rape in fiction

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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

NapoleonGH wrote:to be fair darth wong, while environment does play a role in behavior, no real conculsive evidence shows a causative relationship between violent media sources and acting violent in the long term.
Well, it depends on where someone is getting all their information. Would a fundie say that the Bible teaches violence? Of course not. But the same person would argue that Koranic schools teach violence. What's the difference? Well, if fundies had schools where they were able to teach Bible Memorization as the only subject during the entire length of a K through 12 education, I suspect that you'd get violent and socially maladjusted people out of those schools, too.

So as you can perhaps see with that example, it's really a matter of degree, as it is with most things.
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Post by NapoleonGH »

in agreeing with you duchess, hence me saying "no conclusive evidence of a causative relationship" i dont mean to say that you cannot percieve a relationship, im not even saying that there isnt a relationship, im saying that I have yet to see a decent study with results that show a high probability of a causal rather than a correlative relationship.
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Hmm... my otherwise uber-feminist girlfriend brought up a good point. Rape in literature causes debate, and that's the whole point of literature in the first place. Of course, that's not to say that people should go out and write newspaper articles that say, "hey, let's all go out and rape people." We can't have that as a society. Rather, in a literary context, rape is an important topic. It's real and tangible. Writing about rape is no worse than writing about abortion, and no one is condemning "Cider House Rules." Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions about rape in literature, but again, that's what makes literature worthwhile.
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Post by Ignorant twit »

Darth Wong wrote:
Ignorant twit wrote:Oh come now. You seriously beleive that the portrayal of rape in fiction has lasting effect on people's lives in the real world?
Don't change the subject, twit. We're talking about what is good and bad practice in fiction, not whether fiction controls the behaviour of individuals.
Oh I'm sorry, then why did we get it blurring the line between rape and sex?
InnerBrat wrote:We were discussing the harmful effects that can result from poor treatment of the character of the rape victim.
I was under the impression she WAS claiming fiction significantly influence the behavior of individuals.

Good and bad practices in fiction are subjective, if you don't like it ... don't buy it.
We do. At least, those of us who aren't indoctrinated by Christian anti-sex propaganda do. Onscreen desensitization to violence is probably a bad thing for society. However, it is generally agreed that the right to freedom of expression is important enough to prevent the use of censorship to prevent this. It doesn't change the fact that certain things are just in bad taste and probably bad for people to write.
Thank you for agreeing.
Of course, since environment has no effect whatsoever on behavioural patterns :roll:
Of course environment consists solely of what is on the tube. Little things like active parenting, or the lack thereof; religious indoctrination; and basic social interaction are completely irrelevant compared to the effects of fiction :roll:

If you commit rape because you saw a lousy movie you are already seriously demented.
According to you, two freshmen in high school can't fuck each other becuase it's statutory rape. You. Are. Wrong. That is defined as peer sex and is perfectly legal, even though it is statutory rape for a college freshmen to fuck a high school freshmen.
Whatever. Stack it however you like it. Statutory rape is still "technically rape", even if both participants enjoy it. Hell take a girl 1 day shy of age of consent take a boy 1 day over whatever the limit in age parity is (say 48 months). They get it on one night - statutory rape. They wait a day - perfectly legal consentual sex. Has anything intrinsically changed about either of the participants reactions and experiences? No. The only change is that the law no recognizes both partners as having the faculties to give consent.


Meanwhile, your definition of enjoyment is flat-out wrong, and frankly your assertion that someone who is unconcious can enjoy ANYTHING is disturbing.
I see, you have some evidence showing that pleasure is more than a collection of nerve impulses and biochemicals? That if the correct bioneural stimuli are present you won't experience the effect?
You have provided no evidence to support your position that rape victims enjoy being raped, an instead have in fact shown that rape victims do not enjoy being raped, which was my assertation the whole time. I refer you to the following statement which I previously made
Its a biochemical response, in some people it still fires. The sheer trauma of the situation may supress the response, but it still manages to function in some cases.

Quoting Doctor Dorothy Cunningham, clinical psycologist, about a victim's rememberances of pleasure "It’s very difficult for many to accept, you can be terrified and confused but still have an orgasm. Kim [a specific case] should know that her body did what bodies are supposed to do—it responded to touch."


Hell let's take a gander at this site:

MYTH: Sexual abuse never involves pleasure for the victim.
FACT: Many survivors of incest and childhood sexual abuse express feelings of shame or guilt because they received some form of enjoyment from their experience. It may have been the only affection they received from the perpetrator, who is often a trusted parent, family member, or caregiver. The body naturally responds to physical touch. The pleasure experienced, however, does not make it right. The victims have been horribly violated, and they did not choose to have someone they trust sexually violate them
Also, judging by your previous post, Manslaughter is equal to Murder one. Mass murder is just multiple counts of murder/manslaughter, and genocide is just a little more, no biggie. After all, you don't care about anything but the end result. So what if it was just a kid who accidentally shot is best friend with his father's gun? He gets the same punishment as a man who brutally beat someone to death with his bare hands....
No I said its portrayal in fiction. And yes I attach no more significance to the portrayal of manslaughter, murder one, mass murder, or genocide in fiction. In reality these differences are huge, but in fiction the effects of such are the same.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Ignorant twit wrote:
Oh come now. You seriously beleive that the portrayal of rape in fiction has lasting effect on people's lives in the real world? Can you point me to a single real world rapist where the cause was because little Johnny saw a movie with a bad portrayal of rape?

If we make the arguement that skewed perception of rape comes from movies ... why in hell isn't that same arguement applicable to violence?

To me a poorly portrayed rape scene is just like a poorly portrayed violence scene. Bad taste, but nothing lastingly wrong. Sure there are plenty of video games, movies, and books I don't enjoy ... but that is a question of *taste*, not because I'm under the delusion that misprotrayal of actions in fiction have gross tangible results in reality.
Ok, you just hit my last nerve.

You want a 'Real-world rapist' influenced by what he's read??


You want to know Rape? Get tied to the bed WITHOUT CONSENT and see how it feels as he's slamming you in the pussy with his thumb up your ass.

Ignorant Twit. Perfect name for you.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Ignorant twit wrote:Oh I'm sorry, then why did we get it blurring the line between rape and sex?
What "blurring"? Rape and sex are clearly demarcated, dumb-ass.
Good and bad practices in fiction are subjective, if you don't like it ... don't buy it.
And don't even CRITICIZE it either, as we're doing in this thread, or some ass-wipe will crawl out of the woodwork and accuse you of fascism? Fuck you.
Of course, since environment has no effect whatsoever on behavioural patterns :roll:
Of course environment consists solely of what is on the tube.
Nice strawman, asshole. I also like the black/white fallacy incorporated in your argument. The fact is that environment DOES affect behaviour, and fiction IS part of environment. How LARGE of an effect is debatable, and the rights of the individual may be argued to outweigh this effect, but to argue that the effect is simply not there is idiotic.
Little things like active parenting, or the lack thereof; religious indoctrination; and basic social interaction are completely irrelevant compared to the effects of fiction :roll:
Of course they're irrelevant; they have their own effects, but they are not relevant to this discussion.
If you commit rape because you saw a lousy movie you are already seriously demented.
And what if you have developed a lifelong belief that women secretly enjoy rape because of fictional portrayals which portray it thusly?
Meanwhile, your definition of enjoyment is flat-out wrong, and frankly your assertion that someone who is unconcious can enjoy ANYTHING is disturbing.
I see, you have some evidence showing that pleasure is more than a collection of nerve impulses and biochemicals? That if the correct bioneural stimuli are present you won't experience the effect?
Pleasure is as much psychological as physical, asshole. The sensation of a beautiful woman running her hands over your body is not going to give you the same feeling as the sensation of a 300-lb biker named Bubba running his hands over your body.
You have provided no evidence to support your position that rape victims enjoy being raped, an instead have in fact shown that rape victims do not enjoy being raped, which was my assertation the whole time. I refer you to the following statement which I previously made
Its a biochemical response, in some people it still fires. The sheer trauma of the situation may supress the response, but it still manages to function in some cases.
I'd say that a custom title is in order for this asshole. He is now attempting to seriously argue that rape is not as serious a crime as claimed by women.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

I'd say that a custom title is in order for this asshole. He is now attempting to seriously argue that rape is not as serious a crime as claimed by women.
What about

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Post by InnerBrat »

Or we could just send Einy round with his 8 inch-er, and make the twit a little less ignorant of what rape actually feels like.
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Post by Hamel »

Colonel Olrik wrote:
I'd say that a custom title is in order for this asshole. He is now attempting to seriously argue that rape is not as serious a crime as claimed by women.
What about

Ignorant twit
and an asshole too
Or how about Misogynist Prick, like the dude who downplayed the stress of the birthing process? You'd need to be a woman hatuh to flaunt this attitude
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Post by Edi »

"Misogynist Prick" or "Misogynist Asshole" would be quite appropriate...
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Edi wrote:"Misogynist Prick" or "Misogynist Asshole" would be quite appropriate...
I'd be tempted to recommend "Gorean", but not enough people would know what it means and he might think it wasn't an insult, so I'll go with the latter of those two.
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

How about we give him the nickname, "I should be shot"? Or is that a little over-the-top?
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Post by SirNitram »

Just burn the fucker to near then let him heal and DO IT AGAIN.

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Post by Queeb Salaron »

SirNitram wrote:Just burn the fucker to near then let him heal and DO IT AGAIN.

Assholian little assmunch.
Ooh... How very Prometheus... I like!
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Post by Ignorant twit »

Sigh Mike, why do you have to lie and slander to debate? If you want to rip me apart, at least tear me to shreads for the positions I've actually espoused.
What "blurring"? Rape and sex are clearly demarcated, dumb-ass.
You might ask Innerbrat I am merely quoting:
"Because a poor treatment of this character, and the character of the rapist can blur the line between rape and sex"

I DON'T think misportrayal of rape blurs the line between rape and sex. I think they are CLEARLY demarcated by consent and the lack thereof. ALL other considerations are IRRELEVANT.
And don't even CRITICIZE it either, as we're doing in this thread, or some ass-wipe will crawl out of the woodwork and accuse you of fascism? Fuck you.
Critize it all you like, but don't tell me misportrayal has any real world effect, like say giving somebody a misunderstanding of sex and then becoming a rapist WITHOUT PROOF. My points are these:
1. Misprotrayal of rape in fiction has negligable, if any effect in the real world. It only effects those who can't differentiate fiction from reality ... and they are already screwed the hell up.
2. The public is MUCH more sensitive to rape than to murder, violence, or anything else comparatively evil. I personally think such a double standard is stupid, but that is just my opinion.

Nice strawman, asshole. I also like the black/white fallacy incorporated in your argument. The fact is that environment DOES affect behaviour, and fiction IS part of environment. How LARGE of an effect is debatable, and the rights of the individual may be argued to outweigh this effect, but to argue that the effect is simply not there is idiotic.
Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot. Why is it you feel free to argue strawmen, "since environment has no effect whatsoever on behavioural patterns" and I should do the same?

I NEVER argued that the environment has no effect, I said I don't think "misportrayals of actions in fiction havehave gross tangible results in reality."

I ascert that the misportrayal of rape in fiction has a negligable effect on the real world. Do you offer proof that it has a greater effect on the real world?

If you want to assert that misportrayal of rape has tangible effects ... fine DO SO. Don't make an idiotic strawman attack that I discount environmental influences all togethor.
And what if you have developed a lifelong belief that women secretly enjoy rape because of fictional portrayals which portray it thusly?
Then you are already delusional, being unable to differentiate between fiction and reality. If you are screwed up enough to make that leap then I seriously doubt something else won't provide a trigger.
Pleasure is as much psychological as physical, asshole. The sensation of a beautiful woman running her hands over your body is not going to give you the same feeling as the sensation of a 300-lb biker named Bubba running his hands over your body.
Pyscology IS physical. That is why anti-depressants and other drugs work. IF the right set of biochemical/electrical conditions are present for a given feeling ... you feel it.

Biker Bubba doesn't feel the same because the SAME BIOCHEMICAL response doesn't go forward, most of the time. Your higher brain functions can and do alter the chemical and electrical conditions in your brain. If your higher brain functions aren't functioning ... then they may not have this effect.

In an nutshell Bubba's hands WILL set off the nerves under the skin, an electrical response will travel up to the brain and be processed in the parietal lobe and the medial forebrain bundle - largely the lateral hypothalamus -> ventral tegmentum route. This will then kick off a biochemical cascade with dopamine and other neurochemicals which IS the pleasure sensation, assuming of course that nothing else interferes. However Bubba's actions ALSO go from the parietal lobe to the amygdula and other cortecial areas. These process your higher brain response (the "psycological" response), and varies from person to person. If a NEGATIVE response comes from these regions then the signal cascade damps down and the pleasure response is killed. Its neurochemistry if you end up with the right biochemical and electrical values, you feel pleasure ... if these are interrupted, by other brain function or by say administration of naloxone ... you don't.

Indeed in the 60's they found that direct electrical stimulation of the brain lead not only to pleasure, but even to some test subjects developing romantic attraction to the researchers (The Role of Pleasure in Human Behavior ).

In MOST rape cases the signal from the higher brain functions in the cortex is stronger than the one coming through the medial forebrain bundle. In MOST rape cases the victim DOESN'T feel pleasure, because the biochemical pathway doesn't go that route. In SOME cases the victim's higher brain response doesn't overwhelm the medial forebrain bundle's response. This leads to the pleasure/shame response where the victim is ashamed because the rape was pleasurable; most commonly the literature I've read on the subject deals with underage victims, but also with impaired victims.
I'd say that a custom title is in order for this asshole. He is now attempting to seriously argue that rape is not as serious a crime as claimed by women.
Damn now THERE is a strawman.

Compare this claim with my earlier statement:
"REGARDLESS of wether or not the victim undergoes a pleasure response IT IS STILL RAPE. IF YOU DON'T CONSENT IN SOME MANNER IT IS RAPE ... PERIOD. Pleasure, in the MINORITY cases it exists, or in the MAJORITY cases it doesn't IS IRRELEVANT. "

Show me ANYWHERE I said this makes the crime less serious. I have NEVER advocated ANYTHING of that nature.

If anything, feeling pleasure during the rape makes it WORSE for the victim.

The only reason not to shoot rapists is because we want them to have incentive not to kill their victims. The crime is vile, despicable, and horrible.

If it is misogynistic to beleive that pleasure is a well documented neurological condition ("Pleasure Centers of the Brain", Scientific American among others), then I stand condemned.

If it is misogynistic to beleive that in a minority of rape cases, including statutory rape cases, the pleasure response still manages to fire; then I stand condemned.

If it is misogynistic to beleive that nonconsential sex is STILL RAPE even if the victim undergoes a biochemical pleasure response ... I stand condemned.

If it is misogynistic to beleive that pleasure due to the physical stimulation has NO bearing on the legality or morality of rape, I stand condemned.

If you wish to title me, I ask only that it be done on grounds of positions I have actually advocated, not the words Mike has slipped into my mouth.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

innerbrat wrote:Or we could just send Einy round with his 8 inch-er, and make the twit a little less ignorant of what rape actually feels like.

Excellent idea IB, except he's not worth me being in jail.. that stupid fucking cunt!! :evil: :evil:
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Post by Darth Wong »

Ignorant twit wrote:Sigh Mike, why do you have to lie and slander to debate? If you want to rip me apart, at least tear me to shreads for the positions I've actually espoused.
Ah yes, resorting to the popular "Mike Wong doesn't fight fair!" attack. Never mind the fact that you don't actually produce hard evidence of this claim :roll:
I DON'T think misportrayal of rape blurs the line between rape and sex. I think they are CLEARLY demarcated by consent and the lack thereof. ALL other considerations are IRRELEVANT.
Since that is exactly what everyone else is saying, why did YOU bring it up as a disagreement, then?
And don't even CRITICIZE it either, as we're doing in this thread, or some ass-wipe will crawl out of the woodwork and accuse you of fascism? Fuck you.
Critize it all you like, but don't tell me misportrayal has any real world effect, like say giving somebody a misunderstanding of sex and then becoming a rapist WITHOUT PROOF.
In other words, you are reiterating your claim that this component of your environment has no real world effect whatsoever. Yet you accuse me of distorting your position!
My points are these:
1. Misprotrayal of rape in fiction has negligable, if any effect in the real world. It only effects those who can't differentiate fiction from reality ... and they are already screwed the hell up.
A claim stated as fact. Try again.
2. The public is MUCH more sensitive to rape than to murder, violence, or anything else comparatively evil. I personally think such a double standard is stupid, but that is just my opinion.
Rape is the only crime in which the victim is often portrayed as enjoying the crime, idiot. Since when does anyone write fiction in which the fucking murder victim enjoys being murdered? How many fucking times does someone have to point this out before it sinks into your head?
I NEVER argued that the environment has no effect, I said I don't think "misportrayals of actions in fiction havehave gross tangible results in reality."
Congratulations. You've been CAUGHT IN A LIE. You just said "don't tell me misportrayal has any real world effect", now you backpedal (in the same goddamned post!) and say that you NEVER argued it has no effect. Idiot hatfucker ...
I ascert that the misportrayal of rape in fiction has a negligable effect on the real world. Do you offer proof that it has a greater effect on the real world?
I offer proof that it is a bad idea to write stories in which rape is portrayed as something the woman enjoyed, because the possibility is clearly there, and that is enough to dissuade any writer who has a sense of ethics. This thread is not about proving the magnitude of the effects, but about deciding whether misportrayal of rape in fiction is good or bad.

I pointed out earlier that you are trying to change the subject, and that has not changed. You are STILL trying to change the subject. Your position (that it doesn't mean shit) is ONLY justifiable if you can prove that it has NO effect. I do not have to establish the size of the effect to show that it's a bad idea to risk it or spread misconceptions (particularly since the geekboys who lap it up generally have ZERO experience with real women, so they have trouble distinguishing fact from reality and leap to bizarre misconceptions such as the notion that a rape victim might enjoy it).
<snip even more repugnant attempts to claim that pleasure is a purely physical phenomenon with no psychological component and that rape victims enjoy it>
You have a royally fucked-up definition of enjoyment and pleasure, and that is quite frankly the nicest thing I can possibly say to you right now.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Darth Wong wrote:<Snip Darth Wong Absolutely PWNING Ignorant Twit's ass>
Ah thank you for doing my dirty work. I was just about to fire off a nice rebuttal, but you beat me to the punch again 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Twit, You've been Owned. Give it the fuck up, asshole! :D
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

If we decide to shoot this asshole, I get dibs after Wong.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Queeb Salaron wrote:If we decide to shoot this asshole, I get dibs after Wong.

*hands Queeb a Railgun, a crate of DU Rail Slugs, and a pup tent*

Happy Camping!! :twisted: :twisted:

EDIT: Can you get rid of the 'Not Spaceluigi' bit in your sig? No one here thinks "Mario Bastard" (ROTFLMAO!!) is coming back, so its redundant now... :)
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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:*hands Queeb a Railgun, a crate of DU Rail Slugs, and a pup tent*

Happy Camping!! :twisted: :twisted:
Mmmmm... railgun... ::Drools::
EDIT: Can you get rid of the 'Not Spaceluigi' bit in your sig? No one here thinks "Mario Bastard" (ROTFLMAO!!) is coming back, so its redundant now... :)
Oh... heh... I forgot it was even there. It shall be removed immediately, sir! ::Salutes::
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I've read this entire thread and while i've made my feeling clear in the HOS i've yet to address it here.

Several years ago my sister was at a party with a friend from her college. They where having a good time and my sister was sober. My sister is a very light drinking and at this party she was convinced by the host to have a becardi breezer. She thought nothing of and and agreed, if only to stop them badgering her to have a drink.

She woke up the next morning with this greasy disgusting excuse for a human being still leaning over the top of her. She had blood all over her knickers and she had teeth and nail marks all over her body. She was in so much pain she though she would pass out. She tried to scream but she couldn't.

This miserable fucking sack of vomit had spiked her drink, led her up stairs on the pretence of putting her to bed. And he violently raped her, a 16yo girl who he didn't even know. My sister has had to undergo all sorts of medical tests because we thought the bastard had given her an STD. She now has no trust for any man not related to her and she still has nightmares about the thing which requires her to go to therepy two to three times a week

According to what you say, Twit, she secretly enjoyed it and she must have been asking for it. You are a reprehenible excuse for a man and i really hope you don't mean it. You are fucking vermin just like the kind of animals who do this kind of thing to innocent people. Your worse because you try and excuse what they did and still do given the chance.

You cannot cure a rapist or a peadophile. They are a cancer on humankind. They never get better when they are caught they merely become more cautious the next time.

Ignorant Twit, never was there such an understatement of a name. Your scum and i wish you a life of torment and hate.
RIP Yosemite Bear
Gone, Never Forgotten
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Torment and hate are too good for this fucker.
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"I hear and behold God in every object, yet I understand God not in the least, / Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself."

Fucking Funny.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Cheers, Pounder. You whacked that bastard a good one! I hope your sister can learn to trust again..
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Darth Pounder wrote:This miserable fucking sack of vomit had spiked her drink, led her up stairs on the pretence of putting her to bed. And he violently raped her, a 16yo girl who he didn't even know.
OT: Has this reject been visited by a brute squad, beaten with crowbars to the edge of death, and then dumped naked in a Turkish prison?
"This is supposed to be a happy occasion... Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who."
-- The King of Swamp Castle, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

"Nothing of consequence happened today. " -- Diary of King George III, July 4, 1776

"This is not bad; this is a conspiracy to remove happiness from existence. It seeks to wrap its hedgehog hand around the still beating heart of the personification of good and squeeze until it is stilled."
-- Chuck Sonnenburg on Voyager's "Elogium"
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