Eternals movie

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Eternals movie

Post by mr friendly guy »

So Marvel have announced an Eternal movie ... hanos-race

So let me give you the run down on the Eternals as I am a fan of them. Heck, if I could pick to be a superhero race I would pick the Eternals. :lol:

You might have heard of their most famous member. Thanos.

Basically the Eternals were genetically modified humans by the very powerful god like Celestials (they have appeared in the Marvel movie verse as the race of Peter Quillan's father). The Celestials also created another race called the Deviants who tend to be the enemies of the Eternals. Celestial genetic manipulation gave rise of the Mutants in the Marvel universe, and also some subspecies of humans like the Atlanteans. The exception are the Inhumans who genetically modified by the technologically advance but definitely not god like Kree. Confused yet? Lets go on.

The Eternals are basically split between those on Earth and Titan. Before they got their superpowers, Eternals were technologically advance and some stayed on earth, and eventually moved to Titan. One of the Eternals, Chronos made a mistake with a cosmic energy experiment, and in true comic book fashion gave the Eternals on Earth superpowers. Eventually there was a schism, and they agreed Zuras would be the leader, and his brother Alars aka Mentor left for titan. He and his supporters met up with the Eternals of titan and gave birth to the race there. Generally, the Eternals on Earth should be more powerful, since all parents were super powered Eternals, while those on titan were descended from both non super powered Eternals and Eternals with super powers.

Needless to say, Thanos was an exception to the rule, being a mutant among the Eternals and likely the most powerful of them all.

The difference between Eternals on Earth and Titan, do have some cultural differences, namely the Uni Mind. You see, the Eternals on Earth can unite to form Devastator the Uni Mind. With the combine power of the Uni mind, they able to defeat One Celestial, or rather a Celestial whose body had been taken over by the Deviant Priest Ghaur, by forcing his consciousness out, although I doubt they could actually physically harm a Celestial.

The Eternals are little known outside of comic geekdom, but some of them have joined the Avengers. In no particular order
1. Starfox(Eros), the brother of Thanos. Obviously an Eternal from Titan.

2. Sersi - my favourite Avengers from the 1990s. Ah nostalgia. The flirtatious Sersi, don't know why the Black Knight liked Crystal a lot. Snigger. Anyway, she one shot Giantman (Hank Pym), beat up Hercules, and defeated an alternate universe version of Vision by transmuting him into rock.

3. Gilgamesh - yeah, named after the legendary figure. Has some nice abilities, including the Eternal ability to maintain his own molecules, which allows him to fight unscath against the Lava Man construct, whose mystic heat caused Namor and She Hulk to collapse, and even Thor to sweat. His Eternal form was unscathed.

Also really great super strength.

Other noticeable Eternals, are Makkari, who has superspeed. He beat the Runner in a galactic race, although one of the competitors had to go the opposite direction to stop cheaters. Among the competitors was the Duracel rabbit (no I am not kidding, it was an alien rabbit like race with the Duracell drum which was really a secret weapon to cheat) and a man from another universe who couldn't remember his name, but it sounded like "Buried Alien" (Barry Allen aka the Flash, get it. Bet Marvel thought they were being cool with that type of sleight of hand).

Generally most of the Eternals are white, although there are a few exceptions. I predict its a great opportunity to cast a diverse line up, since no one outside of comicdom would be familiar with them enough to care.

I am not going to lie, I am interested. I saw Guardians of the galaxy and I was never their biggest fan, so I am damn well going to see the Eternals as I find these characters interesting.
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Re: Eternals movie

Post by Majin Gojira »

The only Eternals story I read was the one from Neil Gaiman so that colors my perspective on things a bit.

That said, I'm interested primarily if they will merge the Eternals Mythos with the Incredible Hercules series from Greg Pak. It hits me for two reasons:

1. Gilgamesh is often considered one of the worst Avengers members (not for very great reasons, mostly "he's boring" which is very subjective).

2. One arc of Incredible Herc has Thena mistake Herc for Gilgamesh and almost accidentally change Herc's mind on his own identity.
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Re: Eternals movie

Post by mr friendly guy »

Incredible Hercules made Hercules the funny one, while Thor remained the serious god. Since the Marvel universe made Thor the funny one (see Thor Ragnorak), then what role will Hercules take? Maybe the serious one to be a foil to Thor. :D

In any event, I think it will be great to have the Eternals by themselves for the first movie or two. Introduce some of the mythos. Maybe have the Deviants in the first movie and the swarm (or whatever that alien swarm race Gaiman introduced is called) in the second. Then you can have the Eternal / Olympian war and then add in Hercules into the Marvel movieverse.
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Re: Eternals movie

Post by Tsyroc »

I was kind of wondering if they might go with the Eternals being the basis for the Greek, and maybe a few other Earth gods and completely eliminate the other gods as separate species.

In the comics the Eternals and Greek gods were mistaken for each other from time to time. I could see the MCU maybe trying to do another one of those "they're not really gods, just aliens/enhanced humans" sort of thing that they originally did with the Asgardians. Thor: Ragnarok went a bit away from that more towards them being "gods" so I thought with the Eternals that maybe they might swing it back around to where the MCU started. I'd rather they kept it like it is in the comics where the Eternals and Greek gods are two different species but they get mistaken for each other from time to time.

We've already seen Ares' head in giant statue form on the Grandmaster's tower of champions on Sakaar. :)
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