What Evil has the Devil Done?

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What Evil has the Devil Done?

Post by Mr Bean »

I'd like to know what evil has the Dark Prince ever done realy?

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Post by Tsyroc »

He did all kinds of stuff to Job, although that was under the direction of God. He was "testing" Job for God. I guess that is what Job gets for being one of God's most pious worshippers. :evil:
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Post by faded »

The Devil din do anything. When evil take place, it's just christains doing bad things. Quote from somewhere : An apology to the Devil, but we have only heard one side of the story.
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Post by Imperial Federation »

Disagree with God, because as we all know God is the Ultimate Good, therefore disagreeing with him makes you evil.
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Post by Imperial Federation »

Oh, and I was being sarcastic.
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Post by Durandal »

http://home.attbi.com/~durandal64/topic ... satan.html

Oh, and the book of Job is supposed to be a fable. As far as the rest of the Bible is concerned, it never really "happened."
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Post by Stravo »

Only the evil that God lets him do....unless the Devil is really the mild mannered alter ego of the wrathful Jehovah god...now there's a thought.
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Post by Imperial Federation »

The Devil is also a convenient scapegoat, almost everything gets blamed on him or his influence.
Which is curious, seeing as God subesquently punishes the people anyway.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Imperial Federation wrote:The Devil is also a convenient scapegoat, almost everything gets blamed on him or his influence. Which is curious, seeing as God subesquently punishes the people anyway.
Yes, it's all Satan's fault, but God tortures you as punishment. And that's supposedly "perfect love" :roll:
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Post by Mr Bean »

I'm gonna have to remeber this, Ok Fundie, Name ONE thing that Satan did besides giving Man the ability to telll right from wrong

:twisted: Come on I'm waiting :twisted:

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Post by Patrick Degan »

...we know Satan made some really really bad movies in the 70s. Pity, because it seemed that he had a rather promising career from his performance in The Exorcist.
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Post by Raziel »

Satan didn't do anything more evil than rebel against the Man. Gee, I wonder why Christian dogma would say free thought and questioning of authority is wrong?

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

1. Saying no to God
2. Tricking Humanity into becoming Sientient and not just mindless sheep like god wanted them.
3. Talmud: Shacking up with Adam's first wife for a time, before she left him for Cain. (Go LILLITH!)
4. When God told the Angel of Death to unmake Lucifer, Azreal talked with Lucifer, and decieded Lucifer was right, and fell to earth but not to hell.
5. Making Job suffer at God's Behest
6. Tempting Christ for an instant, (oh wait don't tell that to the fundies, they are so obsessed with his perfection, that they never realize that there are plenty of episodes where Christ did wrong (Joining the Roman army as a surly teen, going apeshit in the temple over the money changers (hmm, Pat R. loves to use religion to make money, and we remember the quotes about how religion & Money don't mix), going out into the desert alone with Mary Magdelene for several weeks :D :P :D nah perfect life there.)

actually except offering Temptation Lucifer reall hasn't done anything really evil. We do the evil.

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Post by Blaze »

THe Yosemite Bear wrote: 2. Tricking Humanity into becoming Sientient and not just mindless sheep like god wanted them.
i thought satan still worked 4 god at the time of Job, so how cud that hav been him.
Unless of course the devil has access to a time machine :D
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

God commanded Lucifer to Serve humanity and Lucifer said that he would only serve god, thus god cast down Lucifer and a whole third of the angels in heaven said <bleep> you boss we quit and went with him.

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

However even after that Lucifer is allowed to visit heaven on many occassions, as he still loves God, but refuses to obey him.

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Post by Raziel »

IE as the ultimate rebel, Satan/Lucifer loves his country (heaven/earth) so much that he's out to depose the all-powerful despot, God, despite the risk involved.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

More like the John Travalta Character in Swordfish.

He loves heaven, He Loves god.

He is willing to become a rebel against God, out of his love for God, because he HATES us.

Strangely there are more acts of God persecuting humans in the bible then there are of Lucifer, doing so.

Unless you count the fact that Lucifer looked after the Children of Lillith and Cain, who became the Murders, City Builders, Slavers, and Empiremakers. Because they were denyied the protection of Jehova.

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Post by Durandal »

Where are you getting all this from?
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Is Lillith mentioned in the Bible? I never got through the first four pages. Believe it or not, the first time I heard of Lillith was when I watched Evangelion. Then I did some research.
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Post by Graeme Dice »

Durandal wrote:Where are you getting all this from?
I'd guess that it's from the apocrypha and other such early writings.
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Post by lgot »

well, people must stop to mix up the different Devils. Not even Satan or Lucifer come from the same place...
The hebrew devil is not the same as the catholic...The hebrew are more logical: They saw their god as the most powerful one. So to believe that he had a enemy that could face him was stupid. God have no such things. So the Man did wrong, God punished. The devils are minor beings alike the other's gods (Because they are monoteists, in the sense they followed one god, but they do believed in the existence of the other gods, just they are puny close to God). So that was how the OT was written. That is why God punished the man, because the man did the stupid. They gave no special attention in the devil.
The Catholics are different. In their need to justify the preaching, they had a enemy, which used a huge elements of diverse cultures until ending in the Satan we had today. And of course, because the Catholics just took the OT, not wrote, its sometimes ilogical.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Lillith only appears in the Talmud which only covers the "Old Testament" portion yet is signifigantly larger then the Chirsitian Bible.

Also I have read the Orthodox, Gnostic, & Koran take on Genisis.

personally I find it very interesting and entertaining, from the cultural epic standpoint. It reveals a lot about the people and their attitudes and foiables to read their epics.

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Post by Colonel Olrik »

Actually, the Pope has recently said that there is no hell.
The WORST thing offenders may expect in afterlife is the absence of God.

I expect that will make some people very happy :)

And I expect that, since there is no hell, there is also no devil. Or he has been forced to leave and is now a refugee in some axes's of evil.
In any case, bombard them to be safe.
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