You mean they're like the salesmen at a furniture store?Stormbringer wrote:Some guys do accost you. I can't speak for Einhander's friend but some of them are damn obnoxious. They're every bit as pushy as the sqeeegeee men or panhandlers.Squeegee men and panhandlers accost you. You do not go out of your way to ask a squeegee man or panhandler to talk to you.
If the artists in the square are selling their wares, then it's zoned as a place of commerce and I don't see why he can't ply his wares there. It's not as if he's blocking a sidewalk somewhere or walking into intersections where no such commerce is supposed to be taking place.If they want to require them to get a lincense instead then it's fine. The problem is anyone is allowed to now and they get people that are no better than squeegee men and panhandlers. Obnoxius guys hounding you aren't really a tourist attraction.
If I were walking downtown and I saw some tarot card guy (which has happened), I would just smile and walk on (which I have). Squeegee guys and panhandlers are FAR, FAR more obnoxious and intrusive in my experience than these mystics.