I contract Charles Dance.

Lets be honest, Tywin and Tarkin are essentially the same dude.
Moderator: Vympel
This. I hate recasting.Elheru Aran wrote: ↑2018-04-16 04:34pm An alternative approach: have Tarkin on-screen only in holographic form. Star Wars holograms are notoriously low quality compared to the technology we see on display, and a digitally recreated Tarkin in holographic form probably wouldn't stand out too badly.
Thirded.Galvatron wrote: ↑2018-04-16 04:50pmThis. I hate recasting.Elheru Aran wrote: ↑2018-04-16 04:34pm An alternative approach: have Tarkin on-screen only in holographic form. Star Wars holograms are notoriously low quality compared to the technology we see on display, and a digitally recreated Tarkin in holographic form probably wouldn't stand out too badly.
This is what I was thinking as well. The digital character simply doesn't *quite* blend in. It's very close-- very good indeed-- but there's still a bit of uncanny valley going on.Imperial528 wrote: ↑2018-04-16 05:32pm Having seen it in 3D, the CGI was fine on its own. When in a scene with other live actors it was rather jarring, though. Leia looked fine but she wasn't on screen for long enough to really judge.
Quite possible, but IIRC they were deliberately attempting to technically emulate the 1970s era look to some extent in Rogue One, necessitated partly by their use of original film of X-wing pilots.Eternal_Freedom wrote: ↑2018-04-16 06:14pm I can see the difference, but could that not be an artifact of using cameras that are 40 years newer?
Hm, I think part of what makes Tarkin is his sunken-cheeked, ascetic/frail/severe look. With suitable makeup I suspect Dance could bring it off, but it's important enough to at least influence casting choices.Patroklos wrote: ↑2018-04-16 04:16pm Let's assume for a moment you are a film maker who makes rational, competent decisions, and thus realized how stupid CGIing him in was and decided to recast Tarkin. Since you have an unlimited budget just like the Rogue One creators actually had, who do you hire?
I contract Charles Dance.
Lets be honest, Tywin and Tarkin are essentially the same dude.
One of the problems with falling into the Uncanny Valley is that you're grinding your nose against a cliff all the time you're trying to get back out the other side. It doesn't take much to poke the average person's "that's funny" reflex with an only-nearly-right effort, even if they couldn't say exactly what's wrong. The Japanese research into virtual pop divas and newsreaders is IMHO similarly almost but not quite there yet. Maybe it's just that we're so familiar with the real people — CGI!Tarkin struck me more like someone else made up to almost look like the character, while CGI!Leia was significantly further away and deeper into the Valley.fractalsponge1 wrote: ↑2018-04-19 12:22pm Here they had the budget and rationale to push the uncanny valley envelope. I think they very nearly completely pulled it off. To get all the way you'll need some test cases to see what can be done.
I think the issue with Leia might be a case of "it's too perfect". With Tarkin you had wrinkles and other signs of aging to hide the fact that skin lacked the natural imperfections, while Leia's smooth skin simply couldn't give us that. Though I'll admit it could also a matter of time as Leia is seen only at 1 scene, while Tarkin is seen thru out the movie, so the producers could have been forced to use most of their resources on making Tarkin look good.SpottedKitty wrote: ↑2018-04-21 01:00amOne of the problems with falling into the Uncanny Valley is that you're grinding your nose against a cliff all the time you're trying to get back out the other side. It doesn't take much to poke the average person's "that's funny" reflex with an only-nearly-right effort, even if they couldn't say exactly what's wrong. The Japanese research into virtual pop divas and newsreaders is IMHO similarly almost but not quite there yet. Maybe it's just that we're so familiar with the real people — CGI!Tarkin struck me more like someone else made up to almost look like the character, while CGI!Leia was significantly further away and deeper into the Valley.fractalsponge1 wrote: ↑2018-04-19 12:22pm Here they had the budget and rationale to push the uncanny valley envelope. I think they very nearly completely pulled it off. To get all the way you'll need some test cases to see what can be done.
FWIW, I do 3D graphics as a hobby, it's got a lot better over the 15 or so years I've been involved, but it's only in the last year or so I could honestly say I was getting close to "good enough" in rendering a human figure.
Errr - Guy Henry is a far more well known (and talented) actor than Wayne Pygram, dude.Elheru Aran wrote: ↑2018-04-16 06:05pm Rogue One on the other hand: there was a notable difference in sharpness and colour quality when they used a CGI face recreation on top of a live actor (Guy Henry. Whoever that is.).
Yeah, true. At the same time, after putting up with it for years in multiple seasons of GOT, I've suddenly become ok with recasts who aren't dopplegangers of the original actor.Elheru Aran wrote: ↑2018-04-23 04:06pm I dunno, Guy Henry just isn't that much of a household name. Pygram at least I knew from Farscape.
That said, if you used Henry without the CGI you would still need makeup if you want him to look anything like ANH Tarkin, considering that Rogue One only happens a few days (at most) before ANH.