There were a bunch of scares earlier this month, as students travelling to China immediately went back to school upon arriving home from China; in both cases (US and Aussie), a 14 day quarantine was then imposed.Moreover, if you're going to argue one family breaking China's quarantine is proof of Chinese having a tendency to spread the disease in defiance of all the other steps China has done to contain it
NSW Australia case involving schoolkids
Newport News VA case involving schoolkids
TBH, I'm actually more upset with Department of Homeland Insecurity for their weeks of ineffectual screening:
"Do you have a fever or cough?"
"Have you visited Wuhan, China, recently?"
"Nope? Then you're good to go!"
Never mind that even then, we knew this thing had a 14 day incubation period, and that Wuhan was a major transport/communications hub for inter-China travel.
That quote from Hunt For Red October comes to mind:
You arrogant ass! You've killed us!
Oh, fun thought.
South Korea has already tested about 20,000 people for the Wuhan Flu, and is gonna test 20,000 more in a week or so.
Meanwhile, the US has only tested about 500 so far -- apparently a production test won't be ready until mid-March; the earlier tests sent out by CDC having to be withdrawn due to major errors.