checked and rechecked thrice this manuscript, here it is:
Illuminatus Primus and me recently over AIM agreed to come to a truce
in that WEG vs WOTC thread, and the topic of conversation drifted back
into SW, more specifically, when I showed him fan-made floor plans
for the Marauder Corvette.
I then mentioned Death Squadron, and from there on, it snowballed,
especially when I calculated the number of additional ships that
were available to Grand Moff Tarkin because of his prestige.
Using the general definition of 60 ships = 1 Squadron found
in the Imperial Sourcebook, I came up with a figure of 900
additional ships in the 15 squadrons that were attached
to Tarkin's own sector.
Primus then mentioned that Tarkin controlled multiple sectors,
and was the Grand Moff in charge of "Oversector Outer"
I then dug through my on-line HTMLized Imperial Sourcebook
for the definition of Oversectors:
Using this, we came up with a rough number of ships Tarkin controlledImperial Sourcebook wrote: As an Oversector is created only from problem worlds, they
should be given a greater quantity of forces than an ordinary
sector. I would think that three Sector Groups should be the average.
at the time of ANH:
2,400 ships, 24 ISDs: His own home sector
900 ships, 15 ISDs: The 15 additional Squadrons augmenting his home sector.
7,200 ships, 72 ISDs: The 3 sector groups that made up Oversector Outer.
10,500 ships total, of which 111 are ISDs, were under his command.
And then Primus mentioned that this was conservative - multiple
accounts said the Oversector Outer comprised a huge quantity of
space in the Outer Rim.
So we began to calculate the number of ships under Tarkins' command
again, this time assuming he actually controls the outer rim.
We then attached a lower limit to the size of the Outer Rim by using the 8Essential Guide to Characters wrote: [Tarkin] was put in charge of Oversector Outer, which included almost all of the Outer Rim Territories.
sector size of the NJO-era Imperial Remnant, because the IR is described
as "inconsequential"
So our new calculations were:
2,400 ships; 24 ISDs: His own home sector
900 ships; 15 ISDs: The 15 additional Squadrons augmenting his home sector
7,200 ships; 72 ISDs: The 3 sector groups that made up Oversector Outer.
19,200 ships; 192 ISDs: The 8 Sector Groups assigned to the sectors making up the Outer Rim.
29,700 ships total, of which 303 are ISDs, commanded by GM Tarkin
But this wasn't enough for Illuminatus, he began to do some more
Key Assumptions:
*The SW galaxy is roughly 120,000 LY across
*The Outer Rim consists of the outer 20,000 light years.
*There are 3,000 sector groups
Using these three assumptions, we calculated that the Outer Rim consisted
of at most, 31% of the galaxy.
We then began to assign sectors to various regions of the Galaxy, starting
with the Deep Core, which received 100 sectors. That left us with 2,900
sectors to assign.
We then made another assumption: That the inner 70% of the SW galaxy
had most of them, with the Outer Rim only having 10% of the remaining sectors, due to it's sparse population.
That calculation yielded 290 sectors for the Outer Rim.
We then assumed that 200+ of them were "most of the outer rim",
and thus part of Oversector Outer - and that 50% of them were
priority sectors -- since the place is enough of a fuss to need
becoming an Oversector.
It was at this point, the implications began to sink in, and I made
a plea not to continue further out of respect for Scooter - we didn't
want to be responsible for his committment to an Insane Asylum
*Tarkin's Oversector Outer Calculations:*
*Mark Sheppard and Illuminatus Primus *
Really-Low End Calcs:
1 x Augmented Sector Group: 3300 combat ships; 39 ISDs
1 x Minimum Oversector Force: 7200 combat ships; 72 ISDs
Total: 10,500 combat ships, 111 ISDs
Low-end Calcs:
8 x Regular Sector Groups: 19,200 combat ships; 192 ISDs
1 x Augmented Sector Group: 3300 combat ships; 39 ISDs
1 x Minimum Oversector Force: 7200 combat ships; 72 ISDs
Total: 29,700 combat ships; 303 ISDs
Medium End Calcs:
100 Augmented Sector Groups: 330,000 combat ships; 3,900 ISDs
100 Non-Augmented Sector Groups: 240,000 combat ships; 2,400 ISDs
1 Minimum Oversector Force: 7,200 combat ships; 72 ISDs
Total: 577,200 combat ships; 6,372 ISDs
High End Calculations:
31% of galaxy x 3000 sectors in galaxy = 930 sectors
make up the Outer Rim, and all of them Are Priority Sectors
930 x Augmented Sector Groups: 3,069,000 combat ships; 36,270 ISDs
1 x Minimum Oversector Force: 7,200 combat ships; 72 ISDs
Total: 3,076,200 combat ships; 36,342 ISDs