Miles Teg wrote:Wow, I rarely feel compelled to actually participate in message boards (I am a confirmed luker!). That I am doing it with this post is even more interesting, since it's a totally OT thread for this BBS. Further, I know this is very out of the blue, so feel free to ignore this posting!
I would never,
ever ignore anyone who posted something in a thread of mine. The whole point is to get people's input! Why would I ignore you, because I haven't read things by you before? All the more reason for me to read! Silly boy. *kisses Miles' nose*
Anyway, to get to the point, I just ran across this thread and I was immediately enthralled with the topic, probably because I am ever vigilant in my search for knowledge of the female psyche! To Zaia, I am glad you worked up the courage to actually express your feelings. I believe things will turn out well for you.
*chuckles* Understanding the female psyche is easy. Take any given situation involving a guy, and completely overanalyze to the point where everything has such a huge significance that the fate of your relationship with said guy could hang on the balance of a salad fork. Basically we just make everything as complicated as possible. Understanding WHY we do that, that's another thing entirely. I don't even know that.
Wish I did, actually. Overanalyzing is annoying.
Why? Put simply, guys (like me) are wimps, and big scaredy cats when it comes to girls! Like others in this thread have pointed out, we are almost always in need of something very overt (as in sticks out like a sore thumb) to know that a girl is interested in us. Road signs, instruction manuals, and/or gauges would be nice =) Another strange aspect to this phenomenon that I do not pretend to comprehend is that I (and those like me be they boy or girl) can easily detect when girl A likes boy B (or visa versa), as long as we are not one of the parties involved. *Sigh*, but I digress……
Yes, that sounds very much like the guy I'm dealing with, especially the last part. He's extremely good at picking up very small behaviour clues, but mostly just for other people. I get the feeling like he's been rejected before, so I think that screws up his insight for behaviour relating to himself.
In any event, it is good that you have expressed your feelings. Like you, I have been discouraged often by the lack of perceived reciprocation from my love interests, and therefore did not pursue anything beyond a normal friendship with those people. Sadly, on more than one occasion I leaned (to late, sadly) that feelings were mutual. This is not something I would wish on others. It’s very true, in my opinion, that “it’s better to regret the things you have done, than to regret the things you haven’t done”, at least when it comes to this type of thing).
Well, the expressing wasn't the hard part. Waiting for a definitive answer--now
that is what's killing me now.
And, there’s my verbose nature coming out to play. I’ll stop now since you probably stopped reading, rightfully so, about three paragraphs ago…
AhahaHAHahAHha, proved you wrong, didn't I?! Bwahahah! I did NOT stop reading, I appreciate every single word you typed up, and I thank you very sincerely for doing so! HA! TAKE THAT!!!