Gah, it gets worse, I was particularly amused by his evolutionary timeline
Dinosaurs allegedly disappear suddenly (according to the evolutionists) in a catastrophic event. In reality most dinosaurs were killed in the worldwide flood about 4400 years ago, but some did survive on the ark. Dinosaurs have been sighted and recorded throughout history and are even seen today in some areas (very seldom).
Though...I'm not sure if I should laugh at his stupidity, or cry because he is so stupid....
EDIT: Aughh...I should not have kept reading, damn my masochism.
Did you know that the fact that Pluto hasn't flown out of the solar system is evidence that the universe must be young?
Apparently the concept of "orbit" is alien to creationists, since Pluto is moving away from the sun at this point they seem to think that means it is on its way into inter-stellar space
And then he can't seem to decide if he wants to prove a Young Earth or disprove Evolution. He talks about how a
7,000,000 year old skull supposedly shatters the theory of evolution.....but isn't that kind of damning for the young earth theory as well?