Wow, so there are so many things to talk about episode 8. A) The final scene and B) The rest of the episode.
And given a sterling performance from Charlie Cox as Daredevil, it seems sad that A inevitably overshadows B.
Because Charlie’s turn was a great one issue team up. It has them meeting, a misunderstanding fight and then work together to bring down one the baddie. Happy endings all round!

Seriously though Cox is charming both as Matt and as DD. His fight with She-Hulk is great in that he’s clearly skilled and talented but rightly taken down in a way that makes sense for their characters (he’s weak to gamma clap) and it gives him props without overshadowing Jen. (it is her show still)
Also I love the use of the Netflix theme in his intro. This bodes well for Born Again, I’d say.
And i love Jen fourth wall noting that the episode should be over and it’s only still going for finale set up. And she expects a twist which it is for her but less so for the audience. Still not clue on Hulk King’s identity but them hijacking and showing her private information (I almost typed dirty secrets but she hasn’t actually done anything wrong) and her reaction is an immesively effect cliffhanger.
Damage control has an amazing quick reaction time though unless they’ve been stalking Jen or otherwise tipped off ahead of time.
And this seems to be the first time since the pilot we’ve seen Jen fully lose control and hulk-rage, or at least that’s how I intepreted the final moment there.