Anyone take note of the words "restringed the wires"? Didn't the reporter ever take English in grade school? Don't they have editors who are supposed to fix mistakes like this? This may seem like a minor thing, but if they are fucking up things that are so easy and so obvious, what else are they fucking up? If they didn't learn how to use the correct past tense of a verb, what are the odds they learned critical thinking skills?Flap sparked power outage, death of pigeon flock, PG&E official says
Birds on pole holding a 21,000-volt power line left 11,000 in dark
PITTSBURG -- A group of pigeons that picked an inopportune place to roost caused a power outage Friday morning and died, officials said.
The pigeons had gathered on top of a pole holding a 21,000-volt power line and may have all flapped their wings together killing themselves and causing a short in the line, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. spokesman Jason Alderman said.
The short occurred around 7:30 a.m., and left about 11,000 customers without electricity in Pittsburg and parts of Antioch.
Repair crews restringed the wires and restored power two hours later.
During the outage, the Pittsburg Police Department said it was a mess driving through the city because traffic signals were not working.
No dental records exist for the pigeons, so they have not been identified, Alderman said. ... 50,00.html
If these people can graduate high school, and college, and then go to work in the field of communicating information so poorly equipped with language skills... Oh the pity of it all! No wonder American students perform at or near the bottom in international rankings.
This is the current American public school system at work. Everyone in the NEA and the teacher's unions ought to be stood against a wall and shot!