Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

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Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Bedlam »

Given the end of Game of Thrones on TV how do you think the world is going to be in say 40 years?

Assuming Bran has a more of less normal human life span and no heirs how do you think the whole voted succession thing is going to work out? Is one powerful house going to monopolise rulership?

I don't think there are going to be any major wars for a few generations, at least because all the major players are exhausted or wiped out after the years of fighting. Dorn would seem to be the only kingdom which might still have the strength and it doesn't generally seem to give a damn about the rest of Westros. I could certainly see a lot of jockeying for position by the more minor houses and I don't see Gendry staying in charge of the Stormlands for long, no one is going to take orders from a peasant raised bastard.

Do you think the north is going to be able to remain independent for long? I don't see Bran annexing it but later kings might well try it.

How about the Far North? I don't think they're going to cause all that much trouble for a few generations at least their numbers are to low but eventually they're going to start raiding the North and the wall is less of a barrier now and unless Sansa reinstates something like the Night Watch there's no one guarding the borders.

On a similar front, what about the Dethraki? I can't see them integrating into Westros society, sooner or later they're going to return to raiding and enslaving, it might just be a question on how great their numbers are.

The Iron Born similarly may well return to their old ways, given the lack of resources on their home it seems more or less inevitable, at best for Westros they might turn pirate on other kingdoms but more likely they're attack the North as it's the closest and given its been ravaged by war for years and doesn't have the support of the rest of the Kingdom's any more they could be a serious problem.

Beyond Westros how are things going to work out for the rest of the world? The slaver cities have been united under Danny's empire but how long will they be able to stay together? Will the surviving masters try to take them back? Will a new cast of slavers grow up or will a new civilisation rise? Although I doubt all the Dethraki joined in the crusade to Westros but their numbers might have been reduced enough to allow the other civilisations to start growing, where could that lead to?

There may even be a question of how the climate is going to go now, was the year's long seasons partially due to the Night King? Will things change to what we would consider 'normal' now? That might be better for the North and Far North but it could have some major effects on everyone as they get used to more regular rhythms.

Anyone got any ideas?
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by B5B7 »

I read yesterday that one of the planned spinoffs of GoT has the working title of Bloodmoon, is set over 5000 years before GoT and stars Naomi Watts, and is about the Children Of The Forest.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Napoleon the Clown »

Bran finds the next Three-Eyed Raven and "suggests" his successor to the people who get to actually vote. I can't see anybody being willing to back-talk a guy that can mind control one of the many rats running around to chew out your throat next time you take a nap.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Yup, like I said before- All Hail God Emperor Bran Stark.

Then again, if Bran takes a really hands-off approach, other realms might follow Sansa's lead and just secede.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Solauren »

Does Sansa have any heirs beside Bran? He probably didn't have a problem with the succession, because he knows, it will come back into the fold in time.

I seriously doubt Sansa will marry/want to share power with anyone. Even if she did, there is a chance that that what Ramsey did to her will prevent her from having children (Ramsey is a sick fuck acfter all, and might have done that dilberately).

Arya has sailed off, and may never return.

So, when Sansa dies, if Bran is still alive, the 'Throne of Winterfell' will default to him. Then he announces the re-unification of the Thrones, and he's now 'King of the Seven Kingdoms'.

And also, who says Bran can't have children? His legs have continued to grow with him. Odds are, it's just a nerve cut off, so his brain can't send or receieve messages. For all we know, all it takes is one serving girl deciding to 'ride the One Eyed Raven' and bam, next Three-Eyed Raven/King.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Bedlam »

I think Sansa will more or less have to marry at some point to stop this sort of situation. I agree she probably won't be keen to share power but she could probably find some weak willed Northern lord (who would probably even take the Stark name, I think there are some precedents in Westeros history to do this to keen noble houses names alive) to take on the role. As to her fertility, there's nothing to say she's barren but it's not impossible. Ramsey was messed up although at least while his father was alive, Roose was smart enough to recognise that a Stark / Bolton child would cement his rule in the north.

It's mentioned in the show itself that they expect Bran to be unable to have children, but I agree their medical knowledge is hardly top level. He can probably produce fertile sperm although he's likely to be at least partially impotent depending on the precise damage. Given his current personality he hardly seems interested in producing an heir and the new idea of voting on a king means any children of his wouldn't necessarily be the next king / queen although I could see the nobles easily falling into the habit of rubber stamping the heir of the old king as the new king.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Alferd Packer »

In terms of making the reform stick, what I'd hope for is for Bran to actually die young, or rather young enough that at least some of the nobles who sat in on the first election are able to do so again. Having that kind of continuity would help legitimize the notion of an elective monarchy--especially because more nobles would want to attend the next election and would be voting for the first time.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Solauren »

Or, there be other elections /discussions over topics, and that by the time it was time to elect a new King, it was 'old hat/this is how things are done'.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by K. A. Pital »

Melisandra’s friends resurrect Daenerys.

Bran plots against her growing Empire in Essos.

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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by The Romulan Republic »

K. A. Pital wrote: 2019-06-04 02:40pm Melisandra’s friends resurrect Daenerys.

Bran plots against her growing Empire in Essos.

Spice is found in a far corner of the desert in the East...
The Red Priests resurrecting Danny is a theory I've seen before, and its entirely plausible.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by K. A. Pital »

I‘m joking but it could be a nice story for a sequel :lol: known as... the Children of Thrones. :lol:

A bit more seriously, the show had a disturbing anti-democratic and anti-revolutionary slant in the end, with revolution being betrayed and painted as madness and democracy laughed out by the freaking aristos. This one begs for a Star Wars-like sequel with the DARK SIDE taking over.
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Solauren »

At the social level Westros is at, Democracy being laughed out is perfectly understandable.

It's also not really workable. At least not a modern Democracy.

As for Dany being resurrected, that would be an awesome 'sequel'. She gets back up, is right pissed off, goes and gets the Dothraki and Unsullied back, maybe finds and hatches more dragon eggs, and then reinvades Westros.

All the while, demanding they hand over Jon Snow, and possibly Sansa.

Meanwhile, Jon is North of the Wall, Sansa immediately flees, and Brandon was killed.

Now, it's a race to find Jon/Sansa, before Dany levels Westros.

And, in the North, Jon is looking at a newly hatched Ice Dragon.....
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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Themightytom »

That's kind of just the same story we saw, I wouldn't really be interested in it. If Bran is a halfway decent king, I don't think Danaerys would be able to raise an army, either. She survived two burnings, but coming back from the dead is pretty creepy. Jon wisely did not circulate news of his own death.

I wouldn't mind seeing her come back as a mysterious figure though, a la Paul Atreides.

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Re: Game of Thrones - The next Generation *spoilers*

Post by Solauren »

Themightytom wrote: 2019-06-05 04:36pm That's kind of just the same story we saw....
As I once said to my grandmother; How often do we see original plotlines in a franchise?
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