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Post by Mark S »

Landing as deftly as any cat, Joe swept his sword out in warning to those around him. They backed away cautiously, none wanting to try their luck.

"<Look out!>" Joe shouted to Jack.

The Gangrel was practically standing over the fallen Assamite that had interrupted his own attack on the giant. Now the Caitiff could see the foe's knife glinting in the darkness, ready to strike from below.

Joe was in no position to help his companion though, three others were converging on him.

He rushed the attackers, closing the distance before they were ready. Taking them off guard, Joe plunged his sword into the heart of one, while at the same time sweepting his taloned fingers across the throat of another.

The remaining enemy struck at the Caitiff with claws of its own. Once, twice, three times he dodged, his sword still imbedded in the other's chest. On the fourth swing, Joe's pumping blood forced his blade through the body where it was lodged and into the arm of the persistant attacker.

The offending limb dropped to the ground and the vampire that had been attached to it lost its will to fight. Like a few of its fellows, it disappeared into the night.
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Post by Stormbringer »

The Assamite facing Alec lunged for him as Anna distracted him. The neonate moved fast, almost like lighting.

Alec's trigger finger moved faster. Three shots rang out, the young vampire's head and neck exploded as the pistol shots tore the undead flesh. Any one of the wounds would have killed a mortal; the merely wounded the vampire. He was down for the count though.

Alec saw Jack's predicament. He pointed his Desert Eagle at the giant and fired the remaining shots into the hulk's back. They barely caused him to twitch.

"Son of a BITCH!!!" Alec growled as he drew his sword. He readied himself, feeling the power of his Celerity flowing through him. Desperate he charged the giant.
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Post by Mark S »

The demonic vampire paused in mid-strike, its fist hovering inches above Jack’s waiting head. As it turned dully to regard this new attack, it maintained a vise-like grip on the Gangrel’s shoulder. With the tremendous strength channelled into that hold, the bones were surely crushed.

The giant looked over its massive frame at Alec’s charge and swept a powerful hand back in response.

Underneath Jack, the Assamite chose its target carefully and thrust his dagger upward.

Across the field, Joe was trading blows back and forth with the vampire who’s throat he had slashed. It appeared the thing still had some fight left in it yet.

Blocking one roundhouse punch to his face, Joe grabbed the arm and made a precision swipe with his sword. The Assamite ducked quickly and brought his knee up at the same time. With a swift change of motion the sword swung down to smack into that knee before it could meet with the Caitiff’s rib cage.

Not missing a beat, the enemy vampire brought its free hand down and trapped the blade. Joe immediately let go of his foe’s wrist and made a hard strike to the sternum. There was a crack but it had little effect.

The Assamite took hold of the sword’s blade and thrust it back at his opponent. The other vampire twisted his body out of the way and put another hand of his own on the weapon. The Assamite punch with its free hand, Joe blocked with his elbow, the sword rocked back and forth, and finally found itself horizontally between the two.

Joe gave way to his attacker’s thrust but added his own force to the motion. The weapon spun on the axis of the Assamite’s grip, bringing the hilt hammering up into its face. The vampire’s skull was instantly crushed in the fragile area between the eyes and nose.

The older vampire once again pulled himself and his blade free. With one anger fuelled swing, his enemy’s head was flying into the inky darkness.

Spinning around, Joe rushed to Anna’s side, hacking down a young undead foe and cleaning his blade on its body as he went.

“<How bad is it?>”

There was genuine concern in the ancient German words that took Anna somewhat aback. Joe had always kept himself at a distance, rarely even using their first names. She knew he didn’t trust other vampires, even hated them. Even hated himself for being one, she thought. Was he changing? Or was it even her his poor mind saw right now?
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

She blinked slowly at him. "<I'm not as quick as the young ones,>" she replied. "<Although I am quite tired of these Assamites. Yes, we are in their country, but we have done nothing to cause them this much ire.>" She pushed herself up using the sword. Her wounds were healing slowly, but they were healing.

Looking at Joe, she set her face into a a stern look. "<Let us end this now.>"
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Post by Mark S »

Confusion crossed the clanless vampire’s face for a moment. Assamites? Yes, now he was battling Assamites wasn’t he. This was Isreal.

“<Let’s ge...” There was a quick shake of the head. “Let’s get this done than.”

The two elders closed in on the final melee that was still raging. The woman went right, the man left. Each one was experienced enough in this type of combat to anticipate what the other was going to do. They both moved in and out and waited for the other as if chess pieces being played by some far greater hand.

As they moved in they took consideration of both Alec’s and Jack’s predicaments. The Gangrel had taken firm hold of his attacker’s arm and swung up to deliver a powerful double kick to the mid-section. It was a luck strike. Not because of any damage done to the hulking vampire but because it was performed at just the right time to avoid the knife thrust of the Assamite below him. As for Alec, he had reigned himself in at the last minute and missed being hammered with a swinging back hand by millmeters. Seeing the Assamite strike at Jack, he drew his gun left-handed and squeezed off his remaining rounds into its head. Now all that was left was the giant.

The momentum of Jack’s kick had thrown the enemy vampire off balance and it stumbled backwards for a few steps. Right back to where Anna was waiting.

Even injured, the woman was as deadly as ever. Sidestepping the stumbling brute, she brought a powerful chop down on its leg with her damascan blade. The weapon sliced through flesh and bone and came cleanly out the other side.

The beast toppled with Jack landing on its chest. In seconds, the other three were on it as well. Soon after, they were standing amidst the aftermath, looking at each other and what they had done.

Joe kneeled down by one of the giant’s heads. He prodded it slightly with the tip of his blade and than turned back to the others.

“I don’t know about you,” he said. “But I didn’t think the assassins normally did this to themselves. These look more like Sabbat thugs to me.” He looked to the others for confirmation.

“Those guys look like Assamites,” he continued, pointing to some of the other fallen. “But these two sure don’t to me. We probably have a mix here. Everybody’s out to get us. At least the way into the fights looks clear now.”
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Post by Mark S »

The crowd ignored them as they pushed their way into the cocktail of blood, sweat and tears. It was a motley crew, that was for sure. Low-lifes of all descriptions had converged here to try their luck or that of their beasts.

Scattered here and there, the group's supernatural senses could pick up the tell-tale signs of vampires. They were young though. Much like the ones outside. Though none were like the two brutes, thank goodness.

Most of the spectators hung together in loose-knit groups. Though the general hum of activity did its best to disguise this. They talked and laughed and shouted and smoked and drank, all trying to kill time before the next match.

Across the arena three men dressed in faded pin-striped suits quietly shared some joke amongst themselves. They were athletically built men, all three, and held a confidence that belayed there youthful features.

Close to the pit on the right side, a portly man sat at a folding table counting the latest bets.

((What do you want to do))
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec's eyes fastened on the man taking the bets. If anyone knew how to get a hold of their quarry it would be him. He was the bookie's agent, no doubt about it. He'd seen enough of them to know it.

"That's the guy we want." Alec pointed " We'll need to get the information out of him. Watch out for those guys in the suits. Ghouls I think, and protection."

Alec turned to Anna and smiled

"Feel like placing a bet?"
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

One corner of Anna's mouth curled up. She winked to let him know her intention. "Can we?" She grabbed his arm and acted excited. "You know how much I love watching. And if we can make money too...!"

Alec took it in stride. They'd done this scam many times before. Usually it was to feed, which from the way Anna was looking might end up being before the night would be over. He pulled out the wad of bills she had just slipped into his pocket. "How much do you want to bet tonight, honey?" He led her towards the bookie.

She tilted her head, thinking. Though she looked like a ditz, she actually was enhancing her hearing to listen around them. "How about two thousand? We made four times that much the last time. Maybe we can do it again?"

He chuckled, keeping his eye on everyone between them and the bookie. "Two thousand it is." They reached the table and he slapped the bills down. "We want to place this on the underdog."
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Post by Stravo »

"I'm not much of a gambler." Jack muttered to Joe as he adjusted his shoulder, the sound of a wet pop indicated his shattered shoulder was regenerating.
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Post by Mark S »

"Me either," Joe replied, turning to watch Alec and Anna's little game. He turned back to Jack with a shrug. "I'm a vampire. What do I need with material wealth? If I want something, I take it."

The two men hung back and scanned the masses as the others approached the booky. It was hard to focus on any one person in the milling crowd but there were notables, like the three men in suits, that could not be missed. There was also another.

In a darkened corner against the outer wall, away from the arena, a sensuously beautiful woman leaned casually. Her demure eyes followed Anna every step of the way. Her full lips smirked at the other's acting.

Jennifer Lazlo was dressed in functional travel clothes this night, as if waiting for one last piece of luggage before heading off. Physically, she appeared unarmed, which would be a very dangerous state for a woman in this place, but appearances were always deceiving. Especially for a woman like this.

At the betting table, the pudgy money handler didn't look up from his counting.

"Underdog, eh Big Spender?" He darted a glance at who was putting down the money before going back to counting. It was obvious he had 'perfected' his english by watching old movies. "That's ten to one. You a lucky one? I always like taking American money."

He took the money without waiting for a reply, counted it and handed them a claim ticket. The dog they had bet on was named Lilith.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

As they moved away from the table, Anna felt that familiar tingle of being watched. She didn't dare look around. That would be suspicious. Instead, she let Alec lead her to the ring. "I hate this," she whispered into his ear. "Those poor animals."

"I know," he replied patting her hand. "This shouldn't last long. Our friend should be appearing at any time." He scanned the other betters, looking for their prey.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Even through the haze of smoke and sweat, she could smell the sweet blood. Her hands tightened around Alec's arm. "So hungry," she whispered.

He leaned to whisper in her ear. "Soon, my love. I promise."
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Post by Mark S »

"My my, Anna. We DO have to stop meeting like this."

Lazlo's voice purred from behind the couple. It was almost obscene in its false familiarity. Like a society maven at a country club, her exterior friendliness was as shallow as her pocket book was deep.

"You and your friends aren't looking too good," she continued with a subtle smirk, sideling up to the rail beside Anna. "Did you have trouble on the way here?"

As infuriorating as it was to admit it, she was right. Even if he hadn't been wounded outside, one look at Alec and Anna could tell that he wasn't at one hundred percent. He was hiding it well, but his wounds of the other night weren't healing properly.

As if in agreement to the diagnosis, the man's face soured and he scratched at his chest.

"I wouldn't have thought this was a place you would frequent, " the Sabbat vampire continued casually. "Too brutal. I see you've made a wager though. Who was it? Me, I'm saving my money for other games and other rewards."

Behind the exchange, Joe stood at an easy distance, readying himself for whatever this new woman had in store. He watched as the three men in the pinstriped suits cut unassumingly through the crowd toward their location. She had backup of her own.

She was a smart one, the Caitiff thought and continued scanning the gathering for others.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Alec could feel Anna tense as Jennifer spoke. He'd met her once. That had been an interesting time. Anna had outbid the other woman on a very rare and very expensive artifact. Lazlo hadn't been happy.

Anna smiled at the women. "Well, Jennifer, we ran into a little trouble getting in here. Obviously your kin don't wish us to take their money." She showed her fangs to her advisary. Her hunger was strong and if pushed hard enough, she wouldn't mind taking out the Sabbat. "I'm sorry you don't have enough money to spend freely."
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec bristled at the Sabbat's words. He'd met her once, only in passing and she'd bothered him then. Now, it was a million times worse. Her false sincerity made his skin crawl.

"Anna, it's obviuus she's come down in the world. I doubt she wants to talk to us."

The burning question was why the Sabbat were bothering them. Clearly they didn't have the journal yet or this harpie wouldn't be bothering them. They didn't have time to waste on this petty banter.
Last edited by Stormbringer on 2003-05-26 09:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mark S »

“Indeed,” the woman replied, turning to face out into the packed dirt of the ring. “We shall see.”

She scanned the masses around the pit for the one person they were all looking for. The Brujah felt she held all the cards. She had made sure her opponent was softened up nicely outside. Any hostilities would be more than one sided.

Then she saw him. The Assamite Ahmed watched excitedly from across the expanse as the combatants were brought forward. A group of hangers-on surrounded him but paid special attention not to block his view.

Lazlo watched the dogs growl and circle each other before continuing. “There’s more to this now than just your Malkavian and whatever his relation to the scroll of Ad Avis might be, you know. I feel I should tell you, from one professional to another...” She paused, trying to find the right turn of phrase. “I’ve been told ‘The Wolf’ is now involved. I thought it only fair you should know something like that.”

If she was trying to give them reason to hesitate, that was the way to do it. The Wolf was not a vampire brought up lightly. Not even by his fellow Sabbat. It was a name that brought up connotation that were all to familiar these nights.

Common lore had it that the man, who now called himself only Lycanth, had spent a brutal life in the gladiatorial games of the Roman Colosseum. Catching the eye of a Lasombra elder, he had eventually been made a ghoul and continued his career with increasing savagery until finally drenching himself in an opponent’s blood and devouring the man’s heart for all to see.

When the night came that an unknown brought The Wolf through the veil of death, he truly came into his own. It is said that his wrath was not sated until his former Lasombra master had been burned under the harsh light of the sun and all of her allies had felt the sting of his bite. Many vampires of all clans met there final end in those nights.

Lycanth’s history continued as one of inhumanity and brutality. From barbarian war bands harassing Rome in its latter days, to Viking marauders, to Hell’s Angels, his name spelled death to kindred and kine alike. And through it all was his disturbing Gehenna worship and the ritual sacrifice of his minions.

Even more disturbing to vampires is the fact that he is know to traffic, more often than not, with lycanthropes.

True, he was known to be among those who participated in the Anarch Rebellion but common belief held that it was more for the love of carnage than for the Sabbat. The sects kept him in name only. He is not a man easily controlled. Not by anything less than Machiavellian cunning at any rate.

Some say that he believes himself to be some sort of vampire anti-Christ. Others tell of him merely searching for that person. Still others believe that he has seen the one who will bring the Final Night and is devoted to proving himself worthy. The fact that he would be interested in the hysteria now mounting around Eliot Stormcrow should come as no surprise.

It was another nail in an ever bristling coffin. A nail that was going to be especially sharp.

“Anyway,” Jennifer continued, a hint of fear in her eyes. “I just wanted to warn you. I’ll leave you kids to watch the fight. I can see who I was looking for over there.”

The woman flashed another smarmy grin and melted away into the crowd.

The Wolf. Lycanth. Joe felt his fists tightening.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna narrowed her eyes at the retreating woman. "She lies. She has to be. But we need to follow her. She's found Ahmed."

Alec nodded and searched the room himself. He saw him at the same time Anna caught sight of Jennifer approaching him. "Who do you want?"

"She is mine," she replied through gritted teeth. Before he could protest, she had already slipped into the crowd.
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Post by Stormbringer »

"Anna wait!" Alec cried but his voice was lost in the din.

Since Anna had taken off to settle some personal score he had no choice but to go after her. Lazlo was trying to goad Anna into something rash, something most likely fatal. And what Lazlo had said was true.....

"Shit, Joe snap out of it. We gotta grab Ahmed before Anna does something stupid"
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The dogs in the arena leapt to the attack. Each one locked viciously on to the other and begun their spinning dance. Jaws gnashed and heads shook but neither looked close to giving quarter.

Joe took a fast look around before cutting after Alec. "What the hell happened to Reece?" The man no longer seemed to be with them.

Catching up, he grabbed the Ventrue man by the shoulder and reigned him in with cautioning words. "You're not looking well DuMont. Even for a dead guy. Don't just rush off and get caught in the middle of something you're not prepared for. They aren't going to start at each other in a public area like this. Get to the Assamite before anyone else can and do something to get him out of here."

The fight relented for a moment and the animals began snarling and circling. A second later, one had moved in like lightning and flipped the other on its back. The downed fighter kicked at its opponent and spun, trying to get its feet under it once more.

Lazlo ignored her approaching adversary, fully intent on reaching Ahmed. Not to say that she was unaware. In fact, she had been manoeuvring to keep Anna in sight the entire time.

Joe looked around for Jack again and still found nothing. He did, however, see the Sabbat heavies changing course to keep in sight of their leader. He moved after Anna in hopes of preventing things from boiling over.

The fight continued on in bloody horror. The combatants had taken terrible punishment but still refused to give in. Both pulled and snapped at the other's flesh with gore-soaked fangs. The crowd cheered it all on with depraved excitement.
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Post by Stormbringer »

"Fuck you." Alec yelled as he shook Joe's cautionary hand off
"I'm not about to trust Anna to the good will of Sabbat thugs."

Alec continued to head directly for Anna, oblivious to the Sabbat goons.
Last edited by Stormbringer on 2003-05-27 05:27pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joe sighed and shook his head. "Ah crap."
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Post by Stravo »

"Sorry for the disappearing act, but things came up." Jack said to Joe as he seemed to appear out of the crowd.

"I take it Alec is about to get himself over his head and you and I are the only ones with cool heads at the moment?" Jack asked with a cold smile.

He did not look back. She was wacthing him, whoever she was, flowing red hair with emerald green eyes. She seemed shy, looking at Jack with furtive glances, a quick scan with his senses told him she was unarmed. But who was she, she was beautiful, there was no doubt.

Shame crept into the back of his mind as he saw his wife laughing as he did a dance for her in the bedroom, shaking his ass to the Beegees and making a general ass of himself.

Was he ever that carefree and happy? Memories sometimes could be so fucking ambiguous when seen through the eyes of the undying.

"What are we looking at fearless leader..." Jack opened his jacket up enough for Joe to see the veritable small armory concealed within. "Rock and roll? or do we try to talk this out?"
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“Leader?” He snorted and pointed a thumb to Anna. “She’s the brains. But I don’t think we want to go drawing any attention in this place. You take Bruck, DuMont and the other one. Try to keep everybody in one piece. Or at least our side anyway. Somebody has to make contact with this Ahmed guy so I guess that’s me now.”

The two men nodded and parted.

In moments Joe had circumvented the goons and was beside Ahmed, making his usual wise-ass jokes and becoming one of the boys.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna saw Jennifer drawing even closer to Ahmed. She couldn't let her get any closer. "Jen!" she called out. "There was something I forgot to ask you." A smirk crossed her lips as the other woman stopped in a huff.

"What?" Lazlo was not happy to be distracted.

The older vampire walked up with a smile. "I just wanted to know how this feels." She pulled back her hand and slapped the Sabbat across the face.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec winced as the slap landed. The Sabbat vampire looked stunned but no doubt she'd recover quickly.

"Shit!" Alec growled in frustration. Anna seemed determined to get herself killed over this vendetta. Already Lazlo was glaring at the older Ventrue, murder in her eyes.

Alec plunged through the crowd, shouldering aside spectators to try and reach Anna first.
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"Anna please!!" Jack interupted as he sprinted through a throng, many noting his animlaistic features and chalking it up to another rude Gangrel who belonged in the wild.

"You must forgive her, she's not herself today, woke up on the bad side of the coffin if you take my meaning." Jack interjected in a near breathless rush.
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