Demented and Cruel Crossover

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Post by NecronLord »

Part Eight wrote:“Enemy fleet destroyed.” Reported the grey dalek.
“Move our vessel out of the star.” ordered it’s black superior. The vessel blasted through the photosphere of the star, spraying stellar gases into the star’s atmosphere.
“Returning shield intensity to normal level.” Another reported.
“Exit radiation zone and engage time corridor generator.” Instructed the black dalek.
“I obey”

The ship fled the potentially dangerous radioactive cloud of gases surrounding the star, and disappeared.

The ship reappeared in the Skaro system, a spherical distortion seeming to surround it for an infinitesimal moment. It’s computer was immediately interrogated by the nearest space stations, Having been recognised the ship was allowed to pass into the system.

It accelerated towards the desolate planet of Skaro five. Though the prisoners could not see it the planet would have seemed unusually reflective to them. It was covered entirely in steel alloys, impregnated with some other substances. The planet was about the same size as earth, though it had much greater mass.

The ship passed into an enormous docking bay, a vast area, a thousand kilometres across. The entire planet had been replaced with metal structure and decks. Innumerable factories, armouries, troop areas and of course, dalek production centres. The ship docked against a pylon, it’s airlocks engaging with corridors.

“Slaving power systems to exterior generator. Replenishing expended fuel.” Reported the bridge systems controller. “Establishing computer report upload; uploading.”
“Inform the dalek prime that we may have captured the Doctor.” Ordered the black dalek.

On the dalek home world the dalek prime received the message milliseconds after it was uploaded into the dalek command network. The doctor had finally been captured successfully. He looked around at the various other daleks in his command tower. “Disengage command module from this docking station.” he ordered, in a low resonating version of the dalek voice. After the inevitable ‘I obey’ there was a shuddering from the tower as the module levitated from the skyscraper.

“Now entering geo-stationary orbit.” reported a dalek a few seconds later. The dalek prime watched the display panel. Finally he would have a chance to destroy the greatest enemy of the daleks, he remembered the doctor. The doctor had been there at his creation, millennia ago. He had been prevented from exterminating the doctor then, he would finally succeed now.

If it was indeed the doctor who had been captured.

The command module entered the docking bay of a waiting destroyer, and began to accelerate towards the converted planet.

The blue dalek glided along the corridor towards the prisoner’s cells, it was accompanied by another dalek, this one a reflective silver and blue colour.
Though the difference was minor, this coloration was used for non-combat daleks (a non-combat dalek still being a highly aggressive armed creature capable of fighting, only assigned to a task other than warfare.) Using their internal communications systems one passed instructions to the other.
“Take this prisoner to level two four five seven, area G twelve.”
“I Obey” the other replied.

It connected itself to the door controls, and activated the simple switch. The door slid downwards. The dalek looked at Captain Janeway. “Move” it said.

Janeway focused on the metal machine, her mind was not even able to conceive of resistance. What was the point? The technical term for her condition would doubtless include the word shock, and probably Trauma. She stumbled out of the claustrophobic box, looking distinctly uninterested, even in her own survival.

The emperor’s destroyer began its deceleration as it approached the almost entirely artificial planet. Instead of entering the vast docking bays of the planet, it approached a low orbit instead. The smooth metallic command module left the docking bay and began to land on the surface. It landed on a tower, much like the one it had just left.

“Bring this ‘doctor’ to me.” The emperor ordered, with a sense of impending satisfaction.

The captain stepped out of the lift. It was large and Spartan, with an austere simplicity to its design. She had noticed several large buttons inside its control system, perhaps the lift could take human instructions?

She stepped into a large, metal room. There were two grey daleks and a group of silver coloured versions manning a large console in the centre of the room. She noted that these daleks didn’t have the metal slats around their ‘shoulders’ that the others had, instead they had silver bands of metal around their shoulders.

“Prisoner for interrogation” the silver dalek escorting her declared.
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Post by Setesh »

Q pops in to tell janeway
"Sucks to be you"

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Post by 2000AD »

Setesh wrote:Q pops in to tell janeway
"Sucks to be you"

If Q popped up and offered to set her free if she screwed him, ala that episode; can't remember the name, I bet she'd accept this time!
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Post by NecronLord »

Part Nine wrote:The dalek emperor watched the hologram before him. It showed a bald human in a strange uniform tunic. “This could be the doctor, he has changed appearance before.” said the red supreme controller next to him.
“Possibly. However, I view it as unlikely, his garments bear no resemblance to those worn by any of the doctor’s appearances.” replied the emperor as the wires and tubes connecting him to the dalek command network retracted into the darkened ceiling. He activated his motive systems and glided backwards into a hidden exit.

The supreme controller hovered for a moment and joined the emperor in the darkened corridor. The imperial command module was actually quite large inside. The emperor was limited in his mobility by his larger casing, but he was not as immobile as he allowed people to believe.

They entered another room, this one had a large window making up its far wall and ceiling, though it was an incredible view of the stars. The wall sealed itself to invisibility behind them. The emperor took up a position by the window, another set of wires and tubes emerged from the ceiling and slotted into his ports.

“Send in the Doctor!” he commanded. The door opened and the balding man stepped through. The doctor stepped into the room tentatively. The emperor watched him, he could perceive a few things strange about the humanoid’s appearance, he appeared to be….. A hologram!

“Alert!” he commanded. “Find and destroy the doctor!” Ordered the emperor. The red supreme controller looked at the emperor. He pointed his gun at the doctor in anticipation. The emperor waited for a moment; “Exterminate this duplicate!” he instructed. The controller fired at the Emergency Medical Hologram, who was thrown through the air, his mobile emitter erupting in a shower of sparks as he faded.

“Attach brain analysis disk.” Ordered the silver dalek.
“We obey” The grey guard replied, pressing Janeway against a wall as another silver dalek reached out with his manipulator arm, a strange reflective black disk attached to his arm. He attached the disk to Janeway’s neck, wires and probes reaching into her spinal cord as she winced in pain.

“Do not resist, if you resist the disk will administer pain.“ said the interrogator, turning his dome to face his twin. The silver dalek activated a system, the control system connected to his neural systems bleeped once. Captain Janeway screamed and fell backwards, sliding down the silver featureless wall.

“That was nerve induction level one,” said the dalek. “There are one thousand levels.” The captain shuddered in fear. “We will begin.” Continued the interrogator.

The supreme controller entered the emperor’s control room. The emperor swivelled his eyestalk to stare down at the red–gold dalek. “Report” he demanded.
“The Doctor has not yet been located. He may have escaped using a time corridor generator. All ships have been locked into docking positions.”
“If the Doctor was even aboard the vessel.”
“If he was then he will probably return to the same area in order to recover his TARDIS.” The emperor contemplated the controller’s words for a moment.
“You are correct. If he cannot be found by a full search, then we must a fleet to apprehend him.”

Captain Janeway howled in agony. “That is not possible.” Said the disk operator. “This memory must be implanted.” The superior silver dalek looked at him. “Report analysis of responses.”

“Subject is using an unknown method to cause the disk to download incorrect data.”
“How is this proven?”
“It is impossible for there to be a crack in the event horizon of a black hole. It is a mathematical phenomena not affected by observable imperfections.”
“Increase pain induction.” commanded the silver dalek.

In another interrogation room, not far from the one being used for Captain Janeway, B’lanna Torres was ushered in by a pair of grey dalek guards. She was sure that her shoulder was dislocated. There was a table of some sort in front of her, covered in a slight padding, with a raised section where her head was probably intended to lie. Behind the table was a control panel, with two silver daleks attached to it.

One of them looked at her: “Lie down on the examination table.” he said.
“Die you metal Pah'tak!” she shouted at the dalek, turning and running for the door behind her, striking out at one of the dalek guards.

She stopped, needles of white-hot pain lancing into her mind. Her arm felt as if it was on fire. She collapsed to the floor, clutching the manacle around her wrist.

“Lie on the table, co-operate and the pain will end.” said one of the daleks. She crawled to the foot of the table whimpering in pain, reaching up to the side with her other arm, dislocated as it was. B’lanna pulled herself onto the table. The pain in her wrist subsided.

“Place your arms and legs in the depressions.” Instructed one of the daleks. Shaking she obeyed, a pair of clamps sprang up around her wrists and ankles.

“Beginning genetic scan.” said one of the daleks.
Last edited by NecronLord on 2003-05-04 03:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

First, and pretty good.
“Subject is using an unknown method to cause the disk to download incorrect data.”
“How is this proven?”
“It is impossible for there to be a crack in the event horizon of a black hole. It is a mathematical phenomena not affected by observable imperfections.”
“Increase pain induction.” commanded the silver dalek.
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Post by NecronLord »

I was laughing as I wrote that.

Not as funny as the brain analysis disk in the Dalek Empire Audio series though. I thought it would be out of character for Janeway to shout "Bastards!!! I'll bloody kill ya!"
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Post by Setesh »

Janeway was tortured, and there was rejoicing 'Yay'(waves flags)

one small point though
One of them looked at her: “Lie down on the examination table.” he said.
“Die you metal K’plah!” she shouted at the dalek, turning and running for the door behind her, striking out at one of the dalek guards.

K'plah is a benidiction like a really short 'it is a good day to die'

Pah'tak is the general insult (coward, son of a targ, ect)
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Post by NecronLord »

You think I know klingon?:) All I remember is them shouting K'plah at someone. I'll change it.
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Post by Setesh »

hehe, the only reason I know is it was in a guys sig on TrekBBS
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Post by JodoForce »

still, anyone could see it's used as a greeting... :?

But I was LMAO at the “Subject is using an unknown method to cause the disk to download incorrect data" bit :lol:

Let her suffer for all the sins Trek has committed against physics!! :lol: :twisted:
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Post by Setesh »

Just wondering but does the existance of the 'buttons' in the lift mean the Ogrons will make an appearance?

(for those who don't know the Ogrons are more or less Uruk-hai armed with blasters)
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Post by CJvR »


If you intend to punish poor Janeway for all the foolishness in Voyager I suspect you will need all thousand settings.

The more they dig the more convinced they will become that Janeway is hiding something, like peeling an onion looking for the seeds.
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Re: Cracking...

Post by Setesh »

CJvR wrote:ROTFLMAO!!!

If you intend to punish poor Janeway for all the foolishness in Voyager I suspect you will need all thousand settings.

The more they dig the more convinced they will become that Janeway is hiding something, like peeling an onion looking for the seeds.
If they follow standerd Dalek train of thought, if there is enough 'impossible' information in her head they'll assume
A:she's crazy
B:she has false memory implants

A they'll dismiss because logically why would the crew follow an insane captain?

So B which means they'll either try to bypass her nonexistent memory blocks, or decide she can't know anything important enough to bother with and put her to work a slave labor, or shoot her.

though if the former they may put her 'on ice' in a stasis unit
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Post by CJvR »

A few thoughts on installment three...

Wouldnt the discharge of a weapon as heavy as the Dalek cannon destabilize the warp core?

Wouldnt blasting the central computer wreck what little controll the Feds have over their warp cores?
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Post by CJvR »

Well if someone went to all the trouble of installing memory blocks good enough to beat the Daleks in a primitive ape like Janeway I think they would be very keen on beating those blocks, no telling what the Doctor have been up to on Voyager and beating those blocks will be handy in the future.
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Post by Setesh »

CJvR wrote:A few thoughts on installment three...

Wouldnt the discharge of a weapon as heavy as the Dalek cannon destabilize the warp core?

Wouldnt blasting the central computer wreck what little controll the Feds have over their warp cores?
Dalek weapons are fairly variable, plus it shoting the doorway of engineering so its firing at a angle not straight at the core

While they blasted the central computer they left the secondaries alone, they would have initiated shutdown which is why they lost power everywhere else, the actice safty systems drew all the power off the fusion generators
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Post by Setesh »

CJvR wrote:Well if someone went to all the trouble of installing memory blocks good enough to beat the Daleks in a primitive ape like Janeway I think they would be very keen on beating those blocks, no telling what the Doctor have been up to on Voyager and beating those blocks will be handy in the future.
possibly but Daleks tend to get frustrated when things don't go their way and just start blasting, Janeway is going to be screaming a LONG time

Just wait until they find out the rest of it, most of the spacefaring humans they've dealt with were almost as ruthless as them, or were pretty much the same as 20th century humans, once they learn how the federation works they'd laugh if they had the capacity
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Post by NecronLord »

The Special Weapons Dalek in Rememberance of the Daleks was able to vaporise a door without doing much damage to wooden crates a few feet away.

The Isolinear chips were removed in a Season 1 TNG episode, and the ship didn't explode, just lost power. They seem to control power distribution to areas outside engineering. The daleks of course wouldn't know this, but are used to dealing with enemies who still have the concept of redundancy in their engineering designs. If they had blown up the main computer, they'd all have died.
Dalek Survival Guide wrote:Given a typewriter, an infinite amount of monkeys might eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare. An infinite amount of Ogrons will do nothing more than eat the typewriter.


1) Do not leave them instructions that can be misentrpreted.

2) Do not leave them instructions that need to be read.

3) Do not leave them instructions that can be eaten/

4) Do not leave them instructions.

5) Do not leave them (supervsion recommended at all times).
Says it all doesn't it? The best expendable troops. The ones that don't know they're expendable.

The buttons seem to be fairly standard, they have appeared quite a few times. Ogrons may appear though.
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Post by CJvR »

Isn't requirement #5 rather bad when you are dealing with an expendable unit, it would require an equaly expendable supervisor...
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Post by NecronLord »

Nah, just drop them in large numbers and tell them to clear the city/whatever. Use Aliens style supervision.
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Post by CJvR »

Droping them on a city and telling them its dinnertime sounds better... Clear might be a difficult concept.
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Post by NecronLord »

They aren't that dumb. They can use communicators if they don't have more than one button
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Post by JodoForce »

and if they can't eat it? :D
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Post by NecronLord »

They're made out of evil tasting plastic.
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