Co-ed schooling vs single-gender schooling

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Which is better?

Co-ed schooling
Single-gender schooling
Both/depends on the situation
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Co-ed schooling vs single-gender schooling

Post by Shinova »

It's been said that single-gender schooling is better, one reason being that it's easier to discipline the students, and there's no chance that there might be a gender bias of any kind.

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Post by Joe »

For discipline oriented schooling, like military school, gender-separated is good. However, most of the time, coed schooling is clearly the best way to go. Allows kids to interact more with the opposite sex; not allowing kids to do this may hurt them later in life.

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Post by Temjin »

The kids are going to have to learn to interact with the opposite sex sometime in their life. Better they do it sooner rather than later.
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Post by Stormbringer »

I agree with Durran. With the except of certain very specific situation co-ed is better than single sex.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

oh god, 12 yrs without seeing girls? Id die.

tho, for military schools, it might be appropriate. but not the more public ones.
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Post by Exonerate »

I want Coed for the simple reason that I'm a teenage boy, and would not last long without girls...

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Post by Aeolus »

Exonerate wrote:I want Coed for the simple reason that I'm a teenage boy, and would not last long without girls...
you would still see girls..just not in school. Besides the argument can be made that
1. girls distract most boys
2 girls often act meek and dumb around boys so they will like them.
I believe that thier is a valid place for single sex schools.
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Post by InnerBrat »

My grammar school came up with the greta idea of splitting the sexes for GCSE maths.

The result was, everyone who evenj came close to my ability at maths was put in the top boys set, wile I was left in the girls set, not one of which would have claimed to be particularly mathematical in aptitude.

So, because I was a girl who was good at maths, the entire concept of streaming was negated for me because I wasn't allowed into what, in practice, was the top sety, for lack of a penis.
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Post by Robert Treder »

Aeolus wrote:you would still see girls..just not in school. Besides the argument can be made that
1. girls distract most boys
If a boy is so distracted by females in his presence that he cannot focus on school work, then there's a problem with that student beyond the fact that there are women near him. There isn't anybody who hasn't graduated from high school because girls distracted them. If they give that excuse, they probably deserved to not graduate.
2 girls often act meek and dumb around boys so they will like them.
Speaking on behalf of all women (I hope they won't mind), fuck you very much.
I believe that thier is a valid place for single sex schools.
I bet you do, and I see you have such lovely reasoning for this belief.
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Post by Gandalf »

I think co-ed school teach a lot about dealing with the opposite sex, that cames in handy.
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Post by Aeolus »

Robert Treder wrote:
Aeolus wrote:you would still see girls..just not in school. Besides the argument can be made that
1. girls distract most boys
If a boy is so distracted by females in his presence that he cannot focus on school work, then there's a problem with that student beyond the fact that there are women near him. There isn't anybody who hasn't graduated from high school because girls distracted them. If they give that excuse, they probably deserved to not graduate.
2 girls often act meek and dumb around boys so they will like them.
Speaking on behalf of all women (I hope they won't mind), fuck you very much.
I believe that thier is a valid place for single sex schools.
I bet you do, and I see you have such lovely reasoning for this belief.
they are not my reasons. They are the reasons given by those who propose single sex schools.
reason number 2 is quite often given by feminists.
Their have also been studies showing that girls are more assertive and successful at math and science when they are in all female classrooms.
I was stating reasons why single sex schools may valid. Not attacking you. Or women in general. There was no reason for you to insult me over an academic point.
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Post by Mr Flibble »

Well having experienced both single sex and coed schooling, all that I can say is that coed schooling is definately better than single sex. You need to learn how to interact with the opposite sex. I frequently meet girls who who won't have anything to do with guys who went to my high school (single sex) because of their attitude and behavior around women, and knowing the mysoginyst (sp?) 'culture' that existed in the school I am not surprised at all. However I should say that some of that could have been due to an elitist attitude that also pervaded the school, not just the fact that it was a single-sex school.
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Post by Vympel »

Coed schooling. Single-sex schooling fucked me up.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Single gender might give you a more orderly classroom and higher test scores. But overall I'd say you'd get better all round members of society from co-ed.

Removing gender bias just leaves rooms for all the other bias's to take hold.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

We live in a co-ed world. Almost every work environment is a co-ed one. I personally feel that if we keep little girls and little boys seperately they grow up to be uncomfortable around each other in a work setting. The single gender classroom is an old idea for a time gone by.
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Post by Morat »

...and there's no chance that there might be a gender bias of any kind.
In other words, seperate but equal. I am highly skeptical of that.
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Post by Darth Gojira »

Morat wrote:
...and there's no chance that there might be a gender bias of any kind.
In other words, seperate but equal. I am highly skeptical of that.
I can't help but remember Dave Barry:"The women and minority groups were distanced due to the 'Seperate but Equal' in which the aforementioned groups were put in SEPERATE facilities than the white men and were treated EQUAL as the white men's farm animals"(or something to that effect)
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

I went to an all-boys school for four years. Lemme tell you how bad it is.

I can't speak for all-girls schools, but the thing with an entirely all-boy environment is that there is no compassion to be found anywhere. Teenage boys are notorious for mischief, and such an environment is certainly codusive to all the mischief you can muster. Boys (especially good Christian boys) are, for the most part, homophobic when in large groups. Someone cracks a gay joke, and everyone starts in on the fag-bashing. Lump this in with the fact that boys in large groups tend to be a bit destructive, and you've got the potential for another Matthew Shepherd on your hands for anyone who happens to be gay. And in a school of 1100 boys, you're bound to get a fag or two.

I'm not saying that having girls in a school decreases the amount of homophobia and violence as a cause of homophobia. What I'm saying is that with girls in the picture, there are more pro-straight demonstrations than anti-gay demonstrations. (By "demonstrations" I mean reactions to public displays of homosexuality in any form.) You hear the words, "It's just not my thing" more often in a co-ed environment than you do in a single-sex environment.

And, as it has been pointed out before, we live in a co-ed world. The strangest thing in the world for me was to go to school and be in classes with girls, and have them raising their hands and giving intelligent answers to the questions that I couldn't even BEGIN to answer coherently. It's not that I didn't think women were of any lesser intelligence than men, but rather that I had not for four years been exposed to feminine intelligence. Needless to say, it was a bit of a shock. In an all-boys environment you come to view women as sexual objects. In a Catholic all-boys environment, you come to learn that woman (Eve) was created simply to provide company to the lonely man (Adam). They are seen as sexual objects; they are seen as nothing more than the tits, ass, pussy and legs that they are made of. Of course, the brain does not enter anywhere into this equation, and when someone like me enters into an atmosphere where they actually have to compete against women for a decent GPA, it's a total shock to the system.

Single-sex schools are hideous institutions that breed mysogeny and homophobia. There is nothing more that can be said for them.
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Aeolus wrote:1. girls distract most boys
You've got it backwards. The LACK of girls distracts most boys. In fact, I knew a few kids who just stopped coming to school on a regular basis because they saw no point in it. "If there are no girls," they'd say in so many words, "what the hell is the point in coming?"
2 girls often act meek and dumb around boys so they will like them.

What the hell kind of girls do YOU hang around with, friend? You might have a valid point if by "girls" you mean "loose-moraled street hookers," but that's not what you said.

And for the record, I REALLY hope that's not your pickup line.
I believe that thier is a valid place for single sex schools.
Me too. And it's the same "valid place" that we hold for neo-nazis, fundamentalists, racists, bigots, and sexists of all shapes, sizes and colors.

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Post by RedImperator »

If Villanova were single gender, I'd have spent four years dealing with frat assholes puffed up on their daddy's money without underdressed hotties providing sweet, sweet distracting eye candy. That would have been horrible.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

I went to a school where the only other students which would understand me often were female.

However - as I've never went to a single-gender school, I can't really draw a conclusion myself. (Call me a coward, but I'd rather keep my mouth shut if the discussion is about something I don't know anything about)
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:However - as I've never went to a single-gender school, I can't really draw a conclusion myself. (Call me a coward, but I'd rather keep my mouth shut if the discussion is about something I don't know anything about)
No no... that makes you intelligent. ;)
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Post by InnerBrat »

I've been to both, and (maths problem aside, although that was the Grammar School), I prefered the High School, because I had more friends - the bullies at the Grammar School were boys.

But, that might have been because my peers and I were just more mature during the 6th form.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I'd say co-ed schooling is the way to go, because:

1. I'm a horny teenage male.
2. I really don't believe any of the arguments for single-sex schools. If someone says the girls distracts the boys, the same logic could be applied to oppose school intergration, saying the black students would distract the white students. Besides, they're not all that distracting. I can take notes and look at some hot chick at the same time.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

I'd say split the math and PE classes, keep the rest co-ed.
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