't be as fun), then it becomes stickier.

I doubt they would try to just blend in. They would likely try to help people whenever they could by and large. But what would that entail? Humanitarian Aid? Medicine? Technological development?

I doubt they'd start to act overtly (beyond Ghost Rider), and instead, spend time gathering information on the whose who, and the whats what of the world they find themselves in. Given a lack of digital technology, this could take quite a while. Raiding the archives of the Meisters at night. Astral Projecting to spy on kings and lords. And, of course, Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Melinda May could easily do what they were trained to.

But that covers just knowledge. To advance the tech from the middle-ages to the Renaissance and beyond, they'd need all sorts of resources and simple raw cash to get it.

Heimdall might be able to locate veins of ores they need, and with several superhumanly strong members to their team, they could mine the stuff themselves pretty well. Or locate sunken treasure, again with Heimdall's help (he'd be oh so useful if he made it through).

Or Star-Lord could put on a travelling show of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" Adapted for Westeros. I like that option for the sheer absurdity of it.

But this would all take time (time in which the Runaways might find themselves with the best 'teachers' around), and that might work in their favor if they manage to largely keep to themselves otherwise.

But by the time they are ready to act, I fear Geoffrey Baratheon would be in charge. Oh, then the fun would truly begin. Should they choose to intervene (which is a choice in and of itself), they're going to stomp, and stomp pretty hard. Not just with Thor and Hulk. Vision, Luke Cage, Ghost Rider, the other Asgardians, are all pretty much unassailable by the majority of Westerosi weaponry.

Hell, Ghost Rider could probably solo the White Walkers, what with his Hellfire and all that.

But that's getting ahead of myself. The big question is, if and when to intervene, and how. Sure, they can take the land by force, but do they have to or even want to?

That I'd need to think of more.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Vendetta »

In Westeros?

The first thing that's going to happen is someone's going to annoy the Hulk.

The second through several thousandth thing that are going to happen are Hulk Smash.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

I would prefer to keep it limited to the main heroes and not include supporting characters such as Heimdall nor the TV shows, primarily to keep things simple. It doesn't help that at this point there is little relationship between the TV shows and the movies other than the occasional reference, so I'm happy to consider them nodding acquaintances rather than part of the same universe. But if you want to work them into your vision of this scenario, knock yourself out. I'm only familiar with the Netflix shows, I haven't watched Agents of Shield, Runaways or anything else, which is part of why I didn't include them in the OP.

I put Tony without his armour because... well it would simply be too ridiculous to have a repulsor powered flying suit of armour with lasers and missiles in a medieval world. A wee bit lopsided. No. This one, I think he needs to use the little grey cells. Stark Tech didn't collapse when he took over and came out as Iron Man, so I suspect he has a reasonable degree of business acumen. How well that translates into navigating the political system of Westeros, I cannot say... but for someone as smart as Tony, he could go a long way, I think. Along the lines of Tony... if you want to include War Machine, again, no armour for Rhodey. He'll have to sort himself out or stick close to Stark.

Essentially I'm trying to avoid crazy disparities that'll just completely lopsidedly skew the scenario. Hulk gets a pass because Banner can't get away from him. Thor being a demigod with a thunder-hammer, same thing (ish). A wingsuit for Falcon on the other hand, nah. Though he's welcome to knock together some kind of unpowered gliding suit. Like Rhodey, he can still fight perfectly well.

I had actually forgotten about the Guardians of the Galaxy as I was posting in a hurry. Drax, Gamora and Nebula could possibly get away with being some kind of exotic people from far away. Rocket and Groot are another kettle of fish entirely. I could see Groot being a key to meeting the Children of the Forest though, who would probably be fascinated with him.

Hadn't thought of the Astral Travel thing, but I'm fine with Strange doing so across Westeros. Basically he can do pretty much anything he demonstrated in the films without the aid of the Eye of Agametto, no crazy massive resets of time. Astral travel, portals, combat spells, flying with his cape, entering the Mirror Dimension, etc, all fine. Just no escaping Westeros.

Essentially: I'm not looking for things which would completely break the scenario. Tony being able to zoom back and forth across Westeros in the Iron Man armour, blamming bad guys as he goes? Nope. Strange resetting time to take back any important deaths? No. There's arguments to be made that these are integral to their... schema? character? but personally I prefer stories where fundamentally the solution comes down to simple humanity, intelligence defeating force, emotion overpowering strength, etcetera. The armour can't do everything for Stark. I mean, apart from stories where it turns into an abusive boyfriend, but that was the 90s...

When I have more time I'll post my vision of how it might play out. Until then, as I said, have fun :)
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Vendetta »

Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-03-28 01:26pm Essentially: I'm not looking for things which would completely break the scenario. Tony being able to zoom back and forth across Westeros in the Iron Man armour, blamming bad guys as he goes? Nope.

Hulk and Thor could start one end of Westeros and personally punch out everything and everyone on their way to the other and absolutely noone and nothing on the planet could stop them.

Tony with an Iron Man suit is not the thing that breaks the scenario compared to the fact that you just dropped The Hulk into the middle of an extremely emotionally trying environment.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

That's a fair point, there's really nothing in Westeros that can stop Hulk apart from (maybe) Dragons and the Night King's magic.

I suppose I'm relying upon the fact that he doesn't always stay Hulk, and hoping Banner picks a side that Hulk wants to fight on. But that said... he is kind of unfair to a medieval level society.

If one wants to leave anybody out of the scenario because they're too lopsided, go for it. Maybe the Avengers are post-Age of Ultron but before Thor goes walkabout, I dunno. I'm mostly looking for what the heroes might end up doing, what side they'll land upon, how they might influence the fights between Houses, and so forth. Does Westeros embrace them? Are they rejected as outsiders? Etc...
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Majin Gojira »

You really need to see "Thor: Ragnarok" primarily because that reveals the Hammer . . .
isn't the source of his powers. It's a control buffer.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zixinus »

The situation is pretty much of "what happens if you drop a bunch of superhumans among a group of unsuspecting regular humans", that is, you'll get cult followings that will upset the balance of power. To their favor. People worship burnt toast, these guys will find themselves worshipped as gods or demi-gods the first time they do something impossible.

If they know about each other, they'll probably team up if they can. They'll probably bunch around Thor, whose not only most powerful and can fly but whose mannerisms is most adapt to Westeros.

One of their first jobs will be getting Hulk to calm down.

The second job once the White Walkers start banging on the Wall is to wrap up that situation in an afternoon. I haven't watched GoT all the way through, stopped midway, but these guys can handle treat levels that a modern army can't.

Tony will be on backdrop because he can't fight much without his armors (it would be waste to send him into a fight just as Tony Stark anyway) and he sure as hell can't make one out of metals he'd rate "somewhere between scrap and crap". He's still a superhuman engineer, so he'll be on support once the gang turn into a mayor power.
In Westeros?

The first thing that's going to happen is someone's going to annoy the Hulk.

The second through several thousandth thing that are going to happen are Hulk Smash.
I wish the board had a "vote up" feature.

Seriously though, basing on the first film, Banner does have some control over Hulking out. He was shown doing and seeing stuff in public while in Brazil, so Westeros wouldn't be completely off-balance to him.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Solauren »

Dr. Strange quickly locates them all, and Portals them all together. Possibly having to control Hulk depending on what happens.

Then, find a way home. This isn't there world.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

Solauren wrote: 2018-03-30 12:45pm Dr. Strange quickly locates them all, and Portals them all together. Possibly having to control Hulk depending on what happens.
Then, find a way home. This isn't there world.
I refer you to this from OP:
Doctor Strange cannot portal them into dimensions other than the Mirror Dimension, which will only be a mirror version of Westeros.
Just assume they can't leave Westeros. What are they going to do? Which side will they fall upon? Are they going to become their own faction and try to take over Westeros for its own good? Are they going to give the Houses the finger and try to do a runner for Essos? Etc...
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Solauren »

Then they will WORK to find a way home.

This isn't their world.

Earth has what, 5 - 6 billion people on it they need to protect?

versus Westros what, 200 million at most with there level of tech?

There best option is to regroup together, and do whatever they can to find a way home, even if it's to make a deal with the Lord of Light that the L.O.L will send them home in exchange for their help against the White Walkers.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zixinus »

It is very possible that they're truly stuck, in which case they're in a crisis about themselves. Thor loves Midgard but has deep loyalties to Asgard.

Actually, come to think of this, just when does this happen in the MCU timeline? Has Civil War happened yet? Because then you're talking about a fractured Avengers, with Tony being the center of that.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Gaidin »

Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-03-28 07:34pm That's a fair point, there's really nothing in Westeros that can stop Hulk apart from (maybe) Dragons and the Night King's magic.
So at least assume Tony has the wristbands he had in Civil War even though he's already demonstrated he can hide an Iron Man suit in anything the size of a horse carriage or greater. I'm assuming he's wearing those things at all times now.

What's Falcon now, btw? Is he Black Widow's partner since you've literally hobbled him? It's not like where Hawkeye can just be handed a tech-appropriate bow and surprise the hell out of everyone with his skills taking down an entire unit on his own in ambush.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Batman »

Tony can hide an IM suit in a 'briefcase' as of IM2
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zor »

Tony Stark built a suit of power armor in a cave with a box of scraps. Give him a fief and in ten years it will be turning out lightbulbs, phonographs, printing presses, trains, threshing machines and he'll have a goddamn steam tank.

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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Gaidin »

Batman wrote: 2018-03-31 04:37pm Tony can hide an IM suit in a 'briefcase' as of IM2
Well that was one that he couldn't have the full functionality of flying in. Probably wouldn't get the full armor capability either if you want to have someone like the Mountain come swinging and get a lucky shot.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Solauren »

Zor wrote: 2018-03-31 05:33pm Tony Stark built a suit of power armor in a cave with a box of scraps. Give him a fief and in ten years it will be turning out lightbulbs, phonographs, printing presses, trains, threshing machines and he'll have a goddamn steam tank.

First, he didn't have a box of scraps. That was just Stane being emotional
Tony had working examples of his own technology to work with, he had equipment.

At Westeros level of tech, and lack of resources, Tony might be able to come up with some useful things, but he's not going to be making 1800th century tech on what looks like MAYBE 1100s tech.

I can, however, see him doing something like from the movie 'A Kid in King Arthur's court', and just using some basic chemistry and metallurgical knowledge to make the local lord some better gear (i.e stronger light swords, stronger lighter armor), but Westeros is no where need the level needed for an industrial revolution.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Jub »

Solauren wrote: 2018-04-01 12:39pm
Zor wrote: 2018-03-31 05:33pm Tony Stark built a suit of power armor in a cave with a box of scraps. Give him a fief and in ten years it will be turning out lightbulbs, phonographs, printing presses, trains, threshing machines and he'll have a goddamn steam tank.

At Westeros level of tech, and lack of resources, Tony might be able to come up with some useful things, but he's not going to be making 1800th century tech on what looks like MAYBE 1100s tech.

I can, however, see him doing something like from the movie 'A Kid in King Arthur's court', and just using some basic chemistry and metallurgical knowledge to make the local lord some better gear (i.e stronger light swords, stronger lighter armor), but Westeros is no where need the level needed for an industrial revolution.
Tony is a supergenius level engineer who might have the knowledge needed to jump metallurgy ahead a few hundred years to where some major technological leaps are possible. Regardless, he'll know things like how to make gunpowder which leads to cannons, you can make one out of a sturdy tree and some iron bands, which, if made powerful enough, negate the style of fortifications that the major powers in Westos use. Then there are things like knowledge of electromagnetism which doesn't require a huge tech base to do useful things. Knowledge of improved farming technology feeds his forces better than those who lack it. Germ theory and understanding food preservation techniques mean his forces are healthier on the march. Knowledge of history one has some idea of how medieval warfare evolved and can ensure that his force stays ahead of that curve. These are things many members could bring to the table but that Tony can truly implement with his skill set and desire to improve lives with technology.

Regarding specifically an industrial revolution isn't about tech but more about mindset. The Greeks had steam engines, there were ancient batteries, nothing technologically advanced is required for the printing press, what was lacking was the right combination of inventiveness and circumstance to take curiosities and turn them into game-changing technology. There is so much low hanging fruit out there for somebody like Tony to use to kick off a huge technological explosion.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zor »

Jub wrote: 2018-04-01 08:29pm nothing technologically advanced is required for the printing press,
The Romans had wood block printing, the Chinese worked out proper movable type around 1040.

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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zixinus »

Yes, Tony could make stuff like gunpowder and is a supergenius but also remember that he's a supergenius billionarie with the resources of his multinational high-tech companies he owns. He did not lack resources for his Iron Man armor. Even in the cave with proverbial scrap, he had 20th century technology available. Plus the Paladium for his arc reactor.

On Westeros, he'll be challenged to make a decent suit of regular steel armor, never mind anything approaching Iron Man. Even then, he'll need a substantial resource base to make even regular inventions. He'll struggle to make regular electricity, never mind a nuclear reactor.
I can, however, see him doing something like from the movie 'A Kid in King Arthur's court', and just using some basic chemistry and metallurgical knowledge to make the local lord some better gear (i.e stronger light swords, stronger lighter armor), but Westeros is no where need the level needed for an industrial revolution
Keep in mind that originally that story (or rather the story it was based on) was satiire of romanticized/idealized Victorian ideas of the medieval world. A lot of stuff that happens in the book is allowed to happen because it undermines a victorian fantasy/idea or just as joke, rather than seriously viable or as easy as it sounds. Plus remember that what sounds simple and straightforward from reading a history book may not have actually been so in reality.

Agricultural improvements for example will require substantial understanding of botany, especially local botany and will take years on the small scale and potentially centuries on the large scale. Trying to tell a peasent farmer who has been farming their way for a score of generations is not good enough and they need to do it a better way is not going to be easy, even with kingly power to back it up.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

Zixinus wrote: 2018-03-31 03:45pm Actually, come to think of this, just when does this happen in the MCU timeline? Has Civil War happened yet? Because then you're talking about a fractured Avengers, with Tony being the center of that.
I think I said before, but basically just post Age of Ultron, pre Civil War, pre Ragnarok. The timeline has gotten weird lately IIRC so I won't go into that. Just assume it's more or less the entire MCU main-character hero crew from the cinematic films, and that includes Spider-Man (Holland) and Black Panther. If you want to include other heroes from the greater MCU like TV shows and such, knock yourself out.

I will just note, in a crossover scenario, having one party escape the crossover kinda violates the spirit of the scenario... that said, I will grant that trying to escape Westeros may be a goal of the MCU characters. Nevertheless they will still be obligated to do what they can to survive in Westeros in the meantime, which is no certain guarantee for at least the human-level characters.

Falcon may not have his wingsuit, but there is nothing preventing him from getting together with Stark and cobbling together a hang-glider or some such. And he's still IIRC Special Forces, a good soldier to start with, and wasn't he some kind of combat medic? So that's useful knowledge right there. Not as extensive as say a modern MD... but probably pretty good in Westeros.

Re Stark: This is what I'm looking for. Remember that his brain is valuable, not just his technology.

Are any of the MCU characters going to be able to handle the political dynamics of the (literal) Game of Thrones? Or are they going to just try to stay out of it, or ally with any of the Houses?

I could see Stark perhaps taking up the side of the Lannisters, if only because they've got a lot of resources he could channel into various creative undertakings... would Cap be more likely to side with Danyaerys, the Starks or the Watch?
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Vendetta »

I mean I still think you're missing the point when you take away the tech heroes' tech as if that's a problem for any scenario that includes Thor, Vision and the Hulk.

This isn't "Can the MCU characters deal with Westeros", it's "how do you stop the Hulk with nothing but pointy sticks"
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zixinus »

The main problem with this scenario is that with the exception of the S-level members with innate powers (Hulk and Thor), the rest of the Avengers can't actually be Avengers.

Tony Stark can be Leonardo da Vinci that actually makes more stuff than sketches, Steve can be a champion warrior, Hawkeye can be an excellent archers... but they won't be Avengers, they'll just be warriors that know each other that also have some extraordinary abilities.
Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-04-02 06:27pm I will just note, in a crossover scenario, having one party escape the crossover kinda violates the spirit of the scenario... that said, I will grant that trying to escape Westeros may be a goal of the MCU characters. Nevertheless they will still be obligated to do what they can to survive in Westeros in the meantime, which is no certain guarantee for at least the human-level characters.
Obligated to what extent? Unlike Earth, none of the characters have real investment in the place around them. Sure, they'll help and save people when they can but aside the White Walkers, the greatest threat to people are other people. Which is not exactly Avenger's forte, who deal with superthreats like robots, aliens, superpowered individuals and so on. Stuff regular police and military, or even the agency dedicated to handling such problems, can't. Settling down a civil war for a medieval kingdom is not their forte, especially as complex and involved as what happens in GoT.

They'll also have no investment on any side of the war, unless they decide to take their newly adopted House ties closely. They have no loyalties to any side of the conflict. Maybe they'll dethrone Joffrey and slap him around (who wouldn't?) but besides that, there is no clear goal for them as Avengers. At best, their personal ideas and ambitions would play out which is harder to predict.
Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-04-02 06:27pm Falcon may not have his wingsuit, but there is nothing preventing him from getting together with Stark and cobbling together a hang-glider or some such. And he's still IIRC Special Forces, a good soldier to start with, and wasn't he some kind of combat medic? So that's useful knowledge right there. Not as extensive as say a modern MD... but probably pretty good in Westeros.
Which means he's a soldier trained use tools he does not have, either the weapons or medical equipment. He'll be better at either medicine or combat than your average clueless peasant (which is not saying much), but he won't be able to do the stuff he's done as Falcon. He's no longer Falcon really, he's just a modern soldier thrown into the medieval battlefield.

You are missing an important point with Falcon's gear: he doesn't just have wings, he has a small jetpack. Which means that unlike a regular hang-glider, he can gain altitude and thrust, not just glide. Without said jetpack or alternative, the most Falcon do is glide around. He'll be probably be better at gliding that anyone else in Westeros but that still means that trying to glide will be mostly useless and suicidal tactic for combat. Remember, a few arrows into his glider (not to mention him) and he's permanently down. He has no night-vision googles, no Redwing, nothing.
Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-04-02 06:27pm Are any of the MCU characters going to be able to handle the political dynamics of the (literal) Game of Thrones? Or are they going to just try to stay out of it, or ally with any of the Houses?
Black Widow is adapt at understanding politics, being a spy and all but that is not quite the same thing as being a political actor. Stark, as a ex-CEO and big company owner would naturally have some, but his experience would be unsuited. Oddly, Thor would perhaps be best, being exposed (if not in Asgard but in the other realms) to medieval-like cultures more and having some experience in ruling from his father.
Elheru Aran wrote: 2018-04-02 06:27pm I could see Stark perhaps taking up the side of the Lannisters, if only because they've got a lot of resources he could channel into various creative undertakings... would Cap be more likely to side with Danyaerys, the Starks or the Watch?
The Lannisters are in debt, IIRC and they are not the only ones with access to extensive resources. Stark might hire himself out to them but unlikely to join them or commit loyalty to them. Plus Stark is his own man, he's not always a follower.

As for Cap, that really depends on where he lands, how he perceives and comes to understand the world around him and which side he decides to be on.
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Elheru Aran »

Vendetta wrote: 2018-04-02 06:40pm I mean I still think you're missing the point when you take away the tech heroes' tech as if that's a problem for any scenario that includes Thor, Vision and the Hulk.

This isn't "Can the MCU characters deal with Westeros", it's "how do you stop the Hulk with nothing but pointy sticks"
Of course the heroes, some of them at least, are overpowered. That's not my point. If I wanted them to just have a straight up battle, I'd have said so, but I'm as aware as anybody of how silly an exercise that would be.

The question is, what do they DO with that power?

Is Thor going to try and start a Thor-cult? Or is he going to actually attempt to contact the gods of Westeros to be all, hey there fellow deity-beings, how's it hanging, I really miss drinking, anybody have a barrel of anything good handy?

Is Banner going to join the Maesters and try to achieve Zen? As Banner, he tends to go out of his way (usually) to avoid Hulking out; I see no reason he wouldn't do that in Westeros as much as on Earth, unless someone he likes is being threatened (which granted is probably going to not be an uncommon occurrence).

What would Loki do against fellow schemers like Littlefinger, Tyrion, and Varys? (people seem to have forgotten he's in the picture here)

And so forth...
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Re: The MCU visits Westeros

Post by Zixinus »

You're sort-of playing with the idea of a fanfic, the problem is that there are too many variables on conditions and situations to determine. It is likely that the Marvel cast themselves don't quite know what to do if they are truly stuck. Well, except Loki who'll want to be king just by default and I'll guess the Avengers will just gather around him to do the usual fighting that would inevitably ensue, dragging everyone and everything in it.
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