That said, I wanna as you a few things, Twit:
And then:But if you insist about dwelling upon the physical attributes of death try torture vs rape. The point is the same, if we can glorify violence, why not rape?
Why are you advocating the display of rape in the media? Most of us can agree that in modern society, we have become desensitized to certain images of violence. In part, that makes us a rather violent culture, as is evidenced by the 2 million Americans in prison today. Because of this desenitization (not just through media, but through the experiences of certain generations), certain violent images no longer affect us as deeply as they affected other generations. Are you advocating that we as a culture be subjected to the same desensitization of rape through media? If so, don't you think this will lead to modern society becoming not only violent, but sexually aggressive?Why is that we can have games like grand theft auto, movies like Red Dragon, and yet anything with a rape sequence not handled perfectly with full socio-political implications noted gets hung out to dry? It just seems to be a double standard to me.
Here you tell us that murder is heinous, and rape is less so. Gruesome deaths are terribly offensive to look at, yes. But the violation of a person's most sacred essence is worse than any death I could imagine, or AT LEAST on the same level. You say that torture is "sick and wrong," but you never say the same for rape. Tell us, Twit, is rape "sick and wrong" in all cases? And if so, can you argue that murder is "sick and wrong" in all cases as well? I would argue that rape is always sick, and murder is only USUALLY sick. Terrorists get shot by the police before they have the chance to commit an atrocity: This is not sick. But any man or woman being raped is CERTAINLY ALWAYS sick. Why do you not make that distinction?hotfoot wrote:
I suppose that depends on your point of view. Which did you find to be more appalling? The plastic shredders used to chop people into itty bitty pieces, or the state-funded "Rape Rooms" of Iraq?
The shredders. It just illicits more of, "THAT'S SICK AND WRONG!!!" response than the rape rooms. At the very least the rape rooms are something from which the victim can recover from. As you say death is final.
I defy you to give an example of a person who likes being raped. It's impossible, because such a person does not exist by definition of the term "rape." Rape, as you have said, is non-consentual sex. Which means that the victim doesn't want to have sex. How can someone enjoy something that they do not want? How can they like doing something that they do not enjoy?Sure writing about a person who loves being tortured is not common, but is it intrinsically any different than writing about someone who enjoys being raped? Just because one failing is more common than the other does not mean they are not in the same vein.
Because, as I have pointed out, rape is a much more sensitive topic than murder. Murders happen all the time. We see them on the news, walk by murder scenes on the streets, even joke about "killing that asshole" with our friends. No one ever jokes about rape. The police deal with crimes of rape on a very personal level without much outward show. We only see the most extreme cases of rape on television, and those are few and far between. And this is good. If rapists got publicity like murderers did, there would be a lot more rape. Rapists are all about demonstrations of power, and getting their victims on TV is certainly a display of power. That is why we care so much as to the nature of our pro / antagonists. Why do you NOT care that people could be subjected to this kind of thing?The basic point is the same why do we care if a movie has a serial rapist protaganist or if a movie has a serial killer protaganist?