Themiscyra in the real world.

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Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Simple scenario:

Themiscyra as depicted in the DC cinematic universe exists in our world. No other DC stuff, just the island, the Amazons, and Diana. To make its secrecy more plausible, though, I'm going to place it in the mid-Atlantic, semi-tropical latitudes above the Equator. Assume it gets discovered some time in the 20th Century, either by a ship stumbling on it or, at the latest, when sattelite imagery begins to be taken.

How does the world react to an actual island of Amazons, and how does history change?
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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by Solauren »

It's a small, isolated island, in the middle of the Atlantic, that has no valuable resources, a small population with no interest in technology, and wants no contact with the outside world.

They get written off as a 'uncontacted people with no interest in the outside world', and ignored.
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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Solauren wrote: 2019-12-09 05:14pm It's a small, isolated island, in the middle of the Atlantic, that has no valuable resources, a small population with no interest in technology, and wants no contact with the outside world.

They get written off as a 'uncontacted people with no interest in the outside world', and ignored.
They're a bit more significant than that in that they've survived despite having no males for reproduction- that alone is going to be of great scientific and cultural interest. Then there's the fact that unlike most uncontacted people, they have at least iron age technology, and are apparently a remnant/descendant of ancient Greek culture preserved since the present day (as an aside, theories about the existence of Atlantis will gain a LOT more credibility).

Then there's Diana, who's a full-blown small-g god if she goes public.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

I know very little about the mythology surrounding the DC universe Amazons, but isn't their culture/island replete with various magical artifacts of different kinds? Pretty much anything from a comic book universe if made real would provoke some pretty substantial existential questions, given the almost universal existence of magic in comic book lore.
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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ziggy Stardust wrote: 2019-12-09 05:36pm I know very little about the mythology surrounding the DC universe Amazons, but isn't their culture/island replete with various magical artifacts of different kinds? Pretty much anything from a comic book universe if made real would provoke some pretty substantial existential questions, given the almost universal existence of magic in comic book lore.
I'm using the version from the DC cinematic universe. Only Themiscyra, not the whole DC universe, but I think its fair to include any artifacts of Themisyran origin in that.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by Gandalf »

It's an invisible island full of people whose history if nothing else shows that a lot of human history is wrong. That's a huge prize considering how poorly defended it it compared to a twentieth century army.

Before WW2, empires run to colonise the lands for empire reasons.

After WW2, blocs run to liberate the lands for bloc reasons.
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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by Solauren »

A ship stumbling across it, or satelite imaging demonstrates it's not invisible.

If the natives (re Amazons) just run off the landing crews and contact boats, without any more contact allowed, then we get a 'uncontacted tribe scenario'. Just one that is more advanced. i.e Was just off from mainland greek culture at one point, but didn't technologically change.

Really, it's not until we develop satelites that can picture there are no men on the island at all that attention might be paid to them. I don't think we're even at that tech level yet.

So, unless someone somehow gets on the island, takes lots of pictures, and proves there are no men on the island at all, who's gonna care about an island with no value, that wants the work to fuck off, beyond historical curiosity.

I admit, once the 'immortal women' thing is known, however, there will be lots of attention. Especially if Diana becomes known about.
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Re: Themiscyra in the real world.

Post by Majin Gojira »

Honestly, there's not much information about the DCEU Amazons to work from to make this interesting, and we're getting more information on it down the line both in Wonder Woman '84, and an unnamed Amazon-based spinoff of some sort. So, speculating on this level is premature.

And the DCEU hasn't handled it well.

The other point is, well, the comics have handled it somewhat. Greg Rucka's runs explicitly look at the political side of comic-Themysicra being on the map. The short of it is, there are resources in Comic Themyscira that the US, in particular, wants access to.

Sure, there's the immortal and "peak human condition' Amazon's themselves who could be e geneticists field day. There's the saved knowledge of the Greeks (which isn't that much, since Byzantium and Islam saved most of it anyway). The island itself basically screams "Magic exists and the Greek gods were real" which, if that ever gets out, is going to be hilarious. This is primarily confirmed because the place is literally built to guard a portal to Hades in many adaptations, so if someone does attack it, they risk a lot more than they think going in. But the Amazons keep that tightly guarded as a secret, so it can bite someone in the ass down the line.

But they do have some technologies or other resources that the US wanted in the comics. Sure, the Invisible Jet is nice, but the real prize here is the Purple Healing Ray.

That is a resource the U.S. Wanted and the Amazons would not give up. Why? Well, it can easily be turned into a terrifying weapon of mass destruction. A "Purple Death Ray" with about 15 minutes or rewiring.

This was originally going to build-up to the US Invasion of Themysicra, but the DC Comics Editorial pissed off Greg Rucka and he left, leading them to try and to it themselves, resulting in "Amazons Attack."

And we all know how well that went!
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