EP 2 , What do you think

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How good is EP 2

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EP 2 , What do you think

Post by Corran Horn »

I think the idea of romance takes away the stuff people watch star wars for.

I wanna know what other people think?
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Re: EP 2 , What do you think

Post by Eleas »

Corran Horn wrote:I think the idea of romance takes away the stuff people watch star wars for.

I wanna know what other people think?
I think you're misusing the question mark, myself?

But... well, other than the romance part, it right rocked.
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Post by Corran Horn »

The Romance takes alot out of it with that it would Rock
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Post by Cal Wright »

Did the romance take away something from Empire Strikes back?!? Hell naw, it made the story surge forward. What about in Attack of the Clones? It helped it surge forward. Did I thinkt he movie was awesome? Hell yes I think it was awesome. Personally I don't see what people are whining about. Then again I defend Ewoks, Gungans and occasionally Jar Jar,

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Post by Master of Ossus »

Read "The Symbolism of Star Wars." It provides a pretty good analysis of what made AotC the best movie of all time.
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Post by Vympel »

The best movie of all time? Nay... that's going way too far.

That title is reserved solely for The Empire Strikes Back :)

Bah I can't choose a favorite movie anways.

Attack of the Clones was very good, better than TPM and ROTJ, and I think George Lucas knew what he was doing with the romance- he wanted it to be the old style icky kind of romance- its more in line with the story of the prequels than the gritty I hate you/ love you romance of Empire Strikes Back.
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Post by Howedar »

It was an awesome movie. About on a par with ROTJ, maybe even a little better.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

What did you guys think of Yoda? Did that fight live up the hype surrounding it?
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Post by Cal Wright »

Did it live up to the hype?!? Holy shit dude. I only heard rumors that he might fight somehow and that Lucas had said we would see why he is the 'master'. It rocked. For me, RotJ was the best film. ESB and AotC are right on each other.

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Post by Ender »

Yes. I liked that part the best I think.

Actually, my favorite part of all that was Yoda drawing his sabre. The whole "I'm so badass, I don'te even have to use my hands" thing, ya know.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Now that was just overly awesome. :twisted: The theater was so quiet, then the clicking of the cane and a long shadow formed. You could here people just breathing in. Then my friend yells out 'The master has arrived!' When kermit force pulled the sabre to his hand though, the crowd errupeted and didnt stop cheering until the fight ended. Woo hOO!!!

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Post by Joe »

Yoda had all of the best dialogue in the movie, too.

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Post by Morte »

I hated the Yoda fight scene.

I would rank AOTC about the same as ROTJ, maybe a little better. But they are FAR below ESB and ANH, though FAR above TPM.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

The funniest thing I thought about the Yoda fight scene was its start, where we hear an ominous tapping and grunting... then a huge shadow comes across the floor... and then a little green creature appears.

Talk about anti-climaxes! :P

Anyway, I honestly don't think the romance was that bad. Sure, it was bad compared to scripted Hollywood standards, but what about real life? I mean, c'mon, haven't most of us said something terribly stupid that some girl actually bought?
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Post by SPOOFE »

Personally, I rate AOTC as just below TESB. I had absolutely no qualms with the way the romance sequences were presented... I felt that all the action and dialogue was perfectly in character. It was portrayed as a very awkward, very silly puppy-love crush that a little boy has on a cute older woman. Think of the 10-year-old who has a crush on his babysitter, and then runs into her again six years later.

I seem to be in the minority of people who really liked Obi-Wan's investigation into the planet Kamino and the clones... it had a lot of nice, light-hearted noir elements that I felt refreshing (it showed Lucas adding a little extra flavoring that wasn't there before). The chase scene through Coruscant at the beginning of the film was absolutely AMAZING. I was spellbound throughout the whole thing.

There are a few weak points... the factory scene, I think, should only have been half as long. Same with the arena scene were the three are being attacked by the funky animals. But other than that... I didn't even mind the goofy stuff with Threepio's errant head.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Yes it was Goofy

And yes the Factory part could have been cut down by quite a bit but I loved all of Courscant

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Post by Admiral Drason »

Yoda and the battle of Geinosis made it all worth while. I loved the part were Anakin gets his winey ass kicked by Dooku
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Post by Isolder74 »

Yes the Yoda fight seen was the best part of the whole movie
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Post by Vendetta »

It was alright.

And then things started exploding, and all of a sudden it was the Best Thing Ever.

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Post by Tsyroc »

The opening shot throught the attempted hit was great.

Obi-Wan was cool

Pademé was hot.8)

Jango Fet -pretty cool

Lots of lightsabre action, monsters, Jedi all cool.

Samuel L. Jackson - always cool

Clonetroopers and equipment kicking ass, very cool.

Dooku - cool

Dooku vs. Anakin - both rounds cool.

Yoda vs. Dooku - both rounds cool

All in all the most entertaining movie of the summer in my opinion.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Tsyroc wrote:The opening shot throught the attempted hit was great.

Obi-Wan was cool

Pademé was hot.8)

Jango Fet -pretty cool

Lots of lightsabre action, monsters, Jedi all cool.

Samuel L. Jackson - always cool

Clonetroopers and equipment kicking ass, very cool.

Dooku - cool

Dooku vs. Anakin - both rounds cool.

Yoda vs. Dooku - both rounds cool

All in all the most entertaining movie of the summer in my opinion.
I agree on all counts. Especially on Padme. If you look closely, you can determine that she wasn't even wearing anything underneath. :D
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Post by Isolder74 »

Master of Ossus wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:The opening shot throught the attempted hit was great.

Obi-Wan was cool

Pademé was hot.8)

Jango Fet -pretty cool

Lots of lightsabre action, monsters, Jedi all cool.

Samuel L. Jackson - always cool

Clonetroopers and equipment kicking ass, very cool.

Dooku - cool

Dooku vs. Anakin - both rounds cool.

Yoda vs. Dooku - both rounds cool

All in all the most entertaining movie of the summer in my opinion.
I agree on all counts. Especially on Padme. If you look closely, you can determine that she wasn't even wearing anything underneath. :D
Me too it was a great movie but ESB still has it beat
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Post by Lord_Vader »

You know its interesting I have heard from several people how AOTC didnt do as well at the theaters as it should have and how Spiderman beated the stuffing out of the movie...I guess the people forgot that Lucas limited the number of theaters that COULD show the movie and if anyone remembers TESB was out of the original trilogy one of the worst to do at the box office. Yet despite it doing bad in the box office it is rated by many a SW fan as being one of the best movies in the series...just food for thought. I personally thought AOTC was great and the symbolism was really good. The romance stuff was sort of cheesy but like what Lord Wong posted, Anakin doesnt exactly have a lot of experience flirting with girls. I liked the movie a lot better than TPM...my only sour point was....-----> Jar Jar didnt die!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Vendetta »

Lord_Vader wrote:if anyone remembers TESB was out of the original trilogy one of the worst to do at the box office.
It's the worst performing out of the five.

All time box office take, worldwide..

#3 The Phantom Menace $925.6 Million
#7 Star Wars $797.9 Million
#13 Attack of the Clones $617.6 Million
#16 Return of the Jedi $572.7 Million
#19 Empire Strikes Back $534.2 Million
Lord_Vader wrote:my only sour point was....-----> Jar Jar didnt die!!!!!!!!!!!
No, but he did wilfully and directly bring about the rise of the Emperor.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I agree, AOTC is a great movie, second only to The Empire Strikes Back. The whole scene in the field on Naboo could have been omitted, though. Still, the part was when Dooku says, "I've become more powerful than any Jedi, even you, Master Yoda" is cool. Then he unleashes his Force Lightning, only to have Yoda catch it and throw it back, and finish with a kung-fu pose.
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