Being EVIL in a game

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Post by NecronLord »

Bah. None of you have equalled my list of Atrocities. :twisted:
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »


Destroying everything besides the barracks and sending a dog to chew whatever comes out.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I alwasy enjoy blowing up planets and stars and then remaing them as Ring Worlds and Dyson Speres in SEIV....

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Post by Ted »

innerbrat wrote:
weemadando wrote:B&W - I demand tribute! Tribute damn you all! Hail the orangutan god!
I'm always an evil God with a good creature: in fact my zebra is Pink!
What is B&W?

And in HoI, Kanada rules. Taking the oh so soft underbelly of Europe, annexing Italy, straight up through Germany to take Berlin, oh so sweet.

Sending mass numbers of dogs in RA and RA2 to an enemy base.

Sending nuke trucks in RA Aftermath :twisted: :twisted:

Fleets of DS taking out the galaxy in Rebellion.

Setting up proxy mines on ammo boxes in Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Ted wrote: What is B&W?
Black & White
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Post by Damaramu »

I liked to take potshots at the droids in Jedi Knight II and then to end their torment, would push them off high ledges!

Droid: SCREEEEEAAAAaaaaammm!!!
Me: Teehee :twisted:
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Post by Darksider »

Halo: Sticking plasma grenades to freindlies (Although i love seeing the grunts try and shake 'em off)

JK2: liberal use of force choke (Preferably to an imp officer while saying "Apology accepted captain needa" in my best vader voice)

X-wing vs. TIE fighter: dropping a shitload of heavy rockets on freindlies and neutrals

Starcraft: massed overkill (EX. 20 carriers to kill a single zergling)
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Post by weemadando »

NecronLord wrote:Bah. None of you have equalled my list of Atrocities. :twisted:
How about this one from B&W?

"Worship me!"

"No! We choose another god. One with an irritating wolf critter!"

"So be it. Your choice has been made."

*levels village (it was just inside my sphere of influence), kills every single one of its occupants by sacrificing them at my altar, then I send in missionaries to convert any survivors who were hiding in the forests (that survived the firestorm) and repopulate it*

And lets not forget...

"My children are swimming/drowing! But I can't be bothered saving them..."

*pick up woman, throw her off the cliff to where the kiddies are, then order critter to have a snack break...*
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Post by PrinceofLowLight »

Playing "social engineer" in Arcanum (IE. killing urchins and beggers who stopped you) was always fun. And doing the same with ghouls and urchins in Fallout. Anyone surprised that they were made by the same team?

Government oppression is always fun, too. There's just something so satisfying about using a Planet Buster on that damn city that just won't stop revolting in Alpha Centauri. Or the ultimate wet dream for the armchair tyrant, blowing up constantly rebellious planets with the Death Star. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Hotfoot »

PrinceofLowLight wrote:Or the ultimate wet dream for the armchair tyrant, blowing up constantly rebellious planets with the Death Star. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Played a game of Rebellion where I did just exactly that. By the end of the game, the only planet left was Coruscant. :twisted:
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Post by Alan Bolte »

I can't tell you how many trillions I killed before I even bought SE3, let alone 4. Glassing is always more fun.
I play undead in WC3. There's nothing more fun then eating the corpses of your dead allies. also team games with bloodlusted skeletons. and killing critters so i can eat them, too.
I like to kamikazie bombers while they're laying mines in Subspace/Continuum
One time I played the demo of JK2. Accidentally ended up with my lightsabre sticking up some imp's crotch, and him continuously repeating the first intant of the death animation. I just walked away from the computer for a while.
proximity mines in the toilets in Goldeneye
any use of the slayer guided missile launcher in PD
turreting your own capship in any game

(unrelated) Bwa ha ha! Finally kazaaed myself the 1.2 version of fs2.exe! now all i need are those sound files.
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Post by weemadando »

Medieval Total War:

"We have 1000 of your men held prisoner - kill them all..."

*watches as the enemy runs like hell from the field to avoid the same fate.*


Suspect hiding in a cupboard... *open cupboard, throw in flashbang, followed by CS grenade, close cupboard. Listen to coughing and choking. Open cupboard, throw in another CS grenade. Close. Wait. Open. Shoot him with a beanbag round. CS grenade. Close.* - continue for 5 minutes.

Die by the Sword:

Beating an enemy to death with their own limbs.
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Post by XaLEv »

I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet: leaving proximity mines on spawn points.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

XaLEv wrote:I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet: leaving proximity mines on spawn points.
That's so run of the mill its hard to even call it evil
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