rgjimenez on phpBB forums wrote:Writing in which one affirms that the masses are subkinetic subenergies whose creative spaces are nuclear energies, leptons or neutrinos, and neutrinos, leptons or energies periféricas;y the subkinetic antimasses subantienergías, whose creative subspaces are antineutrinos, antileptons or peripheral antienergies, and antienergies, antileptons or antineutrins. The universe, and therefore God, explains 1)por and by means of the equation of Einstein (E?mc2), and 2)por and by means of cogifts of quarks and antiquarks, that will give origin to the four structures of which we will speak in the following chapter. God is thus creative of the matter and antimatter, remaining 1)como material or antimaterial subspaces, and 2)como atomic or universal spaces. Only we have left to find out how autocrea God, although always I have intuited that autocrea or autogenerates being energy and antienergy at the same time, coexisting in which we finished calling atomic or universal spaces. Once created God he is already eternal, because to all expansive universe, that loses power density to gain extension, happens a implosivo universe, that loses extension to recover the lost power density, and to later return to be universal expansive. This God is very different from invented by the man, and therefore nonexistent, while this one is only the existing one, and only existente:la energy. God, creator I. - God, creator of the matter and the antimatter I have always thought that equation of relativity of Einstein allowed to understand and to include/understand to God, which always I have interpreted and conceived like energía.Pero blinded by also the truth from which the matter and antimatter come from cogifts of quarks or antiquarks, respectively, had forgotten the equation Einstein, until I intuited yesterday that the neutrinos are energetizados leptons, divine therefore, reason why they cannot be leptons of the matter, nor antileptons of the antimatter, as soon as energetizados:sí they are unions of masses and antimasses, of matter or antimatter therefore, as soon as masses and antimasses, that also son.Pero I am going to make appear to them only in energy that mass. It has forced to me to return to the equation of Einstein, because the energies continue being kinetic, antikinetic and static, the kinetic one continues being creative subspace of the matter, the antikinetic creative subspace of the antimatter, and the static atomic space, and therefore universal and subuniversal, but matter and antimatter no longer must be considered subenergies kinetic or antikinetic, but rather energies divided by the square of the speed of the light that we know, that is the one of hydrogen, because in fact all the leptons emit material light, and all the neutrinos divine light, energetizada light, that it wanted to also identify with that we would call mental light also.