Connor MacLeod wrote:Funny, Nitram says that the canon visuals DISPROVE massless beams. Of course, I suppose he's wrong because he's not following the ICS2 like the Great and All-Knowing Illuminatus Primus is! :Roll:
Actually he's wrong because HDS
showed him AOTC clips he refused to awknowledge--and does not recognize that the SPHA-T has an initial recoil that ends despite continuous fire--making his "seperate recoil" nitpick equally irrelevent. But you're just picking something out you didn't pay attention to make a personal attack.
Good work shitface.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Repeat after me, asshole: "My subjective opinion does NOT constitute proof of a higher status" . Ubiqtorate covered this rather amply, which you appear to not have picked up on.
Or, In other words (if you're too stupid to figure it out yourself, which I am certain you are), the ICS2 does not predict anything in the movies - it describes things - observed effects, and that the "official" theory, observation, element, whatever it is, gains a greater measure of "authority" from the canon itself. Its a very specific sort of process.
Actually moron--what I cited from ICS2--were blaster and shield/blaster affects which is the total thing arguable here. Perhaps some other point Saxton made was overriden by the VD--who cares. Plasma is bullshit (which you still haven't addressed) and the ICS2 by comparison is more valid according to canon. Is this difficult to understand?
Connor MacLeod wrote:What you do is assume that because certain elements are true, the whole book *must* be more accurate than others, and that it automatically is elevated to a higher status. This is NOT substantiated by canon policy, as Ubiqtorate pointed out. The ELEMENTs of a source can be reinforced by canon to give them greater precedence, but the status of the book itself remains unchanged.
Wrong. I said plasma was BS according to canon visuals and required extra invented mechanisms while the ICS2 fit canon visuals. The shield-blaster affects colloquially and incorrectly refered to as "flakbursts" are predicted by ICS2 descriptions of shield-blaster affects--further undermining plasma and flakburst BS. It this difficult to understand?
Connor MacLeod wrote:And, as I've already mentioned, there is always a measure of interpretation to things. You seem to rather blithely assume your interpretation is the correct one without substantiating it. Yet what is to make you more right than Nitram, hmm?
Actually I outlined each example and addressed blaster nature (in the form of what consititutes a blaster and shield-blaster affects). Your demand that I restate all the plasma/massless quanta arguments is BS. It is even earlier in this fucking thread. I'm not doing your homework for you. You're nitpicking my statements about the ICS2's blaster commentary more matching canon than the VD's blaster commentary. You're not addressing the point--which would be trying to state how the VD's blaster claims are more along canon--because you can't--and you're just being a little shit.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Wrong, as pointed out above, and by others (such as Ubiqtorate, again above.) Not only that, its a "leap in logic" from "specific elements or facts being reinforced by canon to have a greater standing" to "the majority or entirety of the book having greater standing than other books." A leap from specific to general, in other words.
Full of shit. Blaster/shield affects is completely relevent. Plasma theories (see VD, numbnuts) involve flakbursting which is not described by the ICS2 interpretation--but the decay of massless quanta described is. I didn't say that the ICS2 is more correct about repulsorlifts thus their description is right about blasters. We've only been discussing blasters here. Your claims of red herring are total distortions.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Yet you're too stupid to grasp this, for some reason.

Actually you can't understand the canon visuals do not show plasma blaster/laser/TL bolts. The ICS2 explanation explains at least laser/TL bolts consistently with canon--and the predicted result of blaster/shield interactions is also supported in the ICS2. Get it?
Connor MacLeod wrote:So in addition to red herrings, leaps in logic, Ignoring data, deception and misrepresentation of facts, we're tossing in repretition?
VD says plasma. Visuals say not plasma. ICS2 says pulse that is observed in DS beam and fits at least some observations directly. Is this complex? I feel repetition helps with the education of morons.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Your "claims" are no more proven than the ones Nitram made stating that canon "disproved" massless beams. Try again, shitwad.
You cite Nitram's BS yet recognize it as BS? Oh yes your original sentence is flame and irrelevent ad hominem--just as I thought.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Twist stuff around all you want - you seem to be quite good at it (not to mention ignoring what you don't like.) FAct is your logic is total bullshit. Your refusal to accept it as such does not change this.
Canon visuals do not say plasma. VD says plasma. You cited VD and others for plasma. PLASMA IS FUCKING WRONG. VD IS FUCKING WRONG. YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG.
ICS2 fits SOME observations--ICS2 explanation for bolts is MORE RIGHT.
Get it, dipshit?
Connor MacLeod wrote:As opposed to deep throating that "Make up what I want and pass it off as fact" cock as you are?
Connor MacLeod wrote:Fortunately, I'm rather secure in my debating/analytical status (due to the opinions of people who I RESPECT and CONSIDER important, unlike yours).
More irrelevent flame from a moron who can't understand basic sense.
Connor MacLeod wrote:You tried to twist words, misrepresent ideas, ignore what you couldn't refute, and all but actually debate honestly. As I said before, concession accepted, asshole.
Canon overruled your cited sources in your original posts before I lifted a finger--keep nitpicking and changing the issue to how the ICS2 more fits canon visuals though.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Just to throw more fuel onto the fire (And to kick the shithead when he's down)
Count Dooku was a fencer, following an older fighting style, one more effective against lightsabers than against projectile weapons like blasters. The Jedi on the whole had abandoned the old fighting style, considering it almost irrelevant against the enemies of the present galaxy"
AOTC novel page 342
I can't wait to see what sort of invented dodge he makes up to pretend he can ignore THIS tidbit. More than likely he'll either use the trusty "canon allows me to categorically ignore anything you try to debate me with because I said so" dodge, or he might actually attempt to employ some imagination (and thought) and make up something that allows him to elevate the AOTC ICS AABOVE the canon movie novelizations
Or maybe he'll just close his eyes and hope the mean men go away.
*shrug* I don't know what it means. It means an object is fired from blasters. It certainly implies bolt momentum.
Does it support your plasma cocksucking? Certainly not. The absolute canon films contradict that.
Thanks for the entertaining drooling foam chock full of distortions, changes to the subject, and outright personal attacks, asshole.