Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Ep 3 - I will give them a massive WTF credit for pulling Hugh out.
That was an amusingly subtle name drop and it was annoying the fuck out of me trying to pin who this guy was since the voice was familiar. Then they drop the name and it makes sense.
That said, the rest of the episode is exceptionally slow and achieves little again.
I also feel like this show is starting to go the way of later Game of Thrones with people just randomly teleporting all over the place with the jump cuts and characters going to different locations. The major difference is this show has not put in the leg work to world build where things are or the greater state of the universe.
We do not even know where this Borg cube is and yet somehow the Stupid Romulan agent is is able to get there in hours at best.
Although not before attempting ANOTHER really fucking stupid assualt with the murder-kill squads. Once was bad enough, this is the third time she has gone with the murder-kill approach.
It is equally hilarious this agent is mocking her brother for taking the far more covert approach. These are the guys that were behind the Tal Shiar... the most 'infamous' secret police agency across the major powers ?
We also have forgetting of the rifles having a self-destruct function so that the heros can magically use them without incident.
I can accept the 'Romulan guns do not have stun settings' but the concealed guns they were pulling out should have them. I guess they were automatically set to kill and they just happen to have one Romulan agent survive ?
We also have the dropping of the Romulan kill squad being beamed out or monitored in anyway like they did with the rooftop ambush. Picard has no cloaking device or shielding so... again, why they cannot just beam the target out or transport a bomb into the house is a major no-brainer.
Further we are back to destroying more of the Federation lore and logic.
Guy is 'expensive' - In the Federation that has no money and the idea of paying for things was met with scorn and confusion.
Synthetics are bad - Artificial Holograms however are perfectly fine and have been refined so that you can have ones for navigation and medical. Would it really be that difficult to change the synthetic labourers to holographic versions ?
They might not perform well in certain environments but in others a hologram would potentially have advantages.
Attack on Mars - I am kinda confused, I thought the fleet was destroyed. The conversation with Picard seems to indicate they did lose some of the fleet but the main issue was manpower and Starfleet commitment. So... Starfleet had a fleet of ships that were literally built to help the Romulans but decide to let it do nothing ?
I am also amused at where this magical synthetic fleet came from which started doing bombing runs. Even if ALL the Synths start going crazy AND they magically take down the defense shields.
They also were magically able to take charge of multiple ships equiped with weapons that can happily start blasting the place ?
I like how Picard is trying to voice the obvious issue of - Why the fuck are the Romulans going to intentionally sabotage the Federation effort to help their race survive ?
The amount of times it is brought up makes me dread the oncoming revelation that paranoid lady is correct. The Romulans did it because...
If they are creatively bankrupt, I can see a 'clever' attempt to play this by doing the Romulan equilient of STVI. Roms and Feds working together to prevent unity blah blah. Throw in some vague prophecy shit involving Synthetics and 'Destroyers' - Cue Time Travel shenanigans.
Getting a starship is somehow expensive and difficult - I can kinda buy that to an extent. Picard is a famous decorated hero of the Federation who should have plenty of connections. They try to duck out of the obvious avenue by having an Admiral that is just hilariously aggressive to Picard to the point of absurdity and him refusing to contact his former crew because... he does not want to endanger them. Instead he will go to the new woman and risk her life because... she does not matter as much even though she hates his guts and has given every indications he does not want to get involved.
Picard could just call up Riker, Troi, Geordi, Worf... Admiral Janeway. One Admiral is all it takes to stonewall Picard into having to ditch Starfleet when we have seen multiple Admirals over the course of Star Trek ?
Not a single one of them would help Picard or be inclined to listen to reason EVEN after multiple attempts are made to fucking KILL him including in his mansion where Irish Romulan can use her time travel device to replay the events for proof ?
This does not include the orgy of evidence they have left in the form of salvaged Romulan weaponary, dead bodies and equipment still lying around.
I think Picard has enough evidence sitting around him and witnesses to coroborate events that would make it really fucking stupid for anyone to ignore him. Even the stupid Admiral is going to have a hard time bitching if he drops the corpse of a Romulan assassin in the lobby of Starfleet HQ.
That was an amusingly subtle name drop and it was annoying the fuck out of me trying to pin who this guy was since the voice was familiar. Then they drop the name and it makes sense.
That said, the rest of the episode is exceptionally slow and achieves little again.
I also feel like this show is starting to go the way of later Game of Thrones with people just randomly teleporting all over the place with the jump cuts and characters going to different locations. The major difference is this show has not put in the leg work to world build where things are or the greater state of the universe.
We do not even know where this Borg cube is and yet somehow the Stupid Romulan agent is is able to get there in hours at best.
Although not before attempting ANOTHER really fucking stupid assualt with the murder-kill squads. Once was bad enough, this is the third time she has gone with the murder-kill approach.
It is equally hilarious this agent is mocking her brother for taking the far more covert approach. These are the guys that were behind the Tal Shiar... the most 'infamous' secret police agency across the major powers ?
We also have forgetting of the rifles having a self-destruct function so that the heros can magically use them without incident.
I can accept the 'Romulan guns do not have stun settings' but the concealed guns they were pulling out should have them. I guess they were automatically set to kill and they just happen to have one Romulan agent survive ?
We also have the dropping of the Romulan kill squad being beamed out or monitored in anyway like they did with the rooftop ambush. Picard has no cloaking device or shielding so... again, why they cannot just beam the target out or transport a bomb into the house is a major no-brainer.
Further we are back to destroying more of the Federation lore and logic.
Guy is 'expensive' - In the Federation that has no money and the idea of paying for things was met with scorn and confusion.
Synthetics are bad - Artificial Holograms however are perfectly fine and have been refined so that you can have ones for navigation and medical. Would it really be that difficult to change the synthetic labourers to holographic versions ?
They might not perform well in certain environments but in others a hologram would potentially have advantages.
Attack on Mars - I am kinda confused, I thought the fleet was destroyed. The conversation with Picard seems to indicate they did lose some of the fleet but the main issue was manpower and Starfleet commitment. So... Starfleet had a fleet of ships that were literally built to help the Romulans but decide to let it do nothing ?
I am also amused at where this magical synthetic fleet came from which started doing bombing runs. Even if ALL the Synths start going crazy AND they magically take down the defense shields.
They also were magically able to take charge of multiple ships equiped with weapons that can happily start blasting the place ?
I like how Picard is trying to voice the obvious issue of - Why the fuck are the Romulans going to intentionally sabotage the Federation effort to help their race survive ?
The amount of times it is brought up makes me dread the oncoming revelation that paranoid lady is correct. The Romulans did it because...
If they are creatively bankrupt, I can see a 'clever' attempt to play this by doing the Romulan equilient of STVI. Roms and Feds working together to prevent unity blah blah. Throw in some vague prophecy shit involving Synthetics and 'Destroyers' - Cue Time Travel shenanigans.
Getting a starship is somehow expensive and difficult - I can kinda buy that to an extent. Picard is a famous decorated hero of the Federation who should have plenty of connections. They try to duck out of the obvious avenue by having an Admiral that is just hilariously aggressive to Picard to the point of absurdity and him refusing to contact his former crew because... he does not want to endanger them. Instead he will go to the new woman and risk her life because... she does not matter as much even though she hates his guts and has given every indications he does not want to get involved.
Picard could just call up Riker, Troi, Geordi, Worf... Admiral Janeway. One Admiral is all it takes to stonewall Picard into having to ditch Starfleet when we have seen multiple Admirals over the course of Star Trek ?
Not a single one of them would help Picard or be inclined to listen to reason EVEN after multiple attempts are made to fucking KILL him including in his mansion where Irish Romulan can use her time travel device to replay the events for proof ?
This does not include the orgy of evidence they have left in the form of salvaged Romulan weaponary, dead bodies and equipment still lying around.
I think Picard has enough evidence sitting around him and witnesses to coroborate events that would make it really fucking stupid for anyone to ignore him. Even the stupid Admiral is going to have a hard time bitching if he drops the corpse of a Romulan assassin in the lobby of Starfleet HQ.
- Sith Acolyte
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
That assumes that section 31 still exists.mr friendly guy wrote: ↑2020-01-31 12:03amGoing to catch episode 2 later, but could Romulan infiltration in Star fleet explain the UFP new insular attitude. Overton window and all that. Also how did Romulans infiltrate things on section 31 watch.
Still, when Starfleet should be concerned about being infiltrated by shapeshifters, it does stretch belief that someone else could sneak in and remain hidden. Especially an organisation that relies on surgery, instead of recruiting people from within the Federation.
Knowing where she is just requires them to figure out where she lives, then point a camera at her window.
Beaming in without setting off some sort of alarm is the worrying part.
I get the impression that she has left the Tal Shiar. She isn't hiding her past because she wanted out of that life.aerius wrote: ↑2020-02-05 12:00am That's the other thing that makes me roll my eyes. With Garak, it's subtly implied that he's more than "just a tailor" until well into the series where his background gets filled in and we find out who he really is. You have Odo and a couple others who are suspicious of him but he doesn't blatantly blow his cover until "The Die is Cast". Here, they pretty much put out a giant neon sign that says "I'm former high level Romulan intelligence" and have her running around fixing shit from the very start.
Garak was forced out of the Obsidian Order.
- Sith Acolyte
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Lt. Rizzo got told off for the screwup specific to her mission. But there are other screwups involved that a lot deeper into this organisation:Vendetta wrote: ↑2020-02-02 07:35amDid you miss the scene where Lt. Rizzo got told off by her superior for making exactly the screwup you are pointing out as if it is new information? The character who launched these ops is explicitly being pointed out in the show as being too aggressive and making a mistake, because that's how the plot gets to start.PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-01-31 03:09pm If they really are embedded in Starfleet then... why the fuck do they need to go murder-death squad ?
They could just bring the target in for questioning or beam her out. This show has literally created a brand new Romulan secret police and turned them into fools within the same episode.
Instead of doing something remotely subtle or covert, they have decided to act like thuggish idiots that have attracted attention to themselves. Somehow these are meant to be the boogymen for the Tal Shiar ?
- Someone let her have those death squads. Either for this mission (so she convinced someone else to agree to it) or she's had them for a while (why ?).
- Someone decided to bring Romulan weapons to Earth instead of acquiring Federation phasers. That seems like great way to let everyone know that you're a foreign force.
- Nobody on the death squad questioned the use of purely lethal weapons on a capture mission. Or, if they did, they got told to shut up. Oh look, a second reason why phasers would have been a better choice of weapon for this mission.
- Rizzo had been surgically altered to appear human. That makes me think they have problems with recruiting Federation citizens to be their agents. That means Commodore O is a Romulan pretending to be Vulcan. Now I don't know what color Romulan blood is, but I do know that Vulcan blood is green. That means that at least one of them was planning to avoid all injuries and blood tests. Even the "are you a changeling ?" test.
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
I am hoping that by the end of the season, Picard just drops the mountain of dead bodies and Romulan bodies on Starfleet brass and says, "Still think I'm senile?"

- Sith Acolyte
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
I'd prefer him dumping them on the press. Just to say "It's not my Starfleet. They wouldn't allow Romulan hit squads to operate on Earth".
Though I do wonder what Picard would think of the synthetic ban if he finds out they were hacked.
Though I do wonder what Picard would think of the synthetic ban if he finds out they were hacked.
- mr friendly guy
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Thoughts for episode 4.
So Picard wants to hire Bene Gesseritt Romulan, er I mean Qowat Milat. I am getting Dune vibes just by listening to the description and I haven't even seen the Qowat Milat do their warrior thing yet.
Planetary shields are a thing now, although it requires lots of drones (do they mean satellites) to support it.
Romulans most likely have their equivalent of conspiracy theorists. They accuse Picard of worsening the crisis by offering UFP help to evacuate rather because if he didn't, the Romulans would have figured something out. Which begs the question, how many ships could the Romulans field? The D'derix ships were largely empty space as troop transports, so presumably they could have fit a decent amount of civilians. Not sure if the Romulans had much in the way of civilian ships, but my feeling is not a lot. This is because they isolated themselves, and only in the early TNG era did they come out of isolation. If they had isolated themselves largely, there wouldn't be a need for a lot of merchant ships, but this is just speculation on my part.
So far, I get the feeling they just finished the recruiting phase of the story. Picard now finally has his crew members including his old First officer, a captain, male Bene Gesseritt, er I mean samurai Romulan guy and Seven of Nine. Maybe the pacing would get better for the next few episodes.
So Picard wants to hire Bene Gesseritt Romulan, er I mean Qowat Milat. I am getting Dune vibes just by listening to the description and I haven't even seen the Qowat Milat do their warrior thing yet.
Planetary shields are a thing now, although it requires lots of drones (do they mean satellites) to support it.
Romulans most likely have their equivalent of conspiracy theorists. They accuse Picard of worsening the crisis by offering UFP help to evacuate rather because if he didn't, the Romulans would have figured something out. Which begs the question, how many ships could the Romulans field? The D'derix ships were largely empty space as troop transports, so presumably they could have fit a decent amount of civilians. Not sure if the Romulans had much in the way of civilian ships, but my feeling is not a lot. This is because they isolated themselves, and only in the early TNG era did they come out of isolation. If they had isolated themselves largely, there wouldn't be a need for a lot of merchant ships, but this is just speculation on my part.
So far, I get the feeling they just finished the recruiting phase of the story. Picard now finally has his crew members including his old First officer, a captain, male Bene Gesseritt, er I mean samurai Romulan guy and Seven of Nine. Maybe the pacing would get better for the next few episodes.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
I give up. I can't deal with the stupid anymore. Holographic air touchscreen controls for a spaceship. No. Just no. The US navy is going back to conventional mechanical controls on their ships after the touchscreen ones were directly implicated in ship crashes. Touchscreen suck because there's no feedback, and you need feedback if you're controlling a vehicle, ship, or spaceship. There's a reason you can type way on an physical keyboard than a touchscreen keyboard.
Also, Narek and his hot sister should just get it on and fuck. I'm not even joking.
Also, Narek and his hot sister should just get it on and fuck. I'm not even joking.

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

- mr friendly guy
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Given Trek holograms can interact physically with a person due to their forcefields, its easy enough for the writers to say that the holographic touchscreens give feedback. As has been pointed out, the lack of physical controls is most probably a reference from a DS9 episode where future Bashir remarks that he hasn't had to touch a physical control for ages. So this particular plot point doesn't bother me as much as the others.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Another week - Another exceedingly slow episode.
Even the space battle which was clearly supposed to be the money shot - Was terrible since they had no clear indication of what was going on.
The battle just seems to be a protracted snooze fest with no clear indication of what is happening, who is winning or any sense of spatial awarness. Instead they spend far too long watching them all jerking around on the Bridge.
Then Seven of Nine shows up and magically cleaves the enemy ship for the dramatic reveal and... cut to cliffhanger one liner. The only emotional investment this epsiode and series generated was for a meeting with Seven of Nine and Picard. Seven meets Locutus. That could have been interesting.
Instead, the reveal is a cheap one liner before end. Gee, I am glad they wasted so much time building up to this.
Ninja Assassin Romulan - Yeah, I am not impressed at this point and this dragged on way too much.
The amount of women centric stuff is getting extremely annoying. We have women assassins, a women scientist, the woman borg drone, the romlan tal shiar house keeper, the woman admiral, the women androids, the woman assmilated romulan, the bad romulan spy woman....
It just keeps going on and on and on...
At this point, I could seriously buy this series being a holodeck program made by Riker that Picard has somehow gotten 'lost' in.
Romulan Bitch Spy - Honestly, the sexual incest shit needs to stop or follow through on it. This behaviour is revoltingly cheap and serves no purpose.
I cannot even fathom how stupid someone has to be as a writer to put that shit in a script and not realise the absurdity of what they are filming.
The bitch is supposed to be some sort of super-spy that is already part of a galaxy legendary spy agency. The way she acts, even the fucking Duras Sisters had more class.
As is, all she has done is cause mayhem and been turned into a glorified sex-doll / fetish magnet. The character seems to have no sense, strategy or basic motivations other than be sexually suggestive to her brother and cause murder.
Soji - I really do not give a fuck about her. Four episodes in and I still have no interest in this character and they have done almost nothing with her to make her matter. You could cut out her parts and not lose anything. All we are getting is romantic drama out of her with the introduction of a potential jilted triangle from the jealous sister. They should just make a damn Romulan Porn movie with the girls and get it over with. The budget would be cheaper and it might actually deliver some satisfaction on what it keeps teasing.
Even the space battle which was clearly supposed to be the money shot - Was terrible since they had no clear indication of what was going on.
The battle just seems to be a protracted snooze fest with no clear indication of what is happening, who is winning or any sense of spatial awarness. Instead they spend far too long watching them all jerking around on the Bridge.
Then Seven of Nine shows up and magically cleaves the enemy ship for the dramatic reveal and... cut to cliffhanger one liner. The only emotional investment this epsiode and series generated was for a meeting with Seven of Nine and Picard. Seven meets Locutus. That could have been interesting.
Instead, the reveal is a cheap one liner before end. Gee, I am glad they wasted so much time building up to this.
Ninja Assassin Romulan - Yeah, I am not impressed at this point and this dragged on way too much.
The amount of women centric stuff is getting extremely annoying. We have women assassins, a women scientist, the woman borg drone, the romlan tal shiar house keeper, the woman admiral, the women androids, the woman assmilated romulan, the bad romulan spy woman....
It just keeps going on and on and on...
At this point, I could seriously buy this series being a holodeck program made by Riker that Picard has somehow gotten 'lost' in.
Romulan Bitch Spy - Honestly, the sexual incest shit needs to stop or follow through on it. This behaviour is revoltingly cheap and serves no purpose.
I cannot even fathom how stupid someone has to be as a writer to put that shit in a script and not realise the absurdity of what they are filming.
The bitch is supposed to be some sort of super-spy that is already part of a galaxy legendary spy agency. The way she acts, even the fucking Duras Sisters had more class.
As is, all she has done is cause mayhem and been turned into a glorified sex-doll / fetish magnet. The character seems to have no sense, strategy or basic motivations other than be sexually suggestive to her brother and cause murder.
Soji - I really do not give a fuck about her. Four episodes in and I still have no interest in this character and they have done almost nothing with her to make her matter. You could cut out her parts and not lose anything. All we are getting is romantic drama out of her with the introduction of a potential jilted triangle from the jealous sister. They should just make a damn Romulan Porn movie with the girls and get it over with. The budget would be cheaper and it might actually deliver some satisfaction on what it keeps teasing.
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
At least the consoles don't explode and blow your face off. Just looked at the battle scene again. What in the fucking fuck. So Rios and Seven's ships do a front to back flyby on the Romulan ship and slice one of the wings off. A split second later, Seven's ship magically teleports back in front of the Romulans and gets shot up. WHO THE FUCK IS WRITING THIS DOGSHIT??!! I can't take this show seriously anymore, there's no attention to detail with the writers, editors, and production staff. It's hit the point where I just turn my brain off and treat it as cheap entertainment like a direct to TV Steven Seagal movie.

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Beaming in at all is the problem. If you can beam someone in you can beam someone out. Into vacuum. The middle of a mountain. The bottom of the ocean. Hell, set the thing to inside our mode and instantly Motion Picture them.bilateralrope wrote: ↑2020-02-07 09:21pmKnowing where she is just requires them to figure out where she lives, then point a camera at her window.
Beaming in without setting off some sort of alarm is the worrying part.
Transporters are easily the most terrifying weapon of the star trek universe From a personal POV.. It’s basically an instant people scrambler.
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
And just WHY is that a problem? Are you having an incel moment and feeling emasculated by all the Powerful Smart Females in a Tv Show?PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-02-13 10:53pm The amount of women centric stuff is getting extremely annoying. We have women assassins, a women scientist, the woman borg drone, the romlan tal shiar house keeper, the woman admiral, the women androids, the woman assmilated romulan, the bad romulan spy woman....
It just keeps going on and on and on...
At this point, I could seriously buy this series being a holodeck program made by Riker that Picard has somehow gotten 'lost' in.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
I'll have to rewatch it, because to me it looked like she'd been hit by one of the Planetary Defense System weapons.aerius wrote: ↑2020-02-13 11:01pm At least the consoles don't explode and blow your face off. Just looked at the battle scene again. What in the fucking fuck. So Rios and Seven's ships do a front to back flyby on the Romulan ship and slice one of the wings off. A split second later, Seven's ship magically teleports back in front of the Romulans and gets shot up. WHO THE FUCK IS WRITING THIS DOGSHIT??!! I can't take this show seriously anymore, there's no attention to detail with the writers, editors, and production staff. It's hit the point where I just turn my brain off and treat it as cheap entertainment like a direct to TV Steven Seagal movie.
Otherwise, Rios ship (I've not caught the name) was running circles around the Bird of Prey, but having problems with the Planetary Defense, and the BoP's captain was smart enough to keep Rios more or less trapped in range of the PDS.
I think most of the hits to the ship was a moment of "can't dodge them both", as there were at least three of the PDS weapons firing at any one point, plus the BoP's weapons.
BTW, am I the only one who sees Rios and all his Hologram buddies and think of skekGra the Heretic? "I live here all alone... except for Myself!"

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
My problem is the writers continue to use them as cheap plot devices to cover their shitty writing. What I wrote a couple weeks ago after episode 2 still holds true.LadyTevar wrote: ↑2020-02-14 04:48pmAnd just WHY is that a problem? Are you having an incel moment and feeling emasculated by all the Powerful Smart Females in a Tv Show?PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-02-13 10:53pm The amount of women centric stuff is getting extremely annoying. We have women assassins, a women scientist, the woman borg drone, the romlan tal shiar house keeper, the woman admiral, the women androids, the woman assmilated romulan, the bad romulan spy woman....
It just keeps going on and on and on...
At this point, I could seriously buy this series being a holodeck program made by Riker that Picard has somehow gotten 'lost' in.
Episode 3, Picard is at a dead end with no ship & crew. Raffi hooks him up with a ship and finds out where they need to go. And of course Irish Romulan chick and female AI specialist save his ass again.aerius wrote: ↑2020-02-05 12:00am I mean, is this even a show about Picard? Because what I've seen so far is a burned out half-senile Picard who can't seem to get anything done without the help of convenient strong female characters #1-5. Picard having a late-life crisis? Enter android synthetic female character. Did she just die in a plot device and leave a bunch of questions for Picard? Let's fix that with conveniently placed AI/synthetic research chick. And of course Irish Romulan secret agent who jumps in whenever Picard runs into a wall. And apparently desert trailer park chick will be saving the day in the next episode. And 7 of 9 will be joining in on the fun too at some point.
It's almost like a mix of Inspector Clouseau and Charlie's Angels. It hurt my brain unless I treat it as a direct to TV Seagal movie.
Episode 4, Picard goes to hire Romulan Bene Gesseritt, because reasons. Then everyone's about to get blown up and Seven arrives at the last second to save the day.
To put it bluntly, Strong Female Characters in Picard are like Q's gadgets in a James Bond movie. Seriously. Think about it. Is Bond in a sticky situation and about to die? Q's gadgets to the rescue. Did the writers back themselves into a bit of a corner? Insert Q's gadgets (or Bond girl) to advance the plot. This is exactly what those women are doing in Picard, and frankly, it's fucking lazy, stupid, and insulting. Women are fucking gadgets & plot devices, they're not even people. This is not female empowerment, it's the exact opposite.

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

- mr friendly guy
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
To be fair, Picard already stated he didn't want to involve his old crew as that would adversely affect their Star Fleet careers. Romulan Bene Gesseritt has not Star Fleet career to lose.They are stated to hate the Tal Shiar anyway, and they just so happen to have some sort of honour system, which makes them somewhat better than mercenaries. So seems to be reasonable choice he has under the circumstances. Of course, this means that the writers could just create characters out of thin air which we have never seen before to deal with the situation they have written themselves into. Or as you put it, using these characters the same way James Bond uses gadgets.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
This is my biggest issue with the show, the writers keep writing themselves into gaping holes and then trying to magic their way out of with -insert female character- If the trailer is anything to go by, next week's episode appears to be "undercover costume party goes wrong, Seven goes full gunslinger to save the day". The entire series to date feels like a term paper that was plagiarized and hacked together 3 hours before it was due.mr friendly guy wrote: ↑2020-02-14 07:46pm...Of course, this means that the writers could just create characters out of thin air which we have never seen before to deal with the situation they have written themselves into. Or as you put it, using these characters the same way James Bond uses gadgets.
Also, I've coined the following names for the female characters
In order of appearance:
Robot Data's Daughter
Irish Romulan MILF
Nerdy Science Chick
Murderous Romulan Dominatrix
Token Black Chick
Hot Blonde Borg

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Robot Data's daughter seems redundant
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Smart - We just had a scientist claim that the Milky Way galaxy has 3 billion Stars. The same scientist is using this to bitch about how boring and empty space is. On Sci Fi show called Star Trek. As an attempt at characterisation this was a horrible flop.LadyTevar wrote: ↑2020-02-14 04:48pmAnd just WHY is that a problem? Are you having an incel moment and feeling emasculated by all the Powerful Smart Females in a Tv Show?PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-02-13 10:53pm The amount of women centric stuff is getting extremely annoying. We have women assassins, a women scientist, the woman borg drone, the romlan tal shiar house keeper, the woman admiral, the women androids, the woman assmilated romulan, the bad romulan spy woman....
It just keeps going on and on and on...
At this point, I could seriously buy this series being a holodeck program made by Riker that Picard has somehow gotten 'lost' in.
Smart - We have a Romulan spy embedded in Starfleet security that is supposed to be part of a secret group that even the Tal Shiar fear. This spy then proceeds to send multiple death squads that fantastically fail. Failing once you might pass off, but she has quadrupled down on this behaviour and is establishing a clear mmo of being a rampant bloodthirsty idiot.
Strong / Smart - Is acting like a wierd dominatrix and choking her brother supposed to be some since of epic intelligence or strength ?
The brother is actually being covert and being subtle in his approach. The kind of things you would actually expect from a spy and a reasoned approach. Even if this guy is full of shit and falling for the girl, his sister and her methods have been made a fool out of repeatedly.
Strong / Smart - Multiple instances of the female cast being relegated to pulling the next plot device out of their ass is neither an indication of intelligence or strength the way that it has been done here. The only thing that might qualify is the Irish Romulan using the email tracking thing because it was semi sensible.
If you want to do a show which goes into the cultural relevance of the'woke' bullshit then fine - Do it with some actual class and make it narratively relevant.
As is this show is clearly trying to force real world agenda regardless of how stupid it is within the Star Trek setting and they are doing it with neither respect or tact for the context of the franchise they are hijacking with this stuff. I do not need to be constantly reminded that women exist, can be strong or smart by having episodes being dominated by women getting the spotlight.
If anything, it actually achieves the opposite result when your spotlighting characters that are meant to be strong or smart but failing in spectacular fashion.
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
First, a word from Irish Romulan MILF

Anyone else notice the blatant racial stereotypes in STP that are straight out of a white supremacist manual?
1) Asians are conniving yellow bastards who can't be trusted, especially the Chinese. Enter Commodore Oh. The actress who plays her is Japanese, but they give her Mandarin villain eyebrows, and of course she's the evil intelligence agent who's infiltrated Starfleet.
2) White people are responsible for all advancements in society. Enter Dr. Agnes Jurati. Blonde, white, super genius scientist on the cutting edge of advanced AI research.
3) Black people are poor drug addicted criminals. Enter Raffi. Black, lives in a dumpy trailer home in the middle of the desert, addicted to various drugs, has a bunch of criminal connections and it's implied that she's committed some crimes herself.
This just shits over everything Star Trek has ever stood for. Star Trek has always been about portraying those of different races or nationalities as actual people rather than as stereotyped caricatures. In STP, not only are they stereotyped caricatures, it's also racist to the point where I wonder if KKK grand wizards are writing the script. It's absolutely fucking disgusting. But hey we got strong female characters so that's OK!

Anyone else notice the blatant racial stereotypes in STP that are straight out of a white supremacist manual?
1) Asians are conniving yellow bastards who can't be trusted, especially the Chinese. Enter Commodore Oh. The actress who plays her is Japanese, but they give her Mandarin villain eyebrows, and of course she's the evil intelligence agent who's infiltrated Starfleet.
2) White people are responsible for all advancements in society. Enter Dr. Agnes Jurati. Blonde, white, super genius scientist on the cutting edge of advanced AI research.
3) Black people are poor drug addicted criminals. Enter Raffi. Black, lives in a dumpy trailer home in the middle of the desert, addicted to various drugs, has a bunch of criminal connections and it's implied that she's committed some crimes herself.
This just shits over everything Star Trek has ever stood for. Star Trek has always been about portraying those of different races or nationalities as actual people rather than as stereotyped caricatures. In STP, not only are they stereotyped caricatures, it's also racist to the point where I wonder if KKK grand wizards are writing the script. It's absolutely fucking disgusting. But hey we got strong female characters so that's OK!

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
i can't tell if you are concern trolling or not because the one time a black character gets depth... its.. god are you shitposting or did you become a boomeraerius wrote: ↑2020-02-15 04:10pm First, a word from Irish Romulan MILF
Anyone else notice the blatant racial stereotypes in STP that are straight out of a white supremacist manual?
1) Asians are conniving yellow bastards who can't be trusted, especially the Chinese. Enter Commodore Oh. The actress who plays her is Japanese, but they give her Mandarin villain eyebrows, and of course she's the evil intelligence agent who's infiltrated Starfleet.
2) White people are responsible for all advancements in society. Enter Dr. Agnes Jurati. Blonde, white, super genius scientist on the cutting edge of advanced AI research.
3) Black people are poor drug addicted criminals. Enter Raffi. Black, lives in a dumpy trailer home in the middle of the desert, addicted to various drugs, has a bunch of criminal connections and it's implied that she's committed some crimes herself.
This just shits over everything Star Trek has ever stood for. Star Trek has always been about portraying those of different races or nationalities as actual people rather than as stereotyped caricatures. In STP, not only are they stereotyped caricatures, it's also racist to the point where I wonder if KKK grand wizards are writing the script. It's absolutely fucking disgusting. But hey we got strong female characters so that's OK!
Dan's Art
Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

- GrandMasterTerwynn
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Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
To be perfectly fair, they're pretty endemic to much of Hollywood.
Outside of her, doubtlessly, plot-relevant specialty, she seems utterly clueless to me. Really more of an audience insert than anything else.2) White people are responsible for all advancements in society. Enter Dr. Agnes Jurati. Blonde, white, super genius scientist on the cutting edge of advanced AI research.
This is the same franchise that wrote entire alien species as single-note caricatures (greedy, capitalist, Ferengi; violent, honor-obsessed, Klingons; pacifist, logical, Vulcans; backstabbing, treacherous, Romulans; backstabbing, treacherous, Romulans with Space Skin Cancer Cardassians); where the entire population belongs to their racial mono-culture, save for the enlightened few who happen to be in Starfleet, in service of, or token friends with, the Great White Saviors of the Galaxy. I mean, the most dynamic, heroic, and noble Star Trek leads all happen to be white people ... Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Archer (I died a little inside mentioning him, but he broadly fits the pattern.) Hell, I think all of Insurrection was, basically, a movie about White Man's Burden. The leads of the most morally-gray Star Trek properties (DS9, Discovery) are both minorities (Sisko, Burnham.)This just shits over everything Star Trek has ever stood for. Star Trek has always been about portraying those of different races or nationalities as actual people rather than as stereotyped caricatures. In STP, not only are they stereotyped caricatures, it's also racist to the point where I wonder if KKK grand wizards are writing the script. It's absolutely fucking disgusting. But hey we got strong female characters so that's OK!
By all means, carry on telling us all about how terrible Picard is. There are plenty of reasons not to like it; like how Picard seems to carom from one Deus Ex Machina to the next with all the mental clarity and focus of an escapee from the lock-down section of the nursing home; and how Data's hot daughter is a blatant ripoff of a Cylon skinjob (I hope they're sending Ronald D. Moore royalty checks) ... but don't try to manufacture additional outrage against it by suggesting that the rest of the Star Trek franchise is more noble than it actually is.
Tales of the Known Worlds:
2070s - The Seventy-Niners ... 3500s - Fair as Death ... 4900s - Against Improbable Odds V 1.0
2070s - The Seventy-Niners ... 3500s - Fair as Death ... 4900s - Against Improbable Odds V 1.0
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
That's the key difference, in every ST series up to Voyager the stereotypes were externalized to alien races. You didn't have Sulu walking around in a Kimono and whacking people with a katana or Guinan breaking out tarot cards to decide the fate of the crew. All humans, regardless of ethnicity & nationality were written as an idealized race with a few quirks here & there to give the characters their own personality. It wasn't until Voyager where we had Chakotay doing spirit walks and Kim being a doormat Asian. It's been over 20 years since I've seen Insurrection so I don't remember it and won't comment on it, and I haven't seen any of the movies after it, at least, not that I remember. Also gave up on the TV series after a couple episodes of Enterprise so I don't know about those either.GrandMasterTerwynn wrote: ↑2020-02-15 10:53pmThis is the same franchise that wrote entire alien species as single-note caricatures (greedy, capitalist, Ferengi; violent, honor-obsessed, Klingons; pacifist, logical, Vulcans; backstabbing, treacherous, Romulans; backstabbing, treacherous, Romulans with Space Skin Cancer Cardassians); where the entire population belongs to their racial mono-culture, save for the enlightened few who happen to be in Starfleet, in service of, or token friends with, the Great White Saviors of the Galaxy. I mean, the most dynamic, heroic, and noble Star Trek leads all happen to be white people ... Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Archer (I died a little inside mentioning him, but he broadly fits the pattern.) Hell, I think all of Insurrection was, basically, a movie about White Man's Burden. The leads of the most morally-gray Star Trek properties (DS9, Discovery) are both minorities (Sisko, Burnham.)
By all means, carry on telling us all about how terrible Picard is. There are plenty of reasons not to like it; like how Picard seems to carom from one Deus Ex Machina to the next with all the mental clarity and focus of an escapee from the lock-down section of the nursing home; and how Data's hot daughter is a blatant ripoff of a Cylon skinjob (I hope they're sending Ronald D. Moore royalty checks) ... but don't try to manufacture additional outrage against it by suggesting that the rest of the Star Trek franchise is more noble than it actually is.
Fast forward to Picard and it seems like half the human characters are walking racial stereotypes, and of course all the aliens are as well. Except for the refugee Romulans, because they all have some kind of link to Jean Luc. The plot, if you can call it that is pretty much throwing shit at a wall and -insert female character- it's literally worse than a Ringo-Kratman novel. I'm not even joking. The only reason I keep watching it is because I want to see how bad it can possibly get, if the trailer is anything to go by, next week is going to be so hilariously bad that I'm going to have the best ab workout of my life.

Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either.

Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
So it's a Star Trek show then?PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-02-15 01:40pm As is this show is clearly trying to force real world agenda regardless of how stupid it is within the Star Trek
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
No Kidding!Vendetta wrote: ↑2020-02-16 02:40pmSo it's a Star Trek show then?PREDATOR490 wrote: ↑2020-02-15 01:40pm As is this show is clearly trying to force real world agenda regardless of how stupid it is within the Star Trek
You look at any Star Trek series, there are always issues related to that day. Then again, that's the same with most shows, in order to 'speak' to contemporary audiences.
I've been asked why I still follow a few of the people I know on Facebook with 'interesting political habits and view points'.
It's so when they comment on or approve of something, I know what pages to block/what not to vote for.
It's so when they comment on or approve of something, I know what pages to block/what not to vote for.
Re: Picard - general discussion [spoilers]
Yeah, and Star Trek is usually very forthright to the point of preachiness about its social messaging.
Like remember the Cheronites and how they genocided each other over differences that were silly and imperceptible to humans as an anvil-weight reference to how dumb racism and xenophobia are?
It was subtle as a pallet-load of bricks, and it was the whole driving force of the episode, because that's how Star Trek rolls.
Like remember the Cheronites and how they genocided each other over differences that were silly and imperceptible to humans as an anvil-weight reference to how dumb racism and xenophobia are?
It was subtle as a pallet-load of bricks, and it was the whole driving force of the episode, because that's how Star Trek rolls.