Since the hue and cry has went up for me to engage the debate, I'll try it.
Lets see how many real answers I get, and how many snide remarks about "not knowing about logic" or spelling errors or some such.
Darth Wong wrote:Ask GC. He came in here claiming that the nation is based upon the Christian religion, and even tried to present various authorities in order to bolster this position. Only after having it soundly defeated did he suddenly start pretending that he was talking about something else.Ancalagon wrote:I thought we were debating over about the religious leanings of the founders? When did placing God in the Constitution come into this?The lack of influence of the Church means that the Founding Fathers were either irreligious or were able to keep religious influences completely out of the Constitution. Either scenario means that the Founding Fathers were secularists, which is the only fact under dispute.And when did the influence of the Church come into this? I know I haven't and I haven't seen someone talk about what an influence the organized religions of the time had on the founders, so i really don't see the point of your responce. Feel free to clarify.
100% of these "founding fathers" arguments stem from the widespread claim that they did not really support separation of church and state, and if you concede that they DID, in fact, fully support separation of church and state, then I don't give a damn what they believed.
NOW we get some MEAT to chew on, after all the silly finger pointing:
YOU list of quotes (not your's personnaly, but on your board) have the express purpose of demonstrating that the seperation of church and state is proveable by looking at the words of the men who wrote them. If that is not the purpose for it, then there is no reason to quote them.
That particualr post reads, in part:
So, in the first paragraph, he makes the claim that his quotes illustrate his claim that they upheld the Seperation of Church and state.
As the quotes on this page illustrate, the claim that America was founded on Christianity is a myth...Many of the Founding Fathers and Revolutionary War leaders were Deists, and upheld a firm separation of church and state.
So your own boardie is doing what you accused me of doing, trying to prove his point with private quotes.
I completely agree that private quotes - his or mine - do not prove by themselves either that they did or did not support seperation. I further agree that they DID - and I do support seperation.
But see, you proceed from a false assumption...that I CLAIMED in my post that the U.S. government was founded on christianity or any other religion.
Here's the complete text of MY WORDS in my original post:
kindly direct me to which of those statemtns made the claim that the U.S. government was founded on Christianity.Absolutly!
Here's some more!
And, for a more exaustivly researched and throughly documented opinion than either yours or mine, consider this Supreme Court decision which was based on YEARS of research:
SCOTUS Decision in 1892:
Not what you had in mind?
Aw, shucks....
Now, here's my next comment (on the subject):
And the next:
But that, you see, is what demonstrates an actual concept of history...the Supreme Court put there staff to work researching every extant public and privte utterance on the subject made for well over 300 years - and they took YEARS to do it to make sure they got it all - and reached a conclusion.
you, OTOH, read what someother skeptic wrote on a web site.
Who's credibilty should really be doubted here?
And the next:
The most popular thread here (that you all begged to have stuck at the top) is:
a list of various quote.
THIS, you find very informative and can't wait to use on unsuspecting opponents.
SO, your list of various quotes is refuted by a list of various quotes, and all of a suden "various quotes" isn't athoritative?
and the next:You will note my quotes are from both public and privte sources, ofen from letters exchanged between two of these fellows. No reason for a facade in those situations.
and the next:You were perfectly willing to accept, and even praise, a list of non-governmental privte quotes when they supported your position.
Oh, and for the record, I'm not arguing that America is OFFICIALY a Christian nation, or that it ever was.
My point are two:
1. That you can prove either side with a list of quotes. My list was no more conclusive than the one which started this thread - and no LESS so.
2. America WAS, and largely is though at an ever declining rate, a Christian nation - not governmentally or officially but CULTURALY.
The official position of the First amendment has no bearing on the nature of the overwhelming cultural reality.
And the next:But why oh why would two athiest, communicating in private corispondence maintain this facade you aledge to each other?
Still not seeing the post where I claimed the U.S. government was based on religion.It is possible to be antagonistic to the trappings and results of orginized religion - especially the track record of said religion through Jefferson's day - and not be opposed to the Book and it's contents. Jefferson clearly respected the later and hated the former. It's a not uncommon position
the ONLY way you can come to that conclusion is if, having assumned YOUR quotes about their religious beliefs proved that it wasn't, you PRESUMED my quotes about their beliefs was an attempt to prove it WAS.
But I did not make that claim.
I do not in fact think it was "based on Christianity."
I believe it is clear that is was framed bty Christians - strong believing Christians - who could not help but have framed it in light of their worldview. The presumptions upon which they based their lives and actions were those of Christians and they would have found it impossible to think in any other way.
It is also blatantly clear that THEIR meaning of "seperation of church and state" is not the modern definition given the many overtly Christian acts that took place as official government policy authorized by those who wrote the First Amendment.
My qoutes, as I've said, were designed to refute the notion that those men who signed the Constitution whose words we have available to us were hostile to Christianity. Any serious consideration of their writings and words must conclude that they were not. Jefferson was but he was no party to the Constitution.
(Franklin too was not a Christian but found it an agreeable desireable thing to have around - even to the point of moving for prayer at the ConConvention).
Proving those men were Christians does not and was never intended to prove they set up a Christian Government.
And I never said that.
You've been tilting at windmills of your own imagination for 3 days now.
And condeming me for reasoning which I did not put forth but which your own heroic provider of quotes did put forth.
Oh, BTW, Raul did not share with you these facts so allow me:
Your list of quotes contained 29 references to remarks made by early Americans.
20 of those were by Jefferson, Paine, and Allen none of whom had a hand in the framing of the Constitution.
Mine contained 75 quotes, over 50 of which were by men why had a hand in framing the Constitution.
Your 9 had 2 which were sourced to private communication (i.e. your claim that they were different in private from the false facade of Christianity they had to maintain in public)
My 50+ relevant quotes contained fourteen such private references.
Now, concerning your 10:
RE: "These 20 times..."
Here's the entire quote which gives proper context:
So, you guys have been decived by a person with an agenda who took half of a quote and turned the obvious meaning on it's head.[Adams is telling Jefferson about an arguement between Joseph Cleverly and Lemuel Bryant]:
Twenty times in the course of my late reading have I been on the point of breaking out, "This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!!!" But in this exclamation I would have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion this world would be something not ft to be mentioned in polite company, I mean hell.
John Adams, Works of John Adams, Charles Francis Adams, editor (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1856), Vol. X, p. 254
RE: "carloads of trumpery"
It has been demonstrated that M-Webster reports that the first "recorded English useage" was some 60 years after the quote. Whether you take those words to mean "the first reference found on record in English" or "the first apperance in the dictionary" is mostly irrelevant since words in common useage (as they would have had to have been for Adams' useage to not be suspact) do not take 60 years to be listed in the athoritative dictionaires of the day.
And people in Adams position considered it beneath then to use common slang - many of them avoided even contractions - and so even common useage would not be conclusive proof.
Also, why was someone bemoaning a great deal of something say "carriage-loads" instead of "wagon-loads" or "shiploads" or "mountains" or any of a thousand other words which would have better conveyed his meaning?
Now, beyond that, if I were to GIVE you "carloads" and not dispute the useage, there is still not one whisper in that quote dealing with religions relationship to government. Furthermore, why would a man why has no use for Biblical religion expend such great effort to decry the misapplication of the Bible to religious practice?
The CLEAR context of the quote is a bemoaning of the practices of Christian ceremony (creeds, oaths et al) being divergent from the Bible.
Do you, as an athiest, routenly defend the Bible from misaplication?
The quote is:
A. likely bogus
B. Irrelevant to Adams' opinion of the relationship between government and religion
C. a pretty clear indication he respected Biblical religion.
“The Doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.”
As a Fundie Christian, I'd like to say: He's right.
Note he did not say that the doctrine itself was absurd. He had a perfect oppertunity to say so but he didn't. He said it was misapplied to cover something it had nothing to do with.
Similarly, if I said of Benny Hinn "The Doctrine of Divine healing is made a cover for greed" I have not denounced the concept of miraculus healings, I have denounced it's misaplication.
Again, this is not likely to be done by one who dismisses the entire religion.
RE: "without a pretence of miracle or mystery"
This is the closest you get on the whole list.
But what does he say?
"founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretence of miracle or mystery"
So, we are speaking of athority...who was the "athority" in the Old World?
The King. Who was supposedly there by "Divine Right."
Clearly the "miracle or mystery" to which Adams refered.
Obviously he says that these governments have made no pretense of Divinly appointed leadership.
And, of course, he's right.
But that implies only his opinion of the current state of the government of the 13, NOT that he himself is hostile to religion.
RE: the MRARA:
Madison reflects on the problems of officialy established Christian churches (almost entirely the Catholic Church, BTW, since most of those 15 centuries was their exclusive province)
In this opinion I FULLY AGREE.
Yet I'm not "hostile to religion."
All one need to do is look at the Pre-Reformation track record of the CC to know that the #1 worst thing to ever happen to Christianity is that it became the official church.
Why do I say this?
Because under official religion, everyone is required to be a member and ogviously requiring a public "conversion" does nothing to affect behavior. So what you have is an entire continent of people soiling the name "Christian" while very few of them actually had a faith-relationship with Christ.
But I digress a bit.
So, was Madison "hostile to religion in this document?
From the same document we read:
{which I inadvertantly listed under Jefferson}"Before any man can be considered a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe."
RE: "Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.”
Again, it is not necessary to be a non-Christian or in any way antagonistic towards religion to hold this position.
RE: Two references from Franklin's autobiography:
Public declerations of his Deism which in no way reflect his views on church/state seperation.
If one wishes to prove he was a Diest, that is generally accepted (although he and Jefferson both made many remarks which implied the expected God's intervention in human affairs which is a belief contrary to classic Deism).
If one wishes to indicate by this that Franklin disaproved of religious influance on government, one is misrepresenting facts.
Especially in light of these remarks made AT THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION:
"I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth--that God Governs the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?
"We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that "except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it." I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel
THIS is a Diest?
Not by the dictionary definition it's not.
I doubt he was a orthodox Christian but he was far closer to that than anything else - especially an athies or one hostile to religion.
THIS man who believed that the nation could not even get off the ground without God's assistance was in favor of banning all aknowledgement of god from the public square?
The very idea is nonsensical.
Finally, since I know it is coming, the Famous Treaty of Tipoli.
Signed into Law by John Adams and passed by largely the same Congress that passed the First Amendment.
Would you like to know what else was passed by the EXACT same Congress which passed the First?
The Northwest Ordinences, which specificly stated that religion and morality being necessary...schools shall be encourged"
They authorized Chaplins for the military and the Congress.
They authorized the prnting of bibles at government expense repeatedly.
They held Sunday worship service IN THE HOUSE CHAMBERS.
Jefferson was, as president, also in charge of the DC schools for which he authorized two texts: Watt's Hymnal, and the BIBLE.
THESE are men who had the same opinion of Seperation as do the ACLU, the PAW, and AUSCS?
As far as the treaty goes, if you want to argue that this one line is a representation of their thinking over against all the masses of acts which they took which had the purpose of advancing the Christian religion, be my guest. But the position isn't tenable.
1. It is possible to honestly say that "the government is not in any sense based on Christianity" and not deny that it was a government constructed by men with a Christian worldview, populated by almost exclusivly Christians, and one which acted repeatedly in the intrest of the Christian religion.
2. It is possible, and in fact happens all the time, that when a treaty is signed, the party most anxious for peace agrees to "fuzzy" language which get's the treaty signed. Israel and the PLO are constantly signing treaties that both can be accused of not following or ever having had any intention of following.
If that Congress - and Adams - thought that this fledgling nation less than a decade old with no real warships in it's possesion needed to let the Deys of Tripoli and Algiers THINK they were not a Christian nation...especially with the promise of millions of dollars in "gifts" (read: tribute) already having been extorted, then any thinking man would not hesitate to allow this bit of weasel wording.
3. Since the common understanding of a government being founded on religion in the 18th century was a nation which had an official state religion (i.e. Mohanadism in Tripoli, Catholicism in Italy, or Anglicanism in England) it was, in THAT context, a perfectly valid statement.
Was the U.S. Government founded on Christianity?
Absolutely positivly NOT.
Were the framers of our system of Government Christians?
Almost to a man, YES.
Was their worldview and understanding of the world Christian?
Did they intend to found a government which involved itself not at all in religion and which was not influanced at all by Christianity?
How could anyone examine their official acts and conclude this to be so?
If one examines prime source historical documents from the charter granted to Columbus the the Constitutions of all the states you find over and over again expressions of a Christian purpose in their actions.
It is an inarguable historical fact that these things are so.
This does NOT make the government "founded on Christianity" but it does make the country a "Christian nation" in many, many ways.
The cultural assumptions of the vast majority of men who had any influance at all in the forming of the government or the operation of it for at least the first century were those of christians.
NOW, if you wish to argue that these were primitive men and we have moved beyond their quaint respect for Christianity into a more mature country which no longer ought dirty its hands with any trappings of religion, well, that is certainly a valid case to make. You can probably support that contention with whole "carloads" of evidence.
But to claim that the Foiunders were not on record in their own words both publicly and privately - with VERY few exceptions and only two prominent ones - as being proffesing Christians is simply an untenable position.
To reiterate one last time in summery:
You CANNOT demonstrate where I claimed on this board or any other that the U.S. Government is founded on christianity which you speriously claim I have.
I did and do claim that those who had a hand n founding our country were almost universaly Christians and only two prominent ones were openly hostile to the Bible (Allen and Paine) and only one prominent one to the Christian church (Jefferson).
Your poster with the cribbed list of quotes did and does claim the demonstrate hsotility towards Christianity (which they don't in most cases) that they are relevant (which 2/3 of them are not) and that they infer that they were seperationist (which is a fallicy for all the relevant quotes except Madison's)
Your claim of a public facade of Christianity and a private attitude of skepticism is discredited by repeated private expressions of faith including but not limited diary entries and the fact that none of the private quotes provided bear up under scrutiny as being authentic beyond question and in context for those men quoted who had any hand in framing the Constitution.
Now, since you have been crying for three days for me to come back and debate you rationaly, here's your chance:
1. Prove I SAID (not "implied" which is just a short way of saying "I read it into your words") that the U.S. Government was founded on the Christian religion.
2. Prove that your poster was not trying to use a similar tactic (though far more poorly executed) to prove that it was not (which according to your comments about me post is a falliacy).
3. Explain how people hostile to religion could provide me with, 200 or more years later, over 50 quotes obtainable in one evening of research which shows them to be highly enamored of it, both in public and in private (including even in their diaries).
4. Explain how these same people who wanted,according to the popular myth, no connection at all between Christianity and the government acted so often in the furtherance of Christianity.
5. Prove with credible scources that there was a dicotomy between any of these men's public and private professions. Those who disbelieved - Paine, Allen (neither important founders BTW), Franklin and Jefferson - were quite public with their disbelief. No evidence has been provided that any others were unbelivers either in public or in private.
6. Discredit any of my quotes either in terms of context or autenticity or dispute with sound reasoning that they endorse the Christian religion.
Here's your chance.
Impress us all.