Starting from the top.
Observed "fact" #1, in reference to Observation #1:
His Divine Shadow wrote:The bolts change direction as the guns of the TIE changes direction, the bolts must be a pulse or something travelling in an unknown medium and are not independant entities(like say how a bullet would act after being fired from a weapon).
Do not mix observations and conclusions. "The bolts change direction as the guns of the TIE changes direction" is an observation, "the bolts must be a pulse or something travelling in an unknown medium and are not independant entities" is a conclusion.
You observed that the bolts change direction as the guns of the TIE fighter change direction. This, however, is not
always the case:
As can be seen here, there are bolts coming off of a TIE fighter, traveling through space
simultaneously along different vectors. Unless, these are straight lines:
Bolts seem to be able to travel either with the changing orientation of the object they are released from (as you observed)
or move independently. Another example comes from Han Solo shooting his blaster at some storm troopers:
The TOT (see thread titled "Turbolaser Operational Theory") easily explains this.
HDS, how does your theory (a "disturbance" along a constant lightspeed beam) explain this?
His Divine Shadow wrote:Theory:
They are massless but propagate forward at a subluminal speed, it might be so that the medium, i.e. the invisible beam, makes the destructive energies of the bolt travel in a tight helix, so the particles could still travel at C, like massless particles should, while having a subluminal forward propagation.
1. If this is true, then why doesn't the bolt above that Han Solo is shooting immediately accelerate to lightspeed?
2. All I ask is how? As I understand it (and I may be wrong) in order for a particle to change speed or direction a force must be exerted on it. How does your invisible beam cause these massless particles to spiral? Now, in every sense that I can see, you seem to be saying that turbolaser bolts are (pretty much) lasers, just that some strange force causes the photon-like particles (what differentiates them from photons now? What reason is there to draw a distinction?) to spiral around a central axis.
I know of at least one force in real science that alters the direction of photons: gravity. So then, would an intense gravity field be causing these "like-photons" to be propagating forward slowly? What would be the point of that? Why just not let the "like-photon" particles travel at their natural speed (c)? They would be harder for fighters to dodge.
What force is causing these particles to spiral? Is it Gravity? Electromagnetism? The Weak Nuclear Force? The Strong Nuclear Force? Or will you propose another fundamental force to explain this part of your theory?
His Divine Shadow wrote:Another theory on massed observations of weapons fire shows a consistant delay in fired shots, they always take 2-4(sometimes 6) frames to travel to their targets
Consistent? "2-4(sometimes 6)" represents a variation of as much as 300 percent.
His Divine Shadow wrote:this would seem to me that if there is a helix at which the energies travel across the tightness of the helix is dependant on the lenght of the invisible beam and that it seems to stretch out with longer ranges, explaining how bolts fired at targets further away travel faster.
Observed fact #2, in reference to Observation #1:
His Divine Shadow wrote: - From the clip showing the Tantive-IV being chased we see the bolts are not affected by gravity.
Tibanna gas: a gas found in the atmosphere of many gas giants, it is useful because it can produce large amounts of energy when light passes through it. Thus, it can be used in large blasters to multiply the weapon's output. It also has certain anti-gravitional properties, and has exceptional properties as a hyperdrive coolant. The best tibanna gas is compressed and spin-sealed, since this kind of tibanna is four times as powerful as regular tibanna. Spin-sealing requires a great deal of energy to do artificially. Fortunately for many weapons manufacturers, the tibanna found in the atmosphere of Bespin is naturally spin-sealed. Much of Bespin's tibanna gas is produced as a waste product by the beldons that inhabit the gas giant's Life Zone. (
The Empire Strikes Back,
The Art of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back,
Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin,
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe).
His Divine Shadow wrote:Theory: There might be an invisible beam that acts as a medium that the destrucive energies travel across.
These scenes invalidate ideas that bolts are independant entities or anything along those lines, they're part of a mechanism that we can only see a part of.
Unfortunately this is false. His Divine Shadow stated that the bolts are not affected by gravity, I produced official-source material that easily explains why this may be without invalidating "ideas that bolts are independant entities or anything along those lines"
Observed "fact" #1, in reference to Observation #2:
His Divine Shadow wrote:We clearly see that there are bolt shield interactions without the presence of a visual bolt in this clip, this means that the bolt is not the destructive part, but merely something that closely correlates with the destructive part.
Again, you mix observation with conclusion. Yes, there are explosions here that do not appear to be caused by visible bolts of the turbolasers. It would have been a stronger case if you had presented a situation where it was plain to see both the
source and the
destination of the turbolaser weapons in the same shot. These explosions may have been caused by the turbolasers, they may not have. Assuming they
are in the "observed fact" subheading is a demonstration of you muddling your observations and conclusions together.
But, since you made this claim, allow me to put some questions to you:
1. If these turbolasers are made of massless particles, how can they explode in open space? All of the explosions in real life science that I am aware of require mass of some sort (chemical, nuclear, etc). If these turbolasers are made of massless particles, how do they produce an explosion?
2. You claim that these are caused by "bolt shield interactions." Ignoring the meshing of observation and conclusion for the moment, in this frame:
You claim that the explosion is caused by an interaction between an invisible turbolaser bolt and the shields of the ship. Now,
His Divine Shadow wrote:the shield is a field effect, not a definite hull hugging one, it's the strongest just above the hull and then quickly drops off as the distance increases, this is why bolts can "explode" when they pass too close to a ship since the bolt passing through the shield creates a sort of cascade that causes the bolt, or part of the bolt, to degrade.
Your words, not mine.
So, then, if this is an explosion of an invisible turbolaser against invisible shields in open space, this should demonstrate a distance from which the ray shields of this particular ship should be able to cause your massless particles to explode.
Why, then, in this frame,
are the bolts apparently so much closer to the ship, yet still intact? From what you said, it seems the massless particles should have touched the shield effect and exploded by now.
His Divine Shadow wrote:Theory:
It might be a trail, an analogy would be that of a rocket and it's exhaust
This disproves theories like plasma bolts and such because in those, the visible bolt has to be the damaging factor, but it's clearly not, it's just a commonly correlated independant phenomenon that has no bearing on the bolt's destructiveness.
The cause of the mystery explosions can not be seen in this clip. You assume they are caused by invisible turbolasers, and then state the repercussions taking that
assumption as fact.
Moreover, you place an artificial requirement on the TOT "the visible bolt has to be the damaging factor" when, in actuality, a damaging portion of the turbolaser
can sometimes exist outside the bolt. (See: Turbolaser Operational Theory) You then treat the apparent disproval of that point as disproval of plasma-based theories altogether. It isn't.
The TOT nicely explains visible turbolaser bolts exploding in open space, one big reason is because something that has mass and energy actually can explode according to our current understanding of physics.
The explosions in this clip that apparently have no relation to visible turbolasers need not be explained by the TOT (although I can forward suggestions, such as "shadow bombs" mentioned in
Star by Star) because it is not conclusively shown that these explosions are caused by turbolasers. It is assumed to begin with, hence the folly.
Observed "fact" #1, in reference to Observation #3:
His Divine Shadow wrote:Blaster bolts are sometimes translucent, this would not be possible if they where consisting of hot pressurized matter, nor do they arc the slightest.
They must consist of massless particles of some kind.
You've tacked on your interpretation "they must consist of massless particles of some kind" to the observed facts. Please refrain from this.
Yes, blaster bolts are sometimes translucent, however the statement "this would not be possible if they where consisting of hot pressurized matter" is untrue. Take a glass of water, put it in a microwave-safe transparent tube, seal it, and toss it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Take it back out, you can still see through it.
Actually, the very fact that turbolasers are not
entirely transparent along a parallel or non parallel trajectory in space (read: not invisible from the side and from various angles) seems to sit more comfortably with them having mass instead of not having mass.
Here's why: (taken from
Question: Why don't photons collide with each other when traveling towards each other?
Asked by: James Tanquary
Answer: Photons in free space act almost exclusively as waves. Therefore, when they cross paths they merely set up an interference pattern for the very brief time of their interaction. No energy is exchanged and the quantum state of each photon is unchanged after they pass each other.
How then, do these photon-like particles give off light in lateral directions, perpendicular to their axis of travel? Are your particles fermions or bosons?
Particles with mass have no trouble at all with this. See the TOT for explanation of why turbolaser bolts are (sometimes) semi-transparent.
His Divine Shadow wrote:Reprecussions:
Blaster bolts cannot consist of plasma or any type of matter.
Observed "fact" #3 - Bolts are green, this means they do not consist of matter at high temperatures, since there is no temperature at which a surface glows green.
Again, mixing observation and conclusion. Please refrain. (See below for rebuttal).
His Divine Shadow wrote:Reprecussions:
Clearly they cannot be plasma weapons due to this since plasma weapons glow white, and the nature of plasma will cause energy to be released from it in the form of white hot light at such rates that the bolt would look like a miniature sun, this is assuming ofcourse that there is some magic contaniment field that would hold it together even when it's left the barrel, in reality without pressure it would expand in size many many times and it would just look like a white hot explosion at the muzzle.
Yes, this is not a thermal color, but the color of a turbolaser/laser/blaster in the TOT is not determined entirely by temperature. As for calling the containment field "magic," please refer to the TOT and it's
example of such a containment field
expliclty seen in A New Hope.
His Divine Shadow, you invented your panacea particle. An example of the containment beam, however, can be seen explicitly in the movie itself.