My first ever Vs. fanfic

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Sith Acolyte
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My first ever Vs. fanfic

Post by Darksider »

fanfic centering on a conflict between the covenant and the borg with a small amount of UNSC involvement

Thanks to 3rd Impact for the idea
(Title still in the works)

Chapter one

Captain thomas jackson of the UNSC Hayclon-class cruiser Warspite stood on the bridge of his ship, lost in thought about the Human-Covenant war
"What did humanity do to deserve this fate?" suddenly leutenant jacob stevens, the ships comm officer spoke "Captain we're picking up strange transmissions from sector two-one-nine." "What's causing them???" replied the captain "they look....different from any known UNSC or covenant signals, it could be some new type of covie transmission" said stevens. The captain stared out the viewport into the emptiness of space. "Helm lock in on the source of that transmission and set a course"
" are you sure that's a wise course of action sir???" said the helmsman "we don't have any choice leutannant if that is a covie signal we need to find out and warn the local defense units." The Warspite began to accelerate twards the source of the transmission.

The covanant frigate righteous fistwas a powerful ship, capable of defeating any UNSC warship in a one-on-one battle. But this was not her purpose in the Human star system called Epsilon Eridani. The shipmaster , Ton 'zualree had ordered the helmsman to home in on a mystereous transmission that the ship had picked up "Shipmaster, we have arrived at the coordinates of the transmission" Said an elite sitting at the helm. The shipmaster looked at him "Very good" 'Zualree turned to the sensor station "what is the source of the transmission" an elite turned and said "it is a cube-shaped vessel that is over a kilometer in diameter the ship appeares to be..." Before the sensor officer could finish his sentence a loud mechanical voice blared over the comm "WE ARE THE BORG. LOWER YOUR SHIELDS AND SURRENDER YOUR SHIPS. RESISSTANCE IS FUTILE. YOUR BIOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVENESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN"
" where did that come from"? 'Zualree asked "From the ship sir, it appears to be powering up it's weapons" replied the sensor officer
"Full power to the shields, Charge pulse lasers"

The borg cube's tractor beam lanced out at the covanant frigate and the frigate's shields glowed brightly as pulse laser shots streaked out and impacted against the cube.
"Sir the unknown vessel has sustained minimal damage from our pulse
lasers" said the weapons officer "Fire plasma torpedos, wipe them from the gods' universe" said 'Zualree "Yes sir"

The cuber opend fire with it's torpedos and continued hitting the righteous fist with it's tractor beam when suddenly two points of glowing red light appeares on the frigate's hull, the points grew in size until they launced outward and assumed a teardrop shape. The first plasma torpedo impacted against the cube, overwhelmed it's shields and blasted a large gaping hole in the ships hull. The second torpedo went throuth the hole created by the first, exploded in the interior of the ship and consumed the cube in a brilliant fireball.

"the enemy ship has been destroyed, shipmaster"
said the weapons officer "Well done... prepare for a slipstream jump to our nearest outpost. We must report our encounter with this unknown enemy" "yes Shipmaster" "
the Righteous Fist accelerated into slipstream and vanished
"the gods have a new enemy" 'Zualree thought, " they will be easily defeated, just like the human scum"

well??? what do you think???
(Please go easy with the critisism, it's my first fanfic)

If you see spelling and grammer errors let me know

Disclaimer: Halo is the propoerty of Bungie and microsoft
Star trek is the propoerty of paramount
i make asoloutly no mony off this fanfic so don't sue me
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Companion Cube
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Post by Companion Cube »

I thought the initial scene was handled well, i'll be interested to see where this goes from here on.
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Post by Darksider »

3rd Impact wrote:I thought the initial scene was handled well, i'll be interested to see where this goes from here on.
Thanks. I had intended to make the battle scene longer with the borg boarding the covie ship ( :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ) and getting smacked around like rag dolls but i kinda rushed it

Edit: I might put an extended version of the first chapter on the ASVS fanfic library....If the Lord of the FUQ will allow it
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Very good, so far.

I can't wait for Borg vs Hunters.

Note: You are in 'Federation's trial' Darksider, but you're not an S-31 operative.

You're Sheppard's gunner aboard his tac-fighter.
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Post by Darksider »

Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:Very good, so far.

I can't wait for Borg vs Hunters.

Note: You are in 'Federation's trial' Darksider, but you're not an S-31 operative.

You're Sheppard's gunner aboard his tac-fighter.

(If you want to be in mine lemmie know. I need a name for a UNSC ground commander)
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Well, I do like the idea of being a gropo.

Just give me a shotgun, a floppy cap, and a bad attitude, and you got yourself a sergeant.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
" Even our idiots are smarter." - RedImperator
"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by Darksider »

Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:Well, I do like the idea of being a gropo.

Just give me a shotgun, a floppy cap, and a bad attitude, and you got yourself a sergeant.

Welcome to the UNSC seargent Ryans
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Darksider wrote:
Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot wrote:Well, I do like the idea of being a gropo.

Just give me a shotgun, a floppy cap, and a bad attitude, and you got yourself a sergeant.

Welcome to the UNSC seargent Ryans
You know it flyboy.
Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
" Even our idiots are smarter." - RedImperator
"A Terminator Space Marine. Also known as your worst nightmare." Stormbringer
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Not bad, I'll be keeping my eye on this fic.
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