Let's see, you ignored the examples I used to clarify what I meant, then attack strawman examples of your own creation concerning something else entirely.Ignorant twit wrote:You mean you didn't even bother to read that in the FIRST PLACE? You decided to go on a nice little twitch hunt without reading through? Hotfoot stated in no uncertain terms that enjoyment is equivalent to consent. That is BS and I called him on it. It frankly PISSES ME THE HELL OFF when anyone ascerts that ANYTHING SUBSTITUTES FOR CONSENT.
You just simply can't accept the fact that enjoying something is different from getting physical stimulation, and that is the problem. Your example concerning getting head from a man is total bullshit, and is so far off base as to be completely inapplicable.
That's entirely different, and ONLY applies to cases in which one party is SIGNIFICANTLY OLDER than the other party. Two 15 year olds can sleep together and it is not statutory rape, but if a 21 year old sleeps with a 15 year old, it is statutory rape.There is ample evidence to the contrary; from statutory cases where the victim doesn't know enough to give consent,
At which point the person is usually too impared to really remember anything, and certainly too impared to conciously enjoy it, you moron.to drug cases where the higher brain functions are too impaired to give consent.
So, tell me, if two 15 year olds fuck, which one goes to jail?In either case the sick pervert who perpetuates rape in those cases still deserves to rot in jail even if the medial forebrain bundle does its normal job.
I'd also like to know if you think that first degree murder and manslaughter should carry the same prison sentence, since the end result of both charges is exactly the same.