Feminimsm - when does it get out of hand?

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Raoul Duke, Jr.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Nova Andromeda wrote:
NapoleonGH wrote:Ohh get off it, she CHOOSES to get the abortion, if she gets emotionally distressed because of it, its her own damned fault and she bloody well should be paying for it out of her own pocket. If the man had any say in whether an aborition happens, then you MIGHT have a case. Otherwise you should cry me an even larger river.

And we arent talking about mental health, we are talking about emotional health. mental health, according to many definitions, only deals with mental problems with a definite physical cause, ie schizophrenia, alzheimers, bi-polar disorder. Not emotional distress.

Ohh So then as i said, if you say they should each only pay 50%, then once again you are screwing over a bunch of kids, one person is richer than the other, yet they pay the same amount, if you make the amount payed the maximum that can be afforded by the poorer parent, you then are giving the child a lower quality of life than should be provided. Basically if one parent has an income of 12,000 dollars a year the other is making 90k, and you say each should pay 4000 dollars a year to pay for the child, you have the child getting only 8000 dollars a year worth of being raised, that is NOT equivalent to the proper cost of providing the child with a decent standard of living.
--Yes, she chooses to get an abortion, but that is the least costly alternative and part of that cost is emotional distress. Furthermore, mental health is dependant on emotional well being. Depression severly inhibits a person's ability to be productive and in some cases it kills or didn't you know that? Perhaps you would like to ignore that fact instead?
How did we come to conclude that an inconvenient pregnancy automatically produces clinical depression?
-I don't understand why you think a parent shouldn't go into debt to either the other parent or to the gov. to pay for the cost of raising the child. Let me repeat it yet again. Raising a child costs X dollars. Each parent is responsible for .5X dollars. If one parent doesn't make that much then they should be forced into debt for it (either to the gov. or to the other parent if that parent can afford it). This is applicable for any child BTW. If the parent's can't afford it out of pocket they should be forced into debt to pay for child rearing basics (which can be objectively determined) since no child should be left out in the cold regardless of how they came into the world.
Okay, first thing I want to do here is ask a mod to split posts on this abortion subject to an appropriate thread. This "abortion" jack has turned into its own subject.

Second, if a man has consensual sex with a woman, he's responsible for the outcome (pardon the pun). There is one exception I want to make -- if a minor male has sex with an adult female, the minor male should not be held responsible. I'm making that statement on legal, not moral, grounds. A minor of either sex AFAIK is not considered to be of the age of consent -- thus, the sex should be legally considered non-consensual and the victim should not be held responsible for the outcome of that event.

In all other cases, however, an adult male and an adult female who have sex know the possible consequences of the act. The responsibility to take precautions against those consequences lies equally with both partners, and both partners should share equal responsibility in either a) raising the child, or b) the cost of terminating the pregnancy.

On the subject of whether a man should have a say in an abortion: I would like to say that he should, but I see too little benefit in granting that status to men to make it worthwhile. Suppose a woman wants to abort, and the man wants to raise the child. Suppose he's given full custody. How is he going to support himself and the child? I imagine he could try to do it the way a single mother would, but would that work, realistically? I can't see it as a workable option for single men -- I know I don't have what it takes to raise a child by myself, and I don't know too many guys who could.
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Post by Cthulhu-chan »

Now now, Raoul, you're letting the media fill your head fulla junk. Men are just as capable as women at being single parents. Men have (though rarely) gotten full or sole custody of thier children, and mothers do occasionally die in childbirth. Is it easy? Of course not, but it's not easy for anyone! You don't see it more often because it's been drilled into us that we can't do it, and any evidence to the contrary be damned!

Hell, some guys would be thrilled to have the chance to stay home and that care of their kids. Oh, but we can't have that, us menfolk can barely take care of ourselves, much less a house and kids! At least, that's what society and the media (and most women...) tell us. Why, I've been hearing stuff like that for as long as I can remember, so it must be true!

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Post by Eleas »

Darth Wong wrote:
Eleas wrote:
innerbrat wrote:Eleas, are you really saying that a man has the right to force a woman to have an abortion?
No more than you're saying that a broken condom is tantamount to eighteen years of paid child support.
In the case of a broken condom, to use my tort analogy from before, he was not negligent, therefore I suppose he would have an argument to evade responsibility. However, if I fathered a child, however inadvertently, I would not shirk my responsibility. It appears I am a minority in that respect.
Not at all, as I would do this too. However, up until yesterday, I couldn't logically rationalize my reasons for it (and so I considered the fact that I would do it anyway to be a personal preference born of emotions).

However, after a conversation with Pendragon I was compelled to change my views, as I realized I was confusing the concept of fathering a child with actually being a father.

In other words, my position has changed.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Cthulhu-chan, you're absolutely right that a man can be a competant single parent, but unfortunately they make rubbish pre-natal carers.
I see nothing wrong with a woman carrying a child and then letting the father raise it, but she still has to carry it and give birth to it, and that should be her own choice, not forced on her.

Personally, I think that the father should have a say, but no legal sway (in other words, it's the woman's choice, but she has a personal resposibility to make the 'right' choice). This is very naive, of course, but I can't justify forcing a woman to caryt a child she deosn't want.

Raoul - ever heard of Post Abortion Disorder? It may be a myth perpetrated by the prolifers, but I think it's probably a force of PTSD.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

beyond hope wrote: radical feminists use these supposed traits to justify the promulgation of all manner of laws restricting men in an effort to "equalize" things.
Provide examples. The only example I ever heard of was a case when a Danish politician proposed to make it possible for women to take drivers' licenses at an earlier age than men. Other than that, I can't remember such occurences.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

innerbrat wrote: Raoul - ever heard of Post Abortion Disorder? It may be a myth perpetrated by the prolifers, but I think it's probably a force of PTSD.
I've heard of that, yes, but that's not what I was questioning. I was questioning the leap of logic between unplanned pregnancy and clinical depression.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
innerbrat wrote: Raoul - ever heard of Post Abortion Disorder? It may be a myth perpetrated by the prolifers, but I think it's probably a force of PTSD.
I've heard of that, yes, but that's not what I was questioning. I was questioning the leap of logic between unplanned pregnancy and clinical depression.
Many women go through a period of regret, denial, and second-guessing after an abortion or miscarriage. Depending on the woman and the strength of her feelings, this can lead to clinical depression. However, I do not have exact facts on the rate of occurrance.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Okay, I was misinterpreting the statement being made (see my post, top of this page, first entry.) I thought the person I was responding to was trying to link pregnancy to clinical depression. He was linking post-abortion distress to it. That's my bad, sorry everyone.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Okay, I was misinterpreting the statement being made (see my post, top of this page, first entry.) I thought the person I was responding to was trying to link pregnancy to clinical depression. He was linking post-abortion distress to it. That's my bad, sorry everyone.
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:
beyond hope wrote: radical feminists use these supposed traits to justify the promulgation of all manner of laws restricting men in an effort to "equalize" things.
Provide examples. The only example I ever heard of was a case when a Danish politician proposed to make it possible for women to take drivers' licenses at an earlier age than men. Other than that, I can't remember such occurences.
Even that makes sense when you consider that females hit adolescence and maturity earlier. I'm with you, people talk about these radical feminists, but I've never met one, and I live in the fucking People's Republic of Kalifornia! Aside from a few kooks, I don't think they exist, and they're certainly not the threat to male freedom that the backlash makes them out to be.
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Ive met plenty of women who want equal rights and unequal privilages. Who think that women shouldnt have to be drafted but men should, that think women should be allowd to vote at an earlier age then men (this i consider bad as i see the existance of a voting age to be a horrid concept in and of itself, i would make voting dependant on a citizen's ability to pass some form of competency test, basically to see if the person can make informed reasonable decisions, i know plenty of 15 year olds with more sense than some 40 year olds)
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Post by Nova Andromeda »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
innerbrat wrote: Raoul - ever heard of Post Abortion Disorder? It may be a myth perpetrated by the prolifers, but I think it's probably a force of PTSD.
I've heard of that, yes, but that's not what I was questioning. I was questioning the leap of logic between unplanned pregnancy and clinical depression.
--I never made that leap. First I suggested abortion has an emotional cost for the woman and is directly related to depression. Then NapoleonGH said emotional distress and/or depression (mild) really isn't a cost to the woman and should not be factored into the equation. I countered that depression has been shown to have a real cost and in extreme cases can lead to death. However, even in the mild cases there is still a cost. Why do you think people go out and have fun and unwind instead of just working and working and working? One's personal emotional well being is highly valued by nearly all humans.
Nova Andromeda
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Nova -- you missed it, I already figured all that out. I thought you were talking about pregnancy---depression. I figured out later what you were really talking about. It's all cool. :D
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Post by Nova Andromeda »

NapoleonGH wrote: So then people shhould go into debt which they can never hope to even come close to repaying? How are you going to collect? we dont have debtors prison or indentured servitude. Inorder to go into debt, you have to have something to offer in case you default and cannot make your repayments, it is called "collateral" in my example the person has no collateral.
--Yes, they should go into debt. It is similar to a person damaging public property in that they have cost society X amount of money (since society will have to pay to raise the child if the parents cannot afford it). That debt should be dealt with in the normal fashion. The idea that you need collateral before you go into debt is idiotic. I know several people who did not have any real collateral and yet ran up huge credit card debt that could never be collected. I was also hit by and uninsured motorist who, while in debt to me, never repaid that debt.
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Post by Nova Andromeda »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Nova -- you missed it, I already figured all that out. I thought you were talking about pregnancy---depression. I figured out later what you were really talking about. It's all cool. :D
--Opps... :oops:
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Post by NapoleonGH »

ohh so then there aer no penalties for not paying the debt, so in effect the same thing of the richer person paying more money is what happens, its just a matter that you want to embarass the poorer one in the process
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

NapoleonGH wrote:ohh so then there aer no penalties for not paying the debt, so in effect the same thing of the richer person paying more money is what happens, its just a matter that you want to embarass the poorer one in the process
That statement is so badly written, I can hardly make sense of it. Can someone translate?
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Post by Nova Andromeda »

NapoleonGH wrote:ohh so then there aer no penalties for not paying the debt, so in effect the same thing of the richer person paying more money is what happens, its just a matter that you want to embarass the poorer one in the process
--Beautiful strawman, but I'm afraid that is all you have. With your solution the child runs the risk of either not being supported (in the case of two poor parents) and a rich parent can be finacially raped by the child. In my senario, the child is garanteed the funds necessary to be raised, each parent is responsible for their portion, and if the parent cannot afford it they are indebted to the gov. (or the other parent perhaps). That debt would be handled in the normal fashion. I don't see why you think this debt is somehow special. Not paying a debt carries stiff penalties.
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Post by beyond hope »

Simon and Arthur:

Start by reading Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin. Particularly illuminating is their view that the mere act of looking at pornography is equivalent to rape. Ironically Dworkin has soundly criticized the ACLU after they defended the right to publish pornography on First Amendment grounds. Witness the following definition of "heterosexuality" from The Houghton Mifflin Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History:
"Sexuality is not private, but is political and related to power. 'Compulsory heterosexuality' is part of a power structure benefiting heterosexual males at the expense of women and homosexuals. This inequity is justified by an ideology that sees heterosexuality as natural, universal and biologically necessary and homosexuality as the opposite. The system also is reinforced by legal sanctions and violence against women (rape, battering, incest, and murder) and against lesbians, gays, and transgendered persons (verbal harassment, physical assault and murder)."
Witness here on UCLA's website about the effects of workplace harassment laws vs. freedom of speech. Consider as well the Canadian Supreme Court's Butler decision, influenced by MacKinnon's writings, which essentially handed police the right to seize whatever they deemed "degrading and dehumanizing." Witness NOW under Patricia Ireland defending two killers (Andrea Yates and Scott Peterson) and retracting that support only in the face of intense public condemnation.

The point of all this, which I guess I could have better articulated with the first post, is that these people represent an extreme within the movement rather than the movement itself. They're a lunatic fringe, same as the Religious Reich on the conservative side of the fence. My point was just that when people talk about "feminism" being out of control, it's usually people like this that they're referring to (unless you're dealing with a real brain-dead misogynist dinosaur).
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

beyond hope wrote:Simon and Arthur:

Start by reading Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin. Particularly illuminating is their view that the mere act of looking at pornography is equivalent to rape.
I think it's well known that most feminists consider Catherine MacKinnon's views to be extreme. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many of MacKinnon's enemies are other feminists. :)
Witness here on UCLA's website about the effects of workplace harassment laws vs. freedom of speech. Consider as well the Canadian Supreme Court's Butler decision, influenced by MacKinnon's writings, which essentially handed police the right to seize whatever they deemed "degrading and dehumanizing."
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Nova Andromeda wrote: Not paying a debt carries stiff penalties.
Really DO you go to prison for it? No you do not (since the removal of Debtor's prison)

Can you just declare bankruptcy and default on your debts? Yes
Will the government protect you when this is the case? Yes
May you loose your belongings when they are collateral? If you have them

This means that if you really lack anything of value that you own, there is little to fear from any debt in the modern world since there is no debtors prison. I dont say this is any different from normal debt, im saying that there really isnt much incentive against going into debt.

A typical tactic among some of america's lower middle class is to go heavily into credit card debt, then declare bankruptcy and have their debts forgiven officially by the government.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

NapoleonGH wrote:
Nova Andromeda wrote: Not paying a debt carries stiff penalties.
Really DO you go to prison for it? No you do not (since the removal of Debtor's prison)
I can think of two ways to go to prison due to not paying debts right off the top of my head: credit fraud and tax evasion.
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Post by beyond hope »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:
beyond hope wrote:Simon and Arthur:

Start by reading Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin. Particularly illuminating is their view that the mere act of looking at pornography is equivalent to rape.
I think it's well known that most feminists consider Catherine MacKinnon's views to be extreme. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many of MacKinnon's enemies are other feminists. :)
That's my point: I'm not by any means trying to claim that all feminists are like MacKinnon and Dworkin. I'm just saying that when people talk about "out of control feminists" that's the sort they're most likely to be talking about.
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Post by InnerBrat »

beyond hope wrote:That's my point: I'm not by any means trying to claim that all feminists are like MacKinnon and Dworkin. I'm just saying that when people talk about "out of control feminists" that's the sort they're most likely to be talking about.
There was a thread in this forum a few months ago in which a rape victim was called a feminazi for being upset by a giant phallic effacy constructed outside her window..
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Post by beyond hope »

That's horrible.
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