Neither is it our job to prove your claims. You seem to think that a couple soldiers or Marines sitting either infront of the museum and/or inside it will disuade the looters with out using lethal force. Prove your case, how the hell are they expected to do that.It's not my job to prove your claims. You are claiming that, unlike almost every crowd control situation that happens in the modern world, somehow lethal force will be required to control these people. Please prove that
Moving a hundred troops to protect the museum durring the fight would have been stupid. We may have enough troops to take the city using the current tactics, but to move a hundred troops to protect a non stategical location rather than a bridge, a command structure, hidden bunkers, and other targets is not the way to take the city. Taking the city and restoring order as fast as possible is the only way to adaquetly protect what you want to protect. Yes some will be sold and/or destroyed while we secure the city and it is a loss, but more would be lost if we go the supress the crowd route and enflame the city to riot and all goes the way of anarchy and anything stolen has the opertunity of being found and returned. Can you say the same for any of the troopers that would die to protect the non stategic site? Will his/hers death quicken the fall of the regiem and/or bring order to the city any quicker?