Halo/SW crossover fic (chapter one up)

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Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
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Halo/SW crossover fic (chapter one up)

Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

I'm working on it now.

So far I've got:
LT. Hit-Man as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper
Typhonis as anther ODST
Myself, weemadando, and RSA (don't worry, he dies early on) as Longsword interceptor pilots
Pablo Sanchez as the tactical officer aboard the Meriwether Lewis
SirNitram as the nav officer on the ML
Zaia as ops officer on the ML
and Stravo as the chief engineer on the ML.

Anyone else want in? And if so, who would you like to be, and what organization would you like to be with (UNSC, New Republic, Imperial Remmant, Jedi, etc.)?
Last edited by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot on 2003-04-14 05:36am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

If possible i would like to be an UNSC Marine sniper, since my screen name here is so darned long you could use the nick i use when i play online games, Archangel. So Sniper, Codename Archangel.
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:If possible i would like to be an UNSC Marine sniper, since my screen name here is so darned long you could use the nick i use when i play online games, Archangel. So Sniper, Codename Archangel.
You got it.

The fic itself involves the Meritwether Lewis and all the SPARTAN-IIs being thrown into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. With no way to get home, Commander Keyes decides to throw his lot in with the NR.

Unfortunately, the Covenant decide they want a piece of the action as well, and this turns into a three-way war.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:If possible i would like to be an UNSC Marine sniper, since my screen name here is so darned long you could use the nick i use when i play online games, Archangel. So Sniper, Codename Archangel.
You got it.

The fic itself involves the Meritwether Lewis and all the SPARTAN-IIs being thrown into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. With no way to get home, Commander Keyes decides to throw his lot in with the NR.

Unfortunately, the Covenant decide they want a piece of the action as well, and this turns into a three-way war.
Sounds good, im anxious to see how it turns out.
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

The first chapter deals with how the ML gets there, and where it arrives.

I'll have it done in a few hours, minimum.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

First chapter is officially up.

The best of the best - a Halo/NJO crossover

John hung on for grim life as the Pelican slammed into another evasive turn.

The Covenant ship barraging them hadn’t gotten lucky yet, but it was plain out a matter of time.

The Commonwealth was ablaze and unable to help, so they were on their own.

Right up until the Meriwether Lewis jumped out of Slipspace, weapons spitting fire at the enemy frigate.

“This is Commander Keyes to Pelican three-five-oh. Get into our ventral landing bay ASAP, we’ve got a little surprise for this guy.”

“Affirmative Commander,” Dr Halsey agreed, “we’re on our way in. Kelly, you want to try docking?”

“Yes ma’am.”


John and Halsey walked onto the bridge, watching as lieutenants Nitram and Pablo Sanchez, helm and tactical respectively, worked to bring the guns into line on the enemy frigate.

“Commander, if Cortana can interface with your systems, then we may stand a chance.”

“Right. Get her locked in and up to speed.”


Halsey plugged Cortana’s datachip into the main computer, then tapped the appropriate buttons to activate her.

“Dr Halsey. I assume this isn’t social in nature.”

“No Cortana. I need you to destroy the ship off the port bow.”

“Yes doctor.”

A red line appeared on the viewscreen. Cortana’s firing solution for the MAC and Archer missile pods.

“Lieutenant Sanchez, you may fire when ready.”

“Aye sir. MAC solution locked in and firing. Archer missile pods A-T safeties removed and firing.”

The high-velocity shell ploughed into the forward section of the alien ship, punching a second massive hole in it. The Archer warheads hit seconds later, impacting where the MAC attacks had neutralised the shield.

“Minimal damage sir. Picking up a massive beta-particle surge. They’re preparing to fire a plasma torpedo.”

“Arm a Shiva warhead. Set to detonate inside the enemy vessel.”

“Aye sir. All safeties disengaged. Going for minimal safe distance.”

“Torpedo charge at fifty percent,” Cortana reported, “I think we hurt them badly.”

“Good to know. Have reached safe distance. Firing.”

A single red dot, travelling at 50kps and accelerating, headed for the Covenant ship.

“All hands brace for explosion,” Keyes ordered.

“Missile impact in five, four, three, two, one. Brace for shockwave.”

The Lewis rocked as the blast hit it, and seconds later the Covenant ships drive core blew.

“Sir,” Zaia, the ops officer, called, “I’m picking up some kind of wacked-out Slipspace disruption. And it’s expanding.”

“ETA to contact?”

“Not long.”

The anomaly moved inexorably towards the Meriwether Lewis even as the frigate pushed its ageing engines to the absolute limit.

“Sir, we’re dangerously close to overloading that new reactor system.”

That report came from Stravo, the chief engineer, and he was referring to the reactor refit, which incorporated a new system whereby the more energy the fusion core produced, the more energy it had for cooling.

“Impact in five seconds!”

“All hands, brace for collision!”

As the disturbance hit them, John was vaguely aware of being thrown across the room, and then everything went black.


When Keyes came to, he was being propped up against the wall by ODST Lieutenant Hit-Man.

“You all right sir?” the grizzled soldier asked.

“Fine. Nitram, how you doing?”

“Okay sir.”


“Could be better, but I’ll live.”


A barely audible grunt and quite a bit of language unbecoming of an officer answered this.

“Sorry about that last part sir, but being hit over the head by your own chair tends to piss me off.”

Typhonis, another ODST, lifted Sanchez’ chair off him.

“Never mind, it’s just a slight head wound. You’ll be fine.”

Keyes looked around. The bridge was a mess, with only the emergency lights running.

“Zaia, status on power.”

“MAC is offline sir. No power to weapons at all. Com/scan is still working, same with engines. I ‘m picking up numerous small contacts, about one-five-zero meters long for the biggest of them, and one huge one orbiting that planet. The big contact is spherical, with a diameter of about one-two-zero kilometres. Theres a lot of debris around here, so I’d guess there was a battle recently.”

“Right. Nitram, set course to bring us into the shadow of that asteroid field,” Keyes indicated which rock they should hide behind, “Stravo, try to recharge the cannon. I have a serious feeling that we’ll need it.”


Hit-Man looked at the ODSTs and Spartans sitting in the troop bay of the Pelican slowly making it’s way towards what had been tagged as a ‘world-ship’ based on its size.

His men, including Archangel, known as Righteous Fist of Heaven within the service for his precision and lethality, and Typhonis, were talking quietly amongst themselves or checking weapons.

The Spartans on the other hand were just sitting there, occasionally glancing at the topographical scans of the planned DZ.

It disturbed him.

“People, we’re hitting the DZ in thirty. Get ready to drop.”

That was Kelly, one of the Spartans and a first-rate pilot.

Her and John were manning the Pelicans controls.

The plan was to land and conceal the Pelican, then proceed into the interior of the ship and gather what intel they could.

The hull of the ship as the Pelican landed largely muffled the faint bump, but it was still noticeable.

Kelly and John climbed down into the compartment, taking the safeties off their weapons.

“We set down in a cave-like structure. It should provide an effective screen against whatever sensors this race uses. Grab your gear and move out.”

The Spartans were already standing and free rappelling into the darkness below.

Hit-Man followed, holding his rifle up and ready.


When the last soldier landed, John received a burst-COM message from Keyes.

It read “Covenant vessel entering system. Unknown type, but given observed designs is most likely cruiser or destroyer. Am activating ECM and initiating running dark protocol. Stay safe.”

John swore violently. This was the worst possible thing that could happen right now, and the bunch of unknown and possibly hostile aliens present didn’t help the situation much.

“Language John, language,” Kelly remarked gently.

“Right, right. Let’s get moving people. Scans show what we think is a rally point for infantry nearby.”

Not of the ODSTs made any effort to move.

“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!” John shouted, using a voice that made Lt Hit-Man jump a good four feet in the air, “I said move out.”

They moved out.


Five minutes later, John crouched on a ridge, observing the bizarre scarred aliens below.

“Looks like over a hundred of them.”

“Just a hundred?” James asked, “Piss-poor odds for them. We have thirty Spartans. They aren’t even gonna now what hit them.”

“Alert,” Sam whispered, “Covenant dropship inbound.”

Sam was the sharpest of the platoon when it came to spotting things, and if he said there was an enemy vessel inbound, then there was.

John looked up, seeing a massive battle raging high above as the new Covenant ship took on almost a dozen ships, all smaller than a Mako-class corvette.

As he watched, two were scythed to pieces by hails of blue-white pulse laser fire, and an immense plasma torpedo swallowed a third ship, superheating all of it simultaneously until it vaporised.

“Doesn’t look good, does it?” Linda asked, while aiming her sniper rifle at the leader, a thin being with what seemed to be an artificial eye of some description.

“No. But we have a job to do, so let’s do it,” John ordered, motioning his people to split into teams.

This was going to be ugly.

What do you think?
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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Post by haas mark »

I'd like to be a diplomat of some sort, if possible. If not that, then some sort of ranking ops person.
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Post by haas mark »

Don't hate me for being critical........

It's pretty good, I think, and has potential, but it is VERY disjointed (esp. in regards to dialogue with no saying whose words are whose). But it's very disconnected, as well.. I think you might expand a bit more on a lot of parts.. it is all just so .. brief.
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

verilon wrote:Don't hate me for being critical........

It's pretty good, I think, and has potential, but it is VERY disjointed (esp. in regards to dialogue with no saying whose words are whose). But it's very disconnected, as well.. I think you might expand a bit more on a lot of parts.. it is all just so .. brief.
I'll see about fixing that, and is a New Republic diplomat alright for you? Or failing that, the captain of an ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) prowler.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by haas mark »

Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
verilon wrote:Don't hate me for being critical........

It's pretty good, I think, and has potential, but it is VERY disjointed (esp. in regards to dialogue with no saying whose words are whose). But it's very disconnected, as well.. I think you might expand a bit more on a lot of parts.. it is all just so .. brief.
I'll see about fixing that, and is a New Republic diplomat alright for you? Or failing that, the captain of an ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) prowler.
That works for me! :D
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Well time to add a new character.

Verilon, captain of the ONI prowler Starlight.
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

I like it, altough you could add a bit more descriptions outside dialoque about what is happening, not unnecessary descriptions but in places it would bring more depth to it.

Allso if you need more info like a real name and rank of my character i thought this would fit :Lieutenant Ethan Burton. Because atleast in my opinion calling someone with their mil. codename all the time would be kinda rude or odd :D
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:I like it, altough you could add a bit more descriptions outside dialoque about what is happening, not unnecessary descriptions but in places it would bring more depth to it.

Allso if you need more info like a real name and rank of my character i thought this would fit :Lieutenant Ethan Burton. Because atleast in my opinion calling someone with their mil. codename all the time would be kinda rude or odd :D
ODSTs tend to use codenames most of the time while they're on duty, but I'll see if I can get you some shore leave.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Hey Michael, whats the progress with the first chapter?
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Correction NEXT chapter :P
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:Correction NEXT chapter :P
I'm working on it.

I only have so much time to write fics.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by Companion Cube »

Very well written, so far! :)

Could I be in the fic? Maybe as a UNSC Marine or Spartan?
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

3rd Impact wrote:Very well written, so far! :)

Could I be in the fic? Maybe as a UNSC Marine or Spartan?
I'll see what I can do.

Just give me a name and rank, and we're in business.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
"StarDestroyer.net: Even our idiots are smarter." - RedImperator
"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by Companion Cube »

Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
3rd Impact wrote:Very well written, so far! :)

Could I be in the fic? Maybe as a UNSC Marine or Spartan?
I'll see what I can do.

Just give me a name and rank, and we're in business.
Name: James

Rank: Whatever you feel like.
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

3rd Impact wrote:
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:
3rd Impact wrote:Very well written, so far! :)

Could I be in the fic? Maybe as a UNSC Marine or Spartan?
I'll see what I can do.

Just give me a name and rank, and we're in business.
Name: James

Rank: Whatever you feel like.
How about squad sergeant?
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
"StarDestroyer.net: Even our idiots are smarter." - RedImperator
"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
"Know the ECM. Love the ECM. Cherish the ECM, for it jams thine enemys targeting."- Necronlord
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Post by Companion Cube »

:mrgreen: Sure. Thanks
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

3rd Impact wrote::mrgreen: Sure. Thanks
Alright then.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by drphlox »

Another shameless bump :!: :!: :!:


NR (Jedi) Vs UNSC (Spartans) VS Covenant (Hunters, Elites) Vs Yuuzhazn Vong (Blackholes for shields)

Who will win

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Post by Crown »



Still, I think a fan deserves to pester a writter to do more, to do better!
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Post by drphlox »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :P :twisted:

halo has to be one of the best sci fi universes around these days and having them in a crossover, a Star Wars crossover, let alone, the NJO era, is just awesome.

my bet is on the spartans in the Halo Vs Yuuzhan Vong war.

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