What I was trying to point out to Sea Skimmer was that its not as clear cut as he likes to think it is and that cluster bombs are messy fucking things that do kill PEOPLE, not just soldiers. For fucks sake, they were dropping area effect weapons on a built up area... That shows a blatant disregard for the civilians of Iraq who, to quote Shrub "will be treated with the utmost respect."
Let’s analyze the facts:
1. The United States has promised to treat civilians as best as possible given the wartime conditions.
2. The United States has within the past week lost up to five killed during a suicide assault on a roadblock.
3. The United States military, on the ground in Iraq, called for an air-strike on a “built-up area.”
What does this tell you? That perhaps the fire was sufficiently withering to justify heavy support? I think you misunderstand what kind of concentration of enemy was present. And yes, in war, we seek to defend our own troops before the enemy or local civilians. It’s fact, and every military does it.
You forget that both the Australians and British have had pilots refuse to engage targets because of the risk of civilian deaths. This is just another example of the UTTER DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE that seems to be prevalent in the US military planning.
But the U.S. has far more planes in-theater. It runs far more missions.
Unfortunately any blame for this attack lies with the pilot as it is his perogative to question the orders given to him by his superiors as laid down by the Nuremberg trials. Perhaps it would do them some good to question authority every now and then.
In the middle of a war, when troops are telling you that they are taking fire, it seems the correct thing to deliver the requested support. Even at the possible expense of those on the ground, in certain situations.