Poor, misinformed non-Evolution believer. :<

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Padawan Learner
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Poor, misinformed non-Evolution believer. :<

Post by Jetfire »

I just got this on a discussion mailing list I belong to. Names have been removed to protect the people involved. Since it is off topic for the list in question the thread will die quickly one way or another in any case. Just reading this though had me groaning in disbelief that someone could actually think this seriously.

I just wanted to share it with you basically:
> 1. Evolution the process (which is observable, recordable and
documented and
> not subject to debate about whether it exists),

That is not Evolution by definition...... it is adaptation and
mutation...... adaptation does not make a stranded dog, in the arctic,
become a polar bear....... -that- would be evolution..... and as for
mutations, they don't have the ability to make offspring as there is no
other mutation with the exact same make-up and/or they are void of the
capability as it doesn't have actual 'sex cells' and/or they don't live
enough to give it a try. If you can point to an instance where a pig
wings and
!transformed! into a bird I'd believe you, no kidding...... but there
is no
such observed, recorded, or documented case of that type of change.

> 2. Evolution the assorted theories as to why and how it happens
(which is
> subject of some debate among the knowledgeable as to the exact

There are no 'exact details' as there are no "from the Goo, to the
Sloo, to
You" changes. For that -would- be evolution and not an adaptation or

> 4. Evolution the beginning of life (which isn't really evolution but
some of
> the aforementioned people who deny it happens tend to get confused
> this).

Perhaps not the 'beginning' of 'life', but do you call chemical
reactions life? If you put baking soda and vinegar together is that life?, but
you would call a dog that barks and breaths alive.

> As mentioned (1) isn't up for debate. The process is well-observed
in nature
> and in the laboratory. Just as one example, the appearance and
spread of
> antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of evolution in action.

That instance is an adaptation of bacteria....... now if you could show
me where it grows feet and legs and walks off then I'd be impressed to
believe in evolution....... think of it this way...... you can stash a can of
peanut butter (lota protein) with as much live cells as you want...... but
it's not going to become a baby.... nor anything else.

> Definition 3 is the one that raises the most hackles among those who
> that a book of rules, fables, myths and a small bit of history trumps
> other sources of information. Of course if I were cynical I would
> out that believing said book over the what they can see and learn
> the senses and reason that they believe their Creator gave them is an
> waste. If I were cynical.

Ohh? by definition you are being very cynical.

> Definition 4 doesn't have anything to do with evolution, although the
> referenced in my comments on Definition 3 tend to lump that in.
> theory only deals with what happens to life when it's around, it says
> about the how and why life is there to begin with.
> If I seem rather short and insulting, well, I don't really apologize.
> someone wants to take a position that literally denies the reality of
> ground beneath their feet, they should be prepared for someone to
> on it. As a geologist, I'm quite willing to help them understand
that ground
> and what it reveals, but only if they are willing to admit the
> that some of the things written in a 2000 year old book are wrong.

Denies? I'm not denying anything sir, I'm pointing out that that
'ground' is sand. It is a definite possibility that that 'book' is wrong, quite a
few things are totally wrong, I'm confronting you on cold hard FACTS,
things do not transform in this world we live in! They adapt and mutate, but never has anyone seen or have evidence of an actual evolutionary transformation.

If I'm wrong then put your proof where your Email is.

> (person who wrote the first rebuke to this)

If you want to see these proof for yourself, please!, be my guest and
"The Collapse of Evolution" here
or read a few exurps from it here

If you have any proof to rebuke me go ahead and send it over! It'll be
welcomed and unbiastly read, I hope you do the same.

(Person who wrote all of this), the one who only cares about truth and not stupid arguments.

I hope this wasn't mangled too much in the cut and paste.
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Re: Poor, misinformed non-Evolution believer. :<

Post by Hendrake »

Jetfire wrote: I hope this wasn't mangled too much in the cut and paste.
The only thing too much mangled here is logic, knowledge and commom sense. It looks like the moron has taken all of his information about evolution from the worst Star Trek!

But what made me laugh most is the fact he's using *Jack Chick*'s publications as proof!
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Ask that asshole to come here. Tell him he would have an oppertunity to bring God to the unbelievers, and for evey one of us he converts, he can have 72 virgins in the afterlife. If he manages to convert Mr. Wong, he'll get a special bonus; his 72 virgins won't be the fat, old, harry ones saved for God's other heroes like terrorist bombers.
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Re: Poor, misinformed non-Evolution believer. :<

Post by Alferd Packer »

Hendrake wrote:But what made me laugh most is the fact he's using *Jack Chick*'s publications as proof!
Whenever I see the name Jack Chick, I am reminded of this:

I laugh.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I saw those pamphlet racks on the site, and if I ever see one of them in my church, I'll go Jewish! As for the Ass-sandwich, :lol:
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Post by Falkenhorst »

I once saw an l33t site where they did HUGE parodies of JTC's work. I'll see if I can find it and I'll post it here. The guys on the site actually got sued by JTC's lawyers but I think they managed to evade em.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

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Post by Eleas »

Falkenhorst wrote:I once saw an l33t site where they did HUGE parodies of JTC's work. I'll see if I can find it and I'll post it here. The guys on the site actually got sued by JTC's lawyers but I think they managed to evade em.
Heh heh heh. Those guys weren't the only one. Read Chicks' tract "Dark Dungeons". Then check this one out. *grins wickedly*
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I do roll 5d6 and do 24 damage. The Dark Lord will be pleased.
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Post by Falkenhorst »

LOL, 'Dark Dungeons' was pretty amusing.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

-Johnny Cash, "Wanted Man"

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