1) No "rout" AI. Seriously, you're beating the AI team by thirty fuckin' points in the fourth quarter, and it's still playing with all of it's starters and acting as if it just needs one more score to win instead of doing what a real team would do: withdraw the starters so they won't get injured in a futile game and give the bench-warmers some practice.
2) Play Challenge. The game isn't properly programmed with the foot rules, so as long as a player gets ONE foot inbounds it counts even though it shouldn't. It also has an improper soundbite with the ref saying "the Player had control of the ball" when THAT ISN'T EVEN THE INTENT OF THE CHALLENGE. Granted, they can't possibly know WHY I challenge something, but either the game could have a tweaked AI that would recognize the likely one, or perhaps an option on what aspect you wish to challenge.
3) Pass AI still sucks. Even with a high PA rating (accuracy), the QB sometimes doesn't throw anywhere near where he's supposed to. The AI for where the ball should go in relation to the receiver keyed needs some tweaking.
4) For God's sake, if you can't program the AI to recognize the specifics of a play, give Madden more general color commentary, because I'm tired of Madden blaming the offensive line for a run that got little gain when the play puts the runner to either side, or the soundbites blabbering about the receiver "not being able to hold on to the ball" when the fuggin' thing is knocked down BY A DEFENSIVE LINEMAN IN THE QB'S FACE!
That, and I want more diverse-figured cheerleaders who wear even less.

Seriously, in addition, I'd like to actually get some TRADE OFFERS in Franchise Mode, and some trading in general. I'm in one now, on my seventh, eighth year or so, and NOT ONE CPUTRADE HAS BEEN DONE IN THE NFL SINCE I BEGAN! The only trades were by ME dumping off excess draft picks I had no need of. It'd also be damned cool if you could trade draft picks in future seasons like real teams do, instead of just the picks for one year. And with an expanded amount of trading (currently you can only have three picks/players per side in a trade) so you can pull a Mike Ditka and trade away all of your draft picks for the #1 pick or something.