Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

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Man under investigation in fatal shooting after pro-Trump rally allegedly took loaded gun to earlier Portland protest
Updated Aug 30, 2020; Posted Aug 30, 2020
By Maxine Bernstein | The Oregonian/OregonLive

A 48-year-old man who was accused of carrying a loaded gun at an earlier downtown Portland protest is under investigation in the fatal shooting Saturday night of a right-wing demonstrator after a pro-Trump rally.

Michael Forest Reinoehl calls himself an anti-fascist and has posted videos and photos of demonstrations he attended since late June, accompanied by the hashtags #blacklivesmatter, #anewnation and #breonnataylor.

Reinoehl was raised in Sandy and has had recent addresses in Northeast Portland, Gresham and Clackamas. He described himself on social media and in a video interview with Bloomberg QuickTake News as a professional snowboarder and contractor who has former military experience but “hated” his time in the army.

Sources familiar with the case but not authorized to speak said police are investigating Reinoehl. A family member also identified him as a man captured in photos and video seen leaving the shooting scene shortly before 9 p.m. Saturday.

Aaron Danielson, a supporter of the conservative group Patriot Prayer, was shot in the chest and died in the street. It was soon after most cars in a caravan of supporters of President Donald Trump had left the city’s downtown streets.

Reinoehl’s posts indicate he attended many protests in Portland that began three months ago after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis under the knee of a police officer.

On July 5 at one of the demonstrations, Reinoehl was cited at 2:10 a.m. in the 700 block of Southwest Main Street on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police

He was given a date to appear in court later that month, but the allegations were dropped on July 30 with a “no complaint,” according to court records. The documents don’t indicate why prosecutors decided not to pursue the accusations. Reinoehl spent no time behind bars.

Brent Weisberg, a spokesman for Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, said the office is still reviewing that July case involving Reinoehl.

Schmidt earlier Sunday decried the deadly violence. He took office on Aug. 1 and quickly announced that he wouldn’t pursue low-level charges against demonstrators, such as interfering with police or resisting arrest. He wasn’t district attorney when the office handled Reinoehl’s gun case.

Video images of the fatal shooting captured a tall, thin white man in a hat and white tube socks running from the scene at Southwest Third Avenue and Alder Street around 8:45 p.m. Screenshots zeroed in a tattoo of a fist on the man’s neck.

The grainy video and other photos, together with witness statements from live streamer Justin Dunlap, suggest the victim may have used some type of mace or pepper spray and then collapsed after gunshots ring out.

Reinoehl’s 36-year-old sister said she was awakened just before 8 a.m. Sunday by a threatening phone call from someone who told her that “our whole family was in danger unless we turned him over.”

“That’s how I found out,” that her brother was allegedly involved, she told The Oregonian/OregonLive.

She called Sandy police to report the threat, she said. Once she looked online and saw screenshots of her brother’s photo, she said she called Portland detectives.

“We reached out to police and confirmed that we recognized Michael in the screenshots,” she said. She asked that her name not be used because of the threats.

Michael Reinoehl has been estranged from the family – including her, their parents and a younger brother – for at least three years, his sister said.

“On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite,” she said. “But he’s also been very impulsive and irrational.”

Reinoehl has stolen their mother’s seizure medication and owes a lot of debt, often giving his relatives’ addresses as his own to avoid responsibility, she said.

He has a son and daughter and is split from their mother, she said.

“I have friends, family and loved ones on both sides of the conflict,” Reinoehl’s sister said. “Violence begets violence and hatred begets hatred. This is not the solution. My heart goes out to the victim. It always has, before I even knew my brother was involved.”

Reinoehl is also wanted on a failure to appear warrant in a June 8 speed racing case in Baker County in eastern Oregon. He and his 17-year-old son were racing in two different cars at speeds of up to 111 mph heading east on Interstate 84 after midnight near North Powder, according to state police.

Michael Reinoehl faces allegations including driving under the influence of a controlled substance, recklessly endangering another, unlawful possession of a gun and driving while suspended and uninsured.

He was stopped driving a 2005 Cadillac STS with his 11-year-old daughter as a passenger, police said. Inside the car, police said they found marijuana, “unidentified prescription pills” and a loaded Glock pistol for which Reinoehl didn’t have a concealed handgun license.

Shortly after that, Reinoehl began posting about the protests in Portland.

On June 16, he wrote, “Every Revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are so many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s that where the fight starts. If that’s as far as you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100 % ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! ... We do not want violence but we will not run from it either! ... Today’s protesters and antifa are my brothers in arms.”

On the Bloomberg video posted July 27, Reinoehl said he had been shot and turns to the camera to show a bloody bandage on his right arm. He claimed he intervened in an earlier fight between a man with a gun and Black youths.

He said on the video that he’d been “working security and trying to keep protected” someone in the crowd when he got shot as he tried to wrestle a gun away from the man harassing the kids. He didn’t say where that it happened. The account couldn’t be immediately confirmed.

On July 2, Reinoehl wrote on Instagram, “We will not stop until there is change. Now more than ever we need to join together. Join the cause support the people that are willing to take a rubber bullet. Give them supplies food water Medical anything that can help. Bring balloons and paint for paint balloons. #blaklivesmatter #breonnataylor.”

His social media pages also are filled with videos and photos of him snowboarding at Mt. Hood Meadows, sometimes with his dog Ezo accompanying him.

In a February Facebook post, Michael Reinoehl wrote that “it can be hard and confusing at times living in a world consumed by individuality.”

“When as beings we truly are connected to everything in the university and Beyond. Some of us feel trapped in a shell surrounded and controlled by individuals that have no clue,” he says in the post. “Or even worse refuse to accept the truth because they would have to give up their control. For those of you who know and feel the same as I do know this. Our time here is short, always stay true to what you know. And know that you are here to help the innocent ones who do not know. Be that bright light to the ones who are lost. And as you like your own way hopefully some will follow. #love #loveeverything #loveeveryone.”

In one post, he shared a video of people burning a “Trump 2020” flag outside the Multnomah County Justice Center steps earlier this summer. A post from November 2015 shows a Trump face painted on the wall of a restroom with a urinal in place of the mouth. Another post shows a poster of Malala Yousafzai with the quote: “With guns you can kill terrorists. With education, you can kill terrorism.”

Other posts appear to be tied to the Free Thought Project, which bills itself on its website as a “hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability.”

Other posts display pictures of his family, friends and his dog and describe him seeking work cleaning gutters to make extra money. In a 2018 post, he says he works for a company that remodels houses. His Facebook page says he studied television production at Mt. Hood Community College.

On Sunday, much of his social media filled up with others commenting, posting pointed messages such as “Turn yourself in” to “You better pray to God that the law gets to you first…Because The Patriots are Storming!!"

Scuttlebutt also says that 4channers were the ones who tracked down Reinoehl's family, called up his sister and made threats as mentioned above.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Eulogy »

This was bound to start happening at some point. That said, threatening his family is par for the course for the fascists and of course the pigs are coming after him and not the so-called "Patriots".

I do hope nothing bad happens to his family.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Beowulf »

The Oregonian reports : shooter was antifa . Previously cited this year for illegally carrying a pistol. Also a number is other, less pertinent crimes.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

Shooter has been killed by US Marshals after they tried to arrest him following a VICE interview.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

BREAKING from twitter:
After days of protests in Rochester over the killing of Daniel Prude, the mayor of Rochester, NY just announced entire Rochester police department command staff, including the chief of police, is resigning.

Asked during a city council meeting who will be in charge during tonight’s protests, the mayor said she doesn’t know.

“We would have to find an interim chief,” says Warren says. “Because I just got the call before this hearing, I don’t know.
Basically, early in 2020; a guy was extremely high and was spitting on people and saying he had Corona. So they put him in a spit hood so he couldn't spit on peopel. He died of an overdose. It flew under the radar until now.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

So two LA County Sheriff's deputies have been shot in the head/upper body while sitting in a parked vehicle at a transit station in Compton. Both are in hospital; and the usual shitshow is starting to the point LA County Sheriff's department had to say this on twitter:
To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling "We hope they die" referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through.

LA County Sheriffs
LA County Sheriffs(@LASDHQ)
September 13, 2020
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Eulogy »

The dam that is barely holding back the tide is now starting to show cracks. This is but a trickle.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Nicholas »

MKSheppard wrote: 2020-09-13 08:02am So two LA County Sheriff's deputies have been shot in the head/upper body while sitting in a parked vehicle at a transit station in Compton. Both are in hospital; and the usual shitshow is starting to the point LA County Sheriff's department had to say this on twitter:
To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling "We hope they die" referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through.

LA County Sheriffs
LA County Sheriffs(@LASDHQ)
September 13, 2020
If this is true and the protesters the police twitter account is referring to were not assaulted by pissed off cops and the cops didn't take their rage out on some other group of non-violent protesters in LA we really ought to be praising their professionalism and self-discipline because those idiots were just looking for trouble.

If this is not true then everyone involved with the LA County Sheriffs twitter feed should be fired because this is incredibly inflammatory.

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Whatever the LA sheriffs involved may or may not have done, I would hope it's a fairly fundamental idea that blocking the entrance to a hospital emergency room is a bad thing. Sayign as much is absolutely fine with me.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Nicholas »

Eternal_Freedom wrote: 2020-09-14 11:50am Whatever the LA sheriffs involved may or may not have done, I would hope it's a fairly fundamental idea that blocking the entrance to a hospital emergency room is a bad thing. Sayign as much is absolutely fine with me.
Yes everyone agrees that blocking the entrance to a hospital emergency room is a bad thing.

I hope everyone also agrees that showing up outside someones hospital room and chanting "We hope they die" is asshole behavior worthy of the Westboro Baptist Church.

The inflammatory part I was referring to was the allegation in the LA sheriffs tweet that the protesters had showed up at the hospital where two LA Sheriffs were in critical condition with gunshot wounds and chanted "We hope they die."

If that is true then the LA sheriffs should be praised for not using the fact that they were blocking the entrance to the ER as an excuse for getting out the less lethal weapons and seeing how many of they protesters they could put in the ER. Positive reinforcement works and if anything qualifies and fighting words that does.

If, on the other hand, the protesters didn't say that, then the lie that they did is egregiously inflammatory and everyone involved in spreading it should be fired.

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Ralin »

Nicholas wrote: 2020-09-14 03:33pmI hope everyone also agrees that showing up outside someones hospital room and chanting "We hope they die" is asshole behavior worthy of the Westboro Baptist Church
Why would we think that? Assuming by 'someone' you mean 'cops'?
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by loomer »

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

Rumor is a decision will be announced in the Breonna Taylor case tonight or tomorrow. Louisville, KY PD have cancelled all leave and declared an internal state of emergency (for the purposes of labor management).
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Zaune »

MKSheppard wrote: 2020-09-21 06:44pmRumor is a decision will be announced in the Breonna Taylor case tonight or tomorrow. Louisville, KY PD have cancelled all leave and declared an internal state of emergency (for the purposes of labor management).
Intellectually I know that doesn't prove anything and they could just be erring on the side of caution, but I have a bad feeling about this.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Mr Bean »

I'm sure blocking off road access declaring a curfew are all good signs.

In this case however this sounds semi-smart since the new news is them blocking road access since the crowd keeps getting into the road and people are only to happy to drive a car into a crowd these days.

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

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AP News wrote:Referring to protesters, Mattingly added that police officers should not be in a position “that allows thugs to get in your face and yell, curse and degrade you.
As opposed to thugs being allowed to kick your door in at night and shoot you eight times, of which that same Sgt. also said, “I know we did the legal, moral and ethical thing that night.”

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Gandalf »

Mr Bean wrote: 2020-09-22 02:41pm I'm sure blocking off road access declaring a curfew are all good signs.

In this case however this sounds semi-smart since the new news is them blocking road access since the crowd keeps getting into the road and people are only to happy to drive a car into a crowd these days.
Too bad they didn't have this level of caution when they raided Breonna Taylor's house.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard » ... hborhoods/
Mass Shootings Are Soaring, With Black Neighborhoods Hit Hardest

2020 is on pace to have the most mass shootings since the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive started tracking them. In their wake, anti-violence activists say the lack of public outpouring feels familiar: “Nobody cares about us.”

September 3, 2020

This summer’s Rye Day celebration in Syracuse, New York, almost ended — as it had the past 14 years — without a hitch. The event, a public birthday party hosted by a local business owner and philanthropist, drew hundreds of residents to an outdoor performance space on June 20 on the city’s Near West Side, where they ate and drank, registered to vote, and escaped the various pressures of the pandemic.

But then a scuffle broke out. A Facebook Live stream shows a girl dancing, then noticing the commotion. “It’s a fight,” someone remarks, off camera. “Time to go.” The girl in the video agrees, playfully, but her concern escalates. The music stops. People scream. The crowd scatters, and the video turns into a whir of bodies and grass. Seconds later, more than a dozen gunshots ring out.

“It was chaos,” said Nitch Jones, a local youth pastor who was at the center of the crowd. “You had wounded individuals, wounded friends, family members, associates on the ground, all crying out for help. People experiencing someone who looks like they’re dead. People experiencing trauma for the first time.”

At the scene, Jones rushed to help the wounded. He spotted a body lying motionless on the asphalt. It was a boy who had been shot in the head. Jones helped calm the boy’s family until paramedics arrived, and wheeled his body to an ambulance. Photos from the aftermath show a woman standing in a haze of red light from the vehicle’s sirens. She’s barefoot, wearing a shirt with the words “Proud Mom” emblazoned on its back.

Her son, Chariel Osorio, had graduated from high school earlier that day. He was 17 years old. Less than a week later, he died of his injuries in a hospital bed.

Osario and the eight victims wounded in the Rye Day shooting are among more than 320 people killed and over 1,600 injured in mass shootings so far in 2020, according to the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive. What constitutes a “mass shooting” varies between government agencies and groups like Gun Violence Archive, which defines the incidents as any with four or more people wounded. Our analysis of Gun Violence Archive data found a total of 395 mass shootings as of August 24, an almost 45 percent increase over the same period last year. If the pace holds, this year’s total will be the highest tally since the organization began tracking shootings seven years ago.

The mass shootings have disproportionately occurred in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Nearly 50 percent of the shootings analyzed by The Trace took place in majority-Black census tracts, though less than 10 percent of census tracts nationally have majority Black populations. The pattern held in almost every city that has had more than five mass shootings in 2020. In Chicago, for example, 31 out of 36 shootings with four or more victims happened in majority-Black census tracts. In Detroit and Milwaukee, each of which saw five mass shootings, all of them occurred in majority-Black neighborhoods.

Every act of violence shocks the conscience, but the public setting of many mass shootings renders them acutely horrifying. People pursuing an activity presumed safe – going to church or school or the store, putting in a workday, enjoying a night out – suddenly confront a barrage of bullets. The ensuing media coverage stirs public mourning and donations. Activists and Democratic politicians cry for reform. But when a gunman in a dispute kills or injures multiple bystanders in a predominantly Black or Latinx community, the bloodshed is written off by some journalists, politicians, and onlookers as predictable, endemic to the neighborhood and therefore not worthy of the same sympathy.

With this year’s more frequent mass shootings part of a larger rise in homicides during the pandemic, President Donald Trump has used the violence to stoke fears among white voters and paint Democrats as soft on crime. His Justice Department is sending federal agents into cities under the aegis of Operation Legend, an initiative designed to produce quick increases in arrests and federal prosecutions, which evidence shows do not correlate to long-term reductions in violent crime and improvements in public safety. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden promises to increase restrictions on gun access but rejects proposals to reduce police funding and dramatically shift public dollars toward social services and grassroots interventions.

For Black gun violence prevention advocates, the responses to mass shootings in Black and Brown neighborhoods are dispiritingly familiar. “When these mass shootings happen in white communities, everybody has a response: they have policies, investments, thoughts and prayers,” said Amber Goodwin, the founding director of the Community Justice Action Fund. “When Black people are shot and killed, it’s a lack of response. Or if there is a response, it’s a divestment. It’s carceral.”

On August 14, activists, family members, pastors, and friends gathered at an intersection on a leafy residential street in Southeast Washington, D.C., to mourn the death of Chris “Pappi” Brown. Five days before, Brown had been killed at an annual block party after more than 100 shots were fired into a crowd of more than 300. The shooting left 21 injured and Brown dead. He was 17.

Like other large cities during the pandemic, Washington has struggled to contain a troubling rise in homicides, even as other crime has declined. So far, the city has recorded 133 homicides, and if the current pace holds, that number may pass 200 for the first time in more than a decade. Encompassed within the surge is an uptick in mass shootings. More than seven shootings have left four or more injured in the district in the past five months alone.

The increase worries those who study the effects of mass violence on public life, like Yale sociologist Vida Bajc. Since the coronavirus hit the United States, Bajc has been concerned that people in cities — who have sacrificed privacy and home-size for the tight-knit social fabric of urban life — have had to endure a profound alienation as public space grows more dangerous to inhabit. Mass shootings, she said, only compound this sense of isolation. “Public spaces are extensions of our homes,” she said. “So this is an invasion on two fronts: You don’t know who carries a gun, who’s going to blow up and get angry and start shooting; and you don’t know who has the virus. So what I see is people closing in on themselves.”

Like the Rye Day party in Syracuse, the block party at which Brown was killed was meant to provide some relief during a COVID-warped summer. “You had hundreds of people from across the city who came to the event looking for fellowship and bonding,” said Tia Bell, founder of the Trigger Project, a gun violence reduction group based in Washington. What the organizers hadn’t accounted for, though, was the way that the disruptions people sought to escape would also fuel new conflicts, she said.

“All of the root causes that fuel the cycle of gun violence are intensified right now,” said Greg Jackson, advocacy director at Community Justice Action Fund, which is based in Washington. “There aren’t fewer police officers out there, but there are fewer jobs and fewer educational opportunities.”

The same turmoil is fueling violence outside of major cities. In states that ended lockdown restrictions early into the virus’s spread, people in rural and suburban communities have been eager to reclaim their pre-pandemic lives, only to have their communities rattled by acts of mass violence. Many of the mass shootings documented by the Gun Violence Archive occurred in such places, striking public venues just beginning to attract patrons after closing during coronavirus shutdowns.

Royta Giles Jr.’s parents were shopping for a Fourth of July outfit for him at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, Alabama, the state’s largest mall, when three men opened fire at one another inside. Royta, 8 years old, was caught in the crossfire. Bullets wounded three other bystanders.

“We heard the gunshots and I grabbed them, and we hit the ground,” Royta’s mother, Jesslyn Layfield, told “He was the only one who didn’t get up.”

Royta’s death led to an outpouring of community support — at a well-attended vigil outside the mall, his mother spoke through tears about the strangers who showed up to help her through her grieving. But like the Rye Day shooting in Syracuse and the block party shooting in D.C. after it, the violence prompted little national attention.

Jason Silva, a professor of criminal justice at William Paterson University who studies media coverage of mass shootings, has noted a distinction between “mass public shootings” — the incidents that have come to define mass shootings in the American consciousness, where the shooter targets a specific public space for a rampage — and mass shootings that grow out of violence between individuals or groups, but wind up claiming bystanders among those shot. “The mass public shootings are what get more coverage, traditionally,” he said, irrespective of the race of perpetrators or victims.

Silva has advocated cautiously for increasing media coverage of conflict-related mass shootings as a means of generating public support for necessary legislative changes. “If we want to address the gun violence problem at large” — which overwhelmingly comprises conflict related shootings like the one at the Galleria — “then we should 100 percent be showing them the same media attention,” he said. “But we should keep in mind the harm caused during the tough-on-crime era of the ‘80s and ‘90s, which was driven in part by exhaustive media coverage.”

While most Americans went unaware, the shootout at the Galleria traumatized those who witnessed it. “My chest was shaking so bad, and my hands were shaking, and I was trying to keep myself from panicking,” said Rebecca Skelton, who was mid-shift at a Build-a-Bear Workshop nearby when the shots rang out. “But that’s what you think is: you know, is it over? How many bodies are there outside my door? What is going on out there, and is it going to come in here?”

Skelton turned in her letter of resignation two days later. Several coworkers did the same. “I have PTSD from working at a toy store,” she said.

“Mass shootings in Black and Brown communities may be new to you all — not new to us,” said DeVone Boggan, the executive director of the Bay Area-based violence prevention group Advance Peace. “And it’s never been considered a mass shooting. Not until white folks started dying did we start hearing about this phenomena called mass shootings. But drive-by shootings — i.e., ‘mass shootings’ — have been happening forever, COVID or not.”

The pandemic has exacerbated violence in underserved areas by introducing unemployment, hampering access to mental health care and other social services, and keeping everyone home, fueling conflict within families and communities — and making rivals easier to track down, Boggan said.

“Being in a dysfunctional environment with multiple people who are all going through the same thing and respond in volatile ways creates a combustion that can produce some of the things that we are seeing in some of these neighborhoods,” he said.

To Boggan and his fellow violence interrupters, it’s important to call out what underlies the formula for which mass shootings generate public attention and which are overlooked. “It’s part of systemic racism,” said Fernando Rejón, executive director of Urban Peace Institute, an initiative in Los Angeles that provides training for violence intervention workers. “The automatic assumption is, ‘it’s probably gang-related,’ ‘they’re all involved in something illegal.’ If it happened at a bar or a nightclub, where it’s not ‘supposed’ to happen, then it makes national news.

“Systemic racism,” Rejón added, “is really about power: the power to determine who’s valued and who is not.”

On a Sunday afternoon in April, about two weeks after California issued its first stay-at-home orders, Devon Gipson and his fiancé, Jennifer Salazar, were walking to a store in the residential Gramercy Park neighborhood of Los Angeles when someone drove by and opened fire. A bullet hit Gary Patrick Moody in a nearby car, killing him. Another bullet wounded a 49-year-old man in the arm, and another bullet hit Salazar in the leg. A fourth round struck Gipson in the back, fracturing his rib and puncturing his lung before exiting his body.

Gipson, a father and full-time employee at the toy company Mattel, underwent surgery and survived the mass shooting, which was one of at least three in the city since March. Local media extensively covered Gipson’s shooting: his father is California Assemblymember Mike Gipson. A Democrat, Mike Gipson dealt with the issue before his son’s shooting, introducing a bill last year that would require the registration of home-assembled ghost guns. He’d held anti-violence rallies just blocks from where his son was shot.

“As a father, the news of my son being shot was devastating to myself and my family,” the lawmaker told reporters after the shooting. “As a legislator, I know that too often many families experience similar scenarios on a regular basis. This must stop.”

Statewide, California has had 20 mass shootings during the COVID-19 crisis. In June, two women, 37 and 63, were killed and three others were wounded in a drive-by shooting at a child’s birthday party in the Northern California city of Vallejo. The next day, a local musician was killed and four others were wounded in a targeted shooting in Sacramento on June 10. Two weeks later, Two girls, 11 and 12, were killed and three adults were injured in a drive-by shooting at a birthday party in Delano.

In Syracuse, the weeks following the Rye Day party saw a rash of shootings, some retaliatory, some unrelated, according to local activists. Through August, the city saw 22 homicides, more than it did in all of 2019 and on track for an all-time record.

The gun violence has been so unrelenting that the Rye Day shooting hardly felt like an anomaly to some who live nearby. “People who were shocked were people who were not from Syracuse,” said Dr. Najah Salaam, chief operating officer of the Street Addiction Institute, a local violence prevention nonprofit.

Reverend YL Wright, Sr., a minister at Tucker Missionary Baptist Church on Syracuse’s South Side, agreed, adding that after living in the city for nearly five decades, he’s now wary of deviating from his usual routine, lest he wind up in a barrage of gunfire. “I don’t go anywhere where there’s crowds at.”

A 2015 analysis of census data determined that Syracuse had the highest rate of extreme poverty among Black and Latinx people out of the nation’s 100 largest metropolitan areas. The statistic was quoted often by activists and community residents interviewed for this story, who held it up as evidence of a problem they’ve recognized since they were young — a problem of scarcity that they say drives gun violence.

Salaam and Wright both pointed to a lack of jobs and afterschool programs, homelessness, an underfunded school district, and a debilitating segregation enforced by Interstate 81, which slices the city in half along its north-south axis, as parts of a system rigged against their communities.

To local activists, the scarcity of resources and the failure of mass shootings like the one at Rye Day to garner significant national concern are connected: They both represent neglect of the problems plaguing Black communities. Salaam offered an example to prove this point.

“In Fayetteville” — a village just outside of Syracuse — “there was a big-to do about swan eggs that had been crushed,” she said. “They vandalized these swan eggs and the community was absolutely outraged. People set up cameras and donated money and citizens took turns to stay overnight just to protect the swan eggs.

“Then you have a situation like what you’re describing here in Syracuse where nine people are shot and one child was murdered on the night of his graduation, and you see a couple of media news clips about it. Nobody marched. There was no public outrage.”

The takeaway, she said, was clear: “Nobody cares about us.”
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Grand jury indicts one police officer over Breonna Taylor shooting death.

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

Grand jury indicts one police officer over Breonna Taylor shooting death
A grand jury in the US has indicted one officer on criminal charges six months after Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by police in Kentucky.

The jury presented its decision against fired officer Brett Hankison on Wednesday to a judge in Louisville, where the shooting took place.

Ms Taylor was shot multiple times by officers who burst into her home on March 13 during a narcotics investigation. No drugs were found in her home.

Protesters across the country have demanded justice for Ms Taylor and other black people killed by police in recent months.
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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

Wanton endangerment for blind firing into nearby apartments when he panicked. None of his bullets hit Taylor.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Mr Bean »

MKSheppard wrote: 2020-09-23 02:15pm Wanton endangerment for blind firing into nearby apartments when he panicked. None of his bullets hit Taylor.
So nothing for raiding a house to arrest a man already arrested, nothing for shooting and killing her that was a good shoot it seems and the other officers are all okay no bad behavior here folks.

I hope that all we will get is random small scale violence, because we might see something much worse. Shutting down the area makes more sense and the Orange One is sure to say something tasteful.

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

Mr Bean wrote: 2020-09-23 03:33pmI hope that all we will get is random small scale violence, because we might see something much worse. Shutting down the area makes more sense and the Orange One is sure to say something tasteful.
Kentucky is a Stand Your Ground state.

I expect this by midnight:

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by MKSheppard »

Louisville Metro PD has already announced dispersal as in "this is an unlawful protest, now disperse"
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Re: Conflict erupts at Minneapolis, L.A. protests over George Floyd death

Post by Eulogy »

At this rate the pigs are not going to be able to build prisons fast enough for all the protestors. Not that it'll matter once the straw breaks the camel's back.
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