Queeb Salaron wrote:GC wrote:Literal when the plain meaning of the text calls for it, figuritive when the context calls for it.
There are basic rules of hermanutics just as there are for logic.
For instance, in some places in Psalms it says "The mountains clapped their hands for joy" or some such.
Not one single Christian or Jew has ever passed a single moment in doubt wondering where these mountains with hands went to.
Paul said "beware of dogs" but he was not refering to canines.
Christ said a camel will go through the eye of a needle but it's obviously figurative language.
As the French say, "d'uh."
You're not saying anything that any other moderate Christian hasn't said. Different authors of parts in the bible wrote in different styles. Leviticus was written literally. Genesis was folklore that somehow became the "Word of God," and is obviously not, at least not if you take it in context of contemporary Christian belief. Numbers was written as fact. Revelation was written as fiction. The Gospels have aspects of both, what with the Beatitudes and Crucifixion on the one hand, and the Miracles on the other. This much is painfully obvious. Now let's move on to other points.
Ah, but there are valid considerations concerning where to make the distinctions.
Upon what herminutical principle is it valid to read a text in which Jesus sets himself down and makes a speech and rises up and preforms a miracle - al in a continus narrative - and the former is determined literal but the later is found symbolic?
I know of no form of textual criticism which can do this.
One MAY dismiss all of Genesis as folklore (though it becomes more troublesome if one starts decide some is and some isn't, but then one has to make some accounting for NT figures treating it as literal.
(Unless of course who dismisses the whole concept of insperation and studies it as one would study Tacitus - in which case you would just say of Paul or even Jesus "He was wrong")
But the heart of the matter is this: The entire Christian religion rests upon a supernatural event - the Ressurection of Christ.
Nothing about Christianity is valid if that did not, in fact happen. So if you dismiss all miracles as fiction, then you dismiss the whole book as far as religious value. OTOH, if you once accept the ressurection as a literal event, you are then freed up to understand other passages n light of the possibility that even though an event described is a supernatural one, it can still - possibly - be a literal account.
So, in that regard, it is not a foundational principle of hermanutics that just because something is "obviously" impossible it is not to be taken literaly. The Ressurection is "obviously impossible" but it either happened, or you are wasting your time studying the book in the first place.
You labor under an unbeliveably large misaprehension if you think ANY Christian who EVER LIVED takes every single word as literal.
First, take this out of the accusitory and put it in a more general form. You'll get in trouble on this board if you go around saying that "you labor under an unbelieveably large burden...." People here tend to take things like that the wrong way. But yes, you're right. ONE labors under such a burden if ONE assumes that all Christians take every single word as literal. But even of the parts that ARE literal, one would also be a damned fool to let such laws as those stated in Lev. 18 govern their daily life.
But then part of responsible textual criticism is the ability to find out that the ceremonial law in Leviticus was given for a particular time and place and not for general application throughout history.
Even some of Jesus' teachings fall short of practicality when one takes into account things like moral theft, a concept that puts into contradiction many of the NT teachings. Even where the bible is literal, it's not rock-solid. If anything, the NT restates common sense, and then attributes that common sense as God's Will. Which is pretentious to say the least, as my morality (for example) could be mistaken as Christian, but inwardly has nothing to do with God or Christianity.
It just goes to show that one ought not put to much stock in stereotypes.
Fine. But don't turn a blind eye to the origins of those stereotypes. The roots of Christianity are harsh and offensive. Today, some Christians assume that label, though in most cases wrongly so. The only Christians I don't like are of two groups: Those who try to impose Christianity upon me, and those who claim that Christianity has always been a shining pillar of virtue. The latter category is infinitely more despicable.
My two cents.
Well...I do agree with some of this but there's some that just doesn't fly.
It's not the ROOTS of Christianity that are harsh - unlesh you mean the treatment they RECEIVED was harsh.
The religion started with an act of ultimate love and much of what we know of the first 3 centuries of it's existance was noble.
Christianity's "harsh and offensive" history dates not to its roots, but rather to the unholy union of church and state. Within a generation or two of the practice of kings converting their entire population by royal decree, instead of the true Christian method of personal faith based decisions, the continent began to be filled with people who carried the NAME Christian - in a cultural sense - but were not involved at all in a relationship with God in a spiritual sense...thus, not really "Christians" at all.
While no single person or body of persons is perfect, and I and every Christian I know fails and does dumb things and embarasses our faith on a continual basis, you will find with a study of history that the VAST majority of atrocities commited in the name of Christ were commited in association with the official government sanction of Christianity. they were very often purely political actions upon which some pope or king invoked the name of Christ and duped a populace
purposly kept unfamiliar with the Scriptures into blindly acting as their godless leaders had told them to (Crusades are the obvious example here).
Many more were acts of the "church" itself in protection of its own curropupt power base (such as the Inquisiton) and still more done by misguided folks so indoctrinated in the mindset of the State Church that the can't reason "outside the box"...the ongoing strife in Ireland being an example.
So yes, absolutely the history of that which was/is CLAIMED to be Christianity is heinus (though much of it took place in a world filled with atrocity) but there is a huge difference in a claimed religion and a sincerly held one and if one takes a balanced view of the world, one must condem Inquisitions, Conquistadors, and Crusades - but one must also salute all the hospitals, orphanages, leper colonies and on and on which have done good in the name of Christ as well. And the one divideing factor over and over again is that the evil is almost always done under a state sanctioned church and the good is almost always done apart from it.
As to the imposition of Christianity upon you, I can only say that I apologize to you for the overzealous. We ARE commanded to share the Gospel. We HAVE to tell you if we are in obedience. but one should NEVER seek to force it. Forced religion inevitably leads to tragic results.
A Christian faith that is not chosen freely of ones own volition is not a Christian faith at all.
Most of those "imposers" are folks who are either very new and very excited and sincerly can't understand why everyone wouldn't WANT to be converted, or they were never matured in the faith and descend into legalism.
But, after all, Christianity isn't a haven for perfect folks, its a hospitial for fallen folks. And we are no more unlikely than any other demographic group to have our share of twits.