"Tell those who are rich in the world not to be proud and not to trust their money, which will soon be gone... tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others." Timothy 6:17-18Darth Wong wrote:Long reply, but the most salient point is:You say this here and elsewhere, but could you provide examples? I asked for those examples once already: Jesus telling rich men that they can go to Heaven. Until then, I see no reason to take a statement like "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven" and interpret it at anything but face value. You can wax poetic about the various details of your alternate interpretation if you like, and you can say "read the whole chapter" (which presumably means that I must also accept your interpretation thereof for some reason), but you should back up these kinds of statements with some kind of evidence.Lord MJ wrote:And the idea that merely being rich prevents him from entering heaven is contradicted by so many scriptures that it isn't even funny.
"If anyone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need and refuses to help, how can God's love be in that person?" John 3:17
Plus numerous scriptures in Proverbs that talk about managing finances, many of which are echoed by any competant personal finance advisor today.
Indicating that the mere possession of wealth is not what Jesus discouraged.
But even without these scriptures, the argument that rich men can't go to heaven based on this one quote falls apart because the quote was made as a result of an event that took place just a few scriptures before, inside the same chapter! Jesus is prompted to make this quote when his disciples ask a question of him, following an encounter with the rich man who wanted eternal life.
Futhermore it's impossible to understand this in full without knowing about the process of becoming a desciple and salvation, both of which are required to go to heaven.