Got a Tzenkethi carrier and with the right tetyron boosts it handles nicely, even getting it a decent turn rate of 13.7%
Tzenkethi resolve set gives a boost to tetyrons by 25%
6 tactical consoles (using the miracle worker slot for extra console) gives boost of 236.4% with 10% crit chance and extra 9.8% crit damage ... Sticky_Web
Sticky web gives another 25% tetryon boost
Two out of the krenim temporal manipulation gives 14.3% tetryon boost. Using the Temporal Disentanglement Suite gives a 26.2% boost to shields and extra boost to crit chance and crit damage.
Using all 4 of the incontrovertible defense gives +30% tetryon, +40% max shield capacity and + 20% flight turn rate. The beauty is the warp core diverts shield power as a bonus to weapon, so my starting weapon strength is 124 (max is usually 125) so pretty happy with that.
Science emitter for another 19.7% tetryon damage and extra draining powers, which goes well with plasmonic leech. ... _Refocuser
I have two epic resonating tetryon beam arrays, which proc at 5% rather than 2.5%
Kinetic cutting beam gives 2% bonus damage to all since I am at level 6 reputation for the Omega reputation.
I could try maximising more and getting tetryon beam arrays from the reputation (since I am at level 6 I am supposed to get 2% bonus each time) for an extra 4% damage, but not sure if that offsets the extra chance of procing with the resonating tetryon array. Another way is to use my Hierarchy science officer, as his pirate ability gives an extra 1.5% damage.
However generally, it does great damage, especially with the tetryon torp doing 15 K + damage. That's comparable to some of the more powerful projectiles, and being an energy torp its equally affective against shields. Combine with torpedo spread, attack patterns and kemocite loaded weapons it does great.
I have also got elite hangar pets for the carrier and also got a krenim BOFF tactical to speed up the recharging. I am thinking of getting an extra engineering BOFF (krenim) to help recharge the healing abilities of engineering. I do have a DOFF for the engineering team, but I need to recharge faster. It however is going to take a while before I save up for another krenim BOFF.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.