Darth Wong wrote:For the umpteenth time, the Bible praises the ancient Israelites for committing mass-murder in the service of their bloodthirsty god. I recommend everyone look at the Hatemail page entry for "Jonathan Boyd" on my Creationism website.
It praises God when the Israelites kill some evil people at his command. God did not come along and say 'go torture all those Protestants'.
Actually #1 is to have no other god before the Judeo-Christian God, and #2 is to have no graven images. None of the original ten commandments said anything about loving your fellow man. But of course, we all know how poor Biblical consistency is, and it's no surprise that Jesus would get them wrong. He was only human, after all.
Jesus was summarising. The first 4 of the 10 commandments concern our attitude toward God, which is summed up by 'love him' and the next 6 concern our attitude toward other people, which is summed up by 'love them.'
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It tells us to go and spread the Gospel to people. Kinda hard ot do if you kill them.
Yadda yadda yadda, acting as if the Old Testament doesn't exist, or that Jesus never told us to worship the God who claimed responsibility for such atrocities.
Funny, I've always made it very clear that I believe that the OT talks about the Christian God and is an accurate, inspired account. I I've also made it clear that God deserves to be worshipped. As would be clear from my posts, as you're so fond of saying. I believe that I've also explained the difference between a time of Law and a time of Grace. There was no Good News to tell people in the OT because Jesus hadn't come yet.
Who ignores the Bible more? Me, or a typical medieval Crusader?
Judge not lest ye be judged. I'm not going to make a call on that, other than to say that none of us follow it perfectly and that the crusades were certainly not Christian.
Ah yes, this is the theological equivalent of "you brought this punishment down upon yourself, boy! Now stay still while I give you a whuppin'!"
No, it's the equivalent of saying 'you brought this on yourself but if you say sorry, I'll take the whuppin' instead'
Killed, not murdered. Murdered is a pejorative term and shouldn't be used in a debate about whether such an action was right or not because it implies that your mind is made up and you are refusing to consider other possabilities.
Murder is the technically correct term for killing someone in any situation other than self-defense,
No, it's the technically correct term for killing someone unlawfully.
Now that's just plain not nice. Let's hug and make up. I think that sd.net could do with a few group hugs :^)
Of COURSE murder is a perjorative term; MOST of us recognize that it's bad to kill people! Too bad you don't.
I think that it's bad for us to unless we have a very, very, very good reason.
Precisely. You think it's OK to murder people and torture them forever because they ALL deserve it equally, since there is no difference between mass-murder and swearing. And you don't understand why you're a raving loon.
I think it's okay for people to be cut off from God is that's what they really want. The fact that that entails being cut off from al that is good and loving and they've been warned about it is their problem. God's done everything he can for us by dying on the cross and offering to take our place.
If you reject God, you're asking to be separated from him, right? So that's what God gives people. Cuts them off from him forever. Of course he warns them what it's going to be like, but people are still convinced that it'll be a lot more fun without him. I find is sad that they get it wrong, but it's their choice and they got exactly what they asked for.
And you get exactly what
you ask for, which is to be vilified as an utterly amoral fanatic and a moron.
So, rather than respond to my point, you call me names. Isn't there a phrase to describe that?I'll just go check the logical fallacies sticky at the top of the page...
No, I expect Christians to respect individuals on their own merits. But of course, it's not surprising that YOU would think in terms of group associations, because that's how it works in your twisted morality.
Actually, I was turning back various questions that were being thrown about concerning respect. I never stated what I thought on the matter, so you're just jumping to conclusions and name-calling needlessly. Get some sleep. You'll be less grumpy in the morning.
You can't cancel out evil by pointing out good things. Would you expect people to forgive a mass-murderer because he helps out at the soup kitchen?
Remarkable, we're in agreement. Of course you can't cancel out evil, which is why people need forgiven and salvation through grace, rather than earning their way into God's favour, which I've said repeatedly. I think that forgiveness should always be offered to everyone, though they will not actually be forgiven unless they say they're sorry and sincerely mean it.
But this is really about God and his actions, isn't it? If evil can not be cancelled out, and the wages of sin is death, then all sinners are deserving of death unless they seek forgiveness. That's why I justify God killing sinners in the OT.
Yes, and you wonder why I despise the actions of the Old Testament God, and have little more respect for the revised New Testament God, whose only real improvement is to defer his cruelty until the afterlife. What greater injustice is there than punishing people not based on their actions in life, but based on their beliefs?
It is based very much on their actions - their failure to follow the laws. Failure to worship God above all else. Of course, it's hard to worship something you don't believe in.
Oldest bullshit line in the book. If God loves the sinner, why does he place conditions on forgiving him which have nothing to do with atonement, and everything to do with kissing his ass?
Forgiveness is unconditional unless you count sincerity when asking for forgiveness as a condition. There are certain signs of sincerity, such as a desire to worship God, but that doesn't mean that they are actual requirements.