I read in an article in the paper recently that they rewrote the entire script after a bunch of Jewish groups "didn't want it to humanize Hitler"
After watching it last night it was clear they made up a bunch of shit for it that never really happened just so the Jews could be happy. (not that i have anything thing against jews, I just really hate there attitude towards stuff like this)
Overall, I didn't mind it watching it because it was interesting in parts but the crap and some of the dialogue they clearly made up stuck out really bad.
"The Cosmos is expanding every second everyday, but their minds are slowly shrinking as they close their eyes and pray." - MC Hawking "It's like a kids game. A morbid, blood-soaked Tetris game..." - Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)
Why the fuck shouldnt we portray real evil the way real evil works, rather than hiding it in bullshit so that when real evil appears again we wont be able to recognize it?
Festina Lente
My shoes are too tight and I've forgotten how to dance
NapoleonGH wrote:Why the fuck shouldnt we portray real evil the way real evil works, rather than hiding it in bullshit so that when real evil appears again we wont be able to recognize it?
NapoleonGH wrote:Why the fuck shouldnt we portray real evil the way real evil works, rather than hiding it in bullshit so that when real evil appears again we wont be able to recognize it?
And they had a perfect chance to do that, but instead they bowed down to pressure from Jewish groups, and rewrote the script. Typical PC bullshit.
"The Cosmos is expanding every second everyday, but their minds are slowly shrinking as they close their eyes and pray." - MC Hawking "It's like a kids game. A morbid, blood-soaked Tetris game..." - Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)
and in the end opened the way for the next hitler to come around and kill the jews a second time. Yay, GO political activism, it works wonders for forgetting the lessens of the past!
Festina Lente
My shoes are too tight and I've forgotten how to dance
Durran Korr wrote:Whoah, someone gave you the wrong definition of "revisionist." It is true that often revisionists, especially Holocaust revisionists, engage in what you claim here, but not always. Historical revisionism is exactly what it sounds like; reviewing previously-held views of history, not necessarily inventing facts and lying. Charles Beard, for example, who could be considered a revisionist in this vein, held that the Constitution of the U.S. was an economic document, but he didn't really invent facts or lie to do so. He simply reinterpreted history.
Furthermore, anytime someone suggests that the Gulf War, for example, was really fought for U.S. oil interests instead of containing Saddam Hussein, they're engaging in revisionism; they're revising the widely-held historical view of the Gulf War in favor of another one.
Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up. I always thought it meant that the history itself was being revised rather than the current viewpoint.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
Darth Wong wrote:Revisionism is not good or bad in and of itself. It depends on the motivation behind the revision; are we correcting earlier mistakes and/or propagandistic distortions, or are we adding them? In the case of Hitler, there has been a despicable worldwide campaign for more than 50 years to paint him as something other than what he was for propaganda purposes, hence revisionism is necessary.
I guess when you put it that way...I was referring to Holocause revisionists and such when I said Nazi revisionism was unnecessary...
BoTM / JL / MM / HAB / VRWC / Horseman
I'm studying for the CPA exam. Have a nice summer, and if you're down just sit back and realize that Joe is off somewhere, doing much worse than you are.
Hitler is portrayed as a genius or a madman depending on which propaganda group screams the loudest, but if you look at interviews about him with people who did know him personally you get the impression he wasn't either (well except towards the end when the injuries started affecting him mentally). He is usually discribed as a fairly lazy man. He could make a good speech, and spent hours with a movie camera to get the gestures and timing down just right. This doesn't make him a genius he just knew his audiance. He was a painter and a good one (I've seen some of his work it is quite good) but that failed him due to the fact realism(his style) wasn't in fasion when he tried to make a go of it. He was a vegitarian (I love pointing this out to people with vegitarism for world peace bumber stickers). But was he evil? Yes. Just not the comic bookish evil he gets portrayed as. He caused the deaths of millions and probably never saw any of his victoms. His evil is very impersonal, and thats what made it so successful. Noone ever saw him do anything that could clue them in, because they were looking for actions.
"Nobody ever inferred from the multiple infirmities of Windows that Bill Gates was infinitely benevolent, omniscient, and able to fix everything. " Argument against god's perfection.
Setesh wrote:Hitler is portrayed as a genius or a madman depending on which propaganda group screams the loudest, but if you look at interviews about him with people who did know him personally you get the impression he wasn't either (well except towards the end when the injuries started affecting him mentally). He is usually discribed as a fairly lazy man. He could make a good speech, and spent hours with a movie camera to get the gestures and timing down just right. This doesn't make him a genius he just knew his audiance. He was a painter and a good one (I've seen some of his work it is quite good) but that failed him due to the fact realism(his style) wasn't in fasion when he tried to make a go of it. He was a vegitarian (I love pointing this out to people with vegitarism for world peace bumber stickers). But was he evil? Yes. Just not the comic bookish evil he gets portrayed as. He caused the deaths of millions and probably never saw any of his victoms. His evil is very impersonal, and thats what made it so successful. Noone ever saw him do anything that could clue them in, because they were looking for actions.
You know what, this description fits a lot of politicians, especially the part about knowing how to maintain a good PR.
The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good bowel movement. The night carrier landing is one of the few opportunities in life where you get to experience all three at the same time. -Unknown