The problem is, nuclear families are already a decayed structure, which arose during the beginning of the industrial revolution. Families used to be large extended families living under one roof, several generations of parents and nurturers. Mostly this was based on farms and farm communites of agrarian societies. It is still true in some rare cases in america. But it was made rare by the move to cities and the space constraints thereto.Darth Wong wrote:Discussions of this nature quickly become heated because an attack on ANY kind of parenting method is invariably perceived as an attack upon parents who used it, and the children of such parents will become offended.
However, there are certain maxims which can be applied:The retort to claims about two-parent families and stay-at-home parents being superior is invariably constructed around the basic argument that all other things are NOT necessarily equal. This is often true. However, it does not alter the fact that these basic value relationships do exist. Yes, two shitty parents are not as good as one devoted one, but face it: two devoted parents are better than one.
- All other things being equal, two people can accomplish more than one person.
- All other things being equal, a person staying at home is a more attentive and helpful parent than one who is at work.
- All other things being equal, it is better for a child to have both male and female gender role models readily available (although a role model does not necessarily have to be one of the parents; uncles and aunts may suffice in that job).
It's a bit like saying that two hands are better than one, and having someone disprove the maxim by comparing a sickly weak two-handed person to a one-armed man who works out. It is entirely possible to prove the maxim wrong in particular cases, but as a basic principle, it still works because some other factor must exist in order to counteract it.
Nuclear families will eventually decay into what people of the future will define as families. Probably something along the lines of "Fusion family" or "eFamily." These would be good names for the developing family unit as the internet and perhaps higherlevel QM will allow new technology to develop that will take a major role in family life. Nuclear families were called that because they lived in middleclass luxury with a good amount of powered easy to use appliances and electronics.
Perhaps the extended family will make comeback, should the planet go through a move back to agriculture for whatever reason: Supergreenie reform of society, or thermonuclear reform of earth's surface, take your pick.