going down in flames!
Rebel Sourcebook Chapter 5: Starfighters wrote: Combat Targeting Computer
The advanced tactical targeting com-
puter employed by Alliance starships is
designed to augment the pilot's firing skill.
It takes only a small fraction of a second for
a skilled pilot to center his sights upon his
target and pull the trigger and an equally
short time for his weapons to energize and
fire, but, given the high speeds of modern
starfighters, his target could have moved
right out of his sights. Targeting comput-
ers compensate for the delay, charting the
speed and course of the target and firing
just slightly ahead of the point at which the
pilot aims.
When firing manually, the pilot must
judge these things for himself. This is an
extremely difficult skill to master, particu-
larly with high-speed, quick-turning tar-
gets such as the Imperial TIE Interceptor.
A pilot who can judge the angle of deflec-
tion by eye without the aid of a targeting
computer is a skilled flyer, indeed.