Galactic Empire of ESB/ROTJ era vs Jurai

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Galactic Empire of ESB/ROTJ era vs Jurai

Post by Manji »

From the Tenchiverse...

Aside from that, the title says it all.
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Post by Manji »

I've seen this being debated on SB with the Empire getting hammered in the debate. (Demios for some reason is standing up for SW very staunchly there, though I thought he was a trekkie) I was wondering how it'll be done here.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Hmmm attempting to recall Tenchi-Factiods..... Ok.... Hmm ships highly mobile better than ST.. Weaporny.. Hmm there are a few planet busters mentioned but nothing fanaticly bad. Shield Strength? None per say but thier hulls are quite strong. FTL Method and speed? Unknow, Excentric Tech, Black Hole Contanment, vast world ship style craft, otherwise besides Tenchi Super Kung-Fo stuff nothing else

They are fast but Cap-Ships are Cap-ships. I belive the Death Squadren would be suffecent to wipe out the observered forces unless there is somthing I'm forgeting

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Post by Darth_Shinji »

According to what I've heard from jupiter on SB. Jurain ships in Gpx (which is the offical sequal to the ova) are said to be equal to ryouk in firepower, and she is said to be able to destroy a galaxy.

And Mr.Bean, in the ova series all juri ships have at least one light hawk wing, and you need three to stop a ds stlye blast.

But I'm pretty sure universe jurai gets its ass kicked. and ova jurai kick ass.
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Post by Darth_Shinji »


sorry guys, have no idea were that came from.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Manji wrote:I've seen this being debated on SB with the Empire getting hammered in the debate. (Demios for some reason is standing up for SW very staunchly there, though I thought he was a trekkie)
Deimos is only a trekkie on ASVS in the sense that he always opposes the status quo, a rebel without a clue. Hence his love for Sheppard.

Then there's the fact that the average trekkie on SB is much, much, MUCH more staunch than anyone on ASVS since the days of Jacques. If you threw Edam or Boyd into SB, everyone would think they were Warsies.
I was wondering how it'll be done here.
Anime spaceships are always one of two things: pseudo-realistic (Robotech, Gundam) or obscenely powerful (Tenchi Muyo). Jurai will win.
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Actually it depeds on the series and if Little Washu decides to get involved for one thing Jurai will have a numerical disadvantage in that its hard for them to build the Space Tree ships .This is why Lady Funaho was interested in Ryo-ohki as she said Ryo-ohki was easy to prodeuce..just create a male cabbit..also Radiant Hawk wings appear to only work in ONE direction so if an enemy attacks from two or more directions they could kill a tree ship.Note space is Thre D
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Post by XaLEv »

I think Deimos is like rabidly anti-anime or something like that. He's also convinced that because Juraian warships are made of wood, they are therefore the ultimate in crappiness, even though their observed capabilities make them very powerful.
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Post by Dalton »

Pablo Sanchez wrote:Anime spaceships are always one of two things: pseudo-realistic (Robotech, Gundam) or obscenely powerful (Tenchi Muyo). Jurai will win.
What about the Bebop?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Bebop is pretty much very relistic with one or two exceptions with can be explained away pretty easily unlike *Pusedo Animes which are just @%@% nuts like say Akira :P

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Post by Dalton »

Mr Bean wrote:Bebop is pretty much very relistic with one or two exceptions with can be explained away pretty easily unlike *Pusedo Animes which are just @%@% nuts like say Akira :P
Doesn't Macross have insane power levels?

On another know, Serial Experiments: Lain reminds me of Snow Crash a lot.
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Post by VF5SS »

Macross has big guns and lots of nukes er... "reaction weapons" which is the PC term :)
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Re: Galactic Empire of ESB/ROTJ era vs Jurai

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Manji wrote:From the Tenchiverse...

Aside from that, the title says it all.
Which one? There's three!

Okay, okay. We'll use the OAV Tenchiverse. Not Tenchi Universe . . . those folks wouldn't have a prayer. I'm something of an otaku, but I'm not certain that the Jurai civilization could take on the Galactic Empire.

What does the Galactic Empire have:
Resources: A million member starsystems and countless others.
Standard vessels: ISD I, ISD-II, etc, etc, etc. Heavy weapons with 200 GT outputs. Shields capable of withstanding many broadsides of said weapons.
Superweapons: DS-I, DS-II, Eclipse, Sovereign, Galaxy Gun, Suncrusher.
Ground Forces: Stormtroopers and assorted ground vehicles.

What does Jurai have:
Resources: An unknown number of starsystems. Though it doesn't seem likely that they'd have anything close to the Empire's resource base.
Standard vessels: Juraian tree ships. Organic vessels reinforced with force-fields. Their hulls, standard weapons (easily megaton range), and tactics are piss-poor. Their only defense/principle offense is their Light Hawk Wings (energy dissipating shields.) And the availability of those rely on the strength, experience, and generation of the ship's controlling intelligence.
Superweapons: Tsunami. The progenitor of all of Jurai's other vessels. Seems to have very potent standard weapons (high megaton, optimistically low gigaton.) Posesses a cloaking device from which it can shoot it's regular weapons with great accuracy. Also has 10 light hawk wings, which enable it to absorb a planet-busting blast (Though not one nearly as powerful as the Death Star.) However, the ship's controlling intelligence displays an understanding of tactics similar to that of Captain Picard. And the fact that the ship is controlled by an 8 year old child doesn't help either.
Ground Forces: Most soldiers seem to move pretty quickly. They seem to carry either physical staffs, or energy-blade type weapons. No ground vehicles, or appreciable planetary defenses have ever been seen.

Analysis: Juraians seem to have no grasp of tactics. Their standard ship-to-ship weapons would be primarily ineffective against Imperial shields and hulls. Even if they were to employ their main weapons, Juraian ships have been demonstrated to be extremely vulnerable afterwards. Their most powerful ship, Tsunami, shows more power than an Eclipse or a Sovereign, but she's no Death Star.

Jurai loses . . . not as badly as the UFP, but still badly, due to low power levels, and mostly to a non-existent grasp of tactics and strategy.
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

VF5SS wrote:Macross has big guns and lots of nukes er... "reaction weapons" which is the PC term :)
Actually reaction warheads are not nukesc thier black hole weapons.
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