Are you referring to some random on the thread who takes that single fact to mean TLJ or the sequels is Lucas' story? I couldn't see that, but there are a lot of posts. That Luke was also in exile in Lucas' treatment is on all the available evidence - entirely true. It's the point I made at the start. All I see in those threads is a bunch of interminable arguing about that specific point, not a belief that this means Lucas' treatments as a whole were followed. The level of general knowledge that Lucas' treatments were not used is clearly quite common. It'd be an extremely rare breed of fan who:ray245 wrote: ↑2019-09-28 01:19pm
Take a look at Reddit? ... ling_luke/ ... _luke_was/
Does reddit represent a majority of the SW fanbase? Obviously not, but I think comments and discussions that can generate hundreds on replies can be considered as pretty substantial to me. You might disagree but that's what I think of as being substantial in online fan-communities ( which are still small and not fully representative of SW fanbase as a whole, but it's still substantial)
a. Cares enough to comment on this issue; and
b. Simultaneously doesn't care enough to know that Lucasfilm not using his treatments has been widely reported since 2015.
So that would be a no.Associative Learning is a technique often used in marketing? Whether he is actually doing so can't be proven, but I won't rule out the possibility that he is aware that he can frame his points in a careful manner that advances certain arguments.

Sure, why not.Let's sort something out first. Do you think it is obvious an employee would most likely say something positive or things that benefits the company they work for in social media? Everything else is irrelevant to me right now until I get what you are actually thinking.