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Warp Speed IS dangerouse inside a Planatary System

Post by Dargos »

One must simply watch the original Star Trek the Movie to see from a cannon source that warp speed in a planetary system is a dangerous maneuver. When Adm.. Kirk orders the Enterprise to go to warp speed inside of Sol System his order is questioned by Capt Dekker. Adm. Kirk insists that the Enterprise go to warp speed, and subsequently caused a “wormhole effect”(I hope that is correct, I’m going off pure memory here) when the warp field interacted with a sizable asteroid. (This event raises another question.. Capt Dekker countermands Adm. Kirks orders to destroy the Asteroid with phasers and instead orders the use of photon torpedoes, he later explains that the Enterprise B’s phasers where inoperable at warp speed due to some techno babble reason, I think it has something to due with the upgrade they did to the warp engines, and they could only use on photon torpedoes at warp..so is there any proof of phaser use at warp speeds and I’m talking about film or television, not books)

So I agree with Mr. Wong that warp speed is possible in a planetary system but it IS dangerous and most likely not SOP unless in an emergency.
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Post by Dargos »

ACK!!! No edit function...it wasn't the Enterprise B it was the Enterprise A...sorry...geez my very first post on this site and I'm makeing myself look like an idiot already..sorry :oops:
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ST TMP Wormhole

Post by Batman »

While Kirk was uneasy about using Warp within the sol system, IIRC Deckers concerns were due to the fact that the warp drive was untested and could potentially cause problems (which it promptly did, hence the wormhole).

And it was the refit E-Nil, NOT the A. Sorry :P
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Post by Dargos »

DOH!!! ok...old age effecting the grey matter in my head..Your right it was the refit not E-A :oops:
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Post by Stravo »

Just to add one more little detail...the actual reasons that the phasers could not be used in the wormhole is that the cause of the wormhole was an inbalance in the warp core, the phasers in the refit Ent Nil were now directly routed through the warp drive unlike TOS where there were seperate capacitors for the phasers. This supposidly gave the phasers more power and made it unlikely that the phasers would run dry at a critical moment. Anyway, with the warp core unstable the phasers were automatically inoperable whoch of course raises the question of redundancy. Perhaps the phasers SHOULD have their own capacitors for just such an occasion.
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Post by SPOOFE »

so is there any proof of phaser use at warp speeds and I’m talking about film or television
I have seen TNG+ ships use phasers while in warp, but only at other targets that were also in warp.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Ships have used beam weapons in warp in DS9, and I think in other series, but they have never to my knowledge been fired from warp at a ship out of warp, or one travelling in a different direction.
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