Now, story time. One of my names is Wesley Pipes. It is also the name of a pornstar.
A year ago tomorrow, I got this in the mail.
It had a phone number which I've snipped at the end.Subject: wesley pipes please
please call me marcus, wesley and ronhightowers, sean,devlin and lexington, fmbradley and kevin etc
I decided to fuck around with him so I found something nice and random to copy-paste:
And he responded thusly:The design flaws of the Imperator-class Star Destroyer are numerous.
Some of the biggest relate to the heavy cannons mounted to the sides of
the dorsal superstructure. They are lined up, preventing more than two
of the eight turrets from facing directly forward at any one time. The
superstructure itself blocks them from elevating more than about 90
degrees. There are also no heavy cannons on the ventral side of the
ship. This means that only a small fraction of the ship's total
firepower can be directed at anything 'below' the ship. Another design
flaw would be the lack of rear firing weaponry. Only the heavy Ion
cannons and perhaps a few light Turbolasers can fire to aft. The
ventral docking bays present a serious weakness in the event of shield
failure. They are unarmored and lead far into the ship, possibly
allowing enemy craft to fire directly into the ship. The exposed nature
of the bridge is one of the worst design flaws, as a direct hit on an
unshielded bridge can decapitate the ship for a few seconds while
secondary bridges elsewhere in the ship come online. These few seconds
are plenty of time for something to go terribly wrong, as was
demonstrated by the Executor at the Battle of Endor.
The Imperator Mk. II has it's own set of problems. For starters, the
heavy cannons around the dorsal superstructure, while more numerous
than on the Mk. I, are also weaker individually than the cannons on the
Mk. I. While useful in orbital bombardments, they are a serious handicap
in ship-to-ship combat. While being able to put out a large
volume of fire, each bolt has less energy than those of the Mk. I,
requiring a larger number of shots to penetrate shielding.
Mmmmkay.....fantasy- a gang bang given me by mark anthony,ron hightower, wesley pipes, jonathan, sean michaels, lexington steel, devline weed and eveready , jake steeds and mr marcus.
I decide to jump straight to the point:
Curious, considering that there isn't anything connecting the name "Wesley Pipes" to my address in any search engine I've used. But, a month before, I had sent mail to someone who had requested that I do so because he wanted to talk to me. I never received a response. I suspect that person had something to do with it.Wesley Pipes wrote:
>Who are you and how did you get my address?
from the search engines. i will like a gang bang with you, jake steed, mr marcus, lexington steel, dave nelson,ron hightower, ray victory,sean michaels,devlin weed, fm bradley,cuba, santiano,ever ready and other muscled bound good looking porno stars.
call me
All was quiet, until July 30th. On that day, he began sending me paranoid rantings about people out to get him with voodoo, and political rants about Africa in general and Nigeria specifically. The first of these was cc'd to approximately three dozen addresses, including a number of hotmail and yahoo addresses containing stuff like 'queen' and 'princess' as well as real governmental addresses. This trend continued in all subsequent messages. The last one came in late January.
At one point, one of the other people receiving these messages sent this to the whole "group".
Indeed.Can anyone out there who knows this man, please help him? These
are getting out of hand!!!!!!!!